
How dare Li Ao say the poisonous tongue? He commented on Sanmao, Jin Yong and Faye Wong like this, and the parties were so embarrassed that they couldn't answer the words, "She is the same as Xianglin's sister-in-law, which is annoying", and the poisonous tongue Li Ao saw Sanmao, and he actually did this

author:Straight beam Me

How dare Li Ao say the poisonous tongue? He commented on Sanmao, Jin Yong and Faye Wong like this, and the parties were so embarrassed that they couldn't answer

"She is the same as Xianglin's sister-in-law, which is annoying", the poisonous tongue Li Ao actually commented on the goddess after seeing Sanmao.

The first time Li Ao and Sanmao met, it was the bureau of Ping Xintao, the editor-in-chief of "Crown".

He thought that these two writers who were free in spirit must have something to talk about when they sat together. Unexpectedly, Li Ao's evaluation of Sanmao was so low.

Especially for Sanmao's emotional experience, Li Ao's mouth is too poisonous.

He said that Sanmao's love story is divided into "the white tiger star-style Kefu, the Baiyunxiang-style escape, the leukemia-style international route, and the boiled water-style flood feelings".

In Li Ao's opinion, Jose had passed away at that time, but Sanmao still didn't leave Jose in three sentences, she was still addicted to the past and couldn't extricate herself.

He also commented on Sanmao's appearance, it was clearly Kefu, and her Jose was overwhelmed, so he returned to the West with his life.

This can be described as very mean.

Li Ao also said that people who are thirty or forty years old do not have the maturity and wisdom of adults at all. Sanmao's age is no longer a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, and continuing to be sad will only make people laugh.

Since some people have left, they should let go of what they should have put down, and if anyone in this world leaves, the earth will not turn?

Also, Li Ao can't get used to Sanmao's stories in the Sahara Desert, whitewashing the peace and being too hypocritical.

He asked Sanmao, why did you go to the Sahara Desert?

Sanmao said pityingly: "I went to the African desert to help those black people in the yellow sand, they need my help. I'm a Christian, and I admire Schweitzer who went to Africa, so I went to Africa too. ”

Li Ao immediately confronted: There are so many hundreds of millions of compatriots in need of help in China, why don't you care about your own people, but care about black people? Giving up the near and seeking the distance, going to the kiss and distancing, this is a little wrong, right?

After Sanmao listened, he did not answer. I don't know if I bother to explain, or I don't know how to answer.

Li Ao gave a definition of Sanmao, called "Sanmao-style hypocrisy".

In fact, in Li Ao's eyes, everyone in the world is hypocritical and does not enter his eyes.

Li Ao didn't understand Sanmao's inner world, so he looked down on Sanmao's weakness, he thought it was hypocrisy.

In addition to Sanmao, Li Ao also looks down on one person, that is, the master Jin Yong.

He said that Sanmao's hypocrisy is nothing compared to Jin Yong.

Why did he say that?

There was such a conversation between the two men.

Li Ao said: Martial arts novels are "obscene", he can't read a word of Jin Yong's martial arts novels, even if Jin Yong makes a lot of money and many people like it, he looks down on it.

Jin Yong explained it very well, and also shared with Li Ao that he had recently been enlightening Buddhism.

Li Ao directly opened his face again, and said: You said that you are a devout Buddhist, how do you explain your property? ”

In Li Ao's eyes, Sanmao and Jin Yong are all hypocrites.

Li Ao's impression to the outside world is that there is one word "true", he laughs and scolds, and he is happy and hateful all his life, I don't know how many people he has offended because of one mouth.

He laughed at Faye Wong, the queen of heaven, who is uneducated and is simply a "foolish woman".

He commented on Zhang Lan's "sideways face", and also asserted that Wang Xiaofei and Da S's marriage was not optimistic, "Which star can stand the anger of her mother-in-law?" ”

He scolded more than 3,000 people in his life, from Clinton to Marx, from Sanmao to Jin Yong, from Faye Wong to Big S.

Li Ao scolds when he is unhappy, and satisfies his desires, such a wanton and wreckant life is really enviable.

He once said, "When I'm dead, you'll think I'm going crazy."

How dare Li Ao say the poisonous tongue? He commented on Sanmao, Jin Yong and Faye Wong like this, and the parties were so embarrassed that they couldn't answer the words, "She is the same as Xianglin's sister-in-law, which is annoying", and the poisonous tongue Li Ao saw Sanmao, and he actually did this
How dare Li Ao say the poisonous tongue? He commented on Sanmao, Jin Yong and Faye Wong like this, and the parties were so embarrassed that they couldn't answer the words, "She is the same as Xianglin's sister-in-law, which is annoying", and the poisonous tongue Li Ao saw Sanmao, and he actually did this
How dare Li Ao say the poisonous tongue? He commented on Sanmao, Jin Yong and Faye Wong like this, and the parties were so embarrassed that they couldn't answer the words, "She is the same as Xianglin's sister-in-law, which is annoying", and the poisonous tongue Li Ao saw Sanmao, and he actually did this

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