
Old shareholders warn new leeks: stock speculation is a heartbeat, don't come in if you have heart disease

author:Autumn maple view

I have been very confused, the market has fallen below 3,000 points, obviously the market is very bad, and there are many people around who say huge losses. However, so many stocks are rising every day, and they are closing the board by 20 points at every turn, and some have doubled in a few months.

In fact, is it really that miserable, how did those people lose, and where did they lose?

Old shareholders warn new leeks: stock speculation is a heartbeat, don't come in if you have heart disease

I have a friend who has been trading stocks for more than 30 years, and he used his personal experience to answer my questions.

He said that the majority of shareholders who lost money must be the vast majority. Although there are stocks that have doubled, they are only a handful of the more than 5,000.

As for the current market, you might as well take a look at pharmaceutical stocks first. He himself once bought a very good Zhifei Biology, the highest share price in 2021 exceeded 150, and there are only 28 left, fortunately, it has long been gone, if it has been obtained until now, it is estimated that only a pair of pants will remain.

Look at Moutai and other liquors, look at photovoltaics, as well as those micro-cap stocks and ST shares, many of which have fallen for more than a dozen consecutive days, and have no chance to run out.

Old shareholders warn new leeks: stock speculation is a heartbeat, don't come in if you have heart disease

Therefore, stock selection should still be based on the macroeconomic situation and policies, as well as the specific situation of the broader market. The ability to choose a double ticket is more likely to be a coincidence, similar to winning the lottery.

Now that the domestic economy is affected by real estate, it is already very poor, coupled with various repressions in some countries, it is about to run out of breath. Once the real estate completely collapses, the banks will not be able to run, and it will inevitably form a subprime debt crisis. For novices, the best choice at the moment is to settle down and have a good rest.

Where do retail investors lose their money?

First of all, various institutions and funds with a large amount of funds have a special team to operate and have strong strength. You can make up for T positions, and now there are many quantitative ones, cutting leeks every day, and there are margin trading, which can be short or long......

In the final analysis, stock trading is a heartbeat, and you should not touch it if you have heart function problems. Not to mention that the loss is a mess and unacceptable, even if you occasionally take shit luck, your heart can't stand it when you get excited.

Old shareholders warn new leeks: stock speculation is a heartbeat, don't come in if you have heart disease