
It's so hard! At the age of 65, I picked the stool of my 89-year-old mother once every 3 days, and I have been picking it for 3 years

author:Sunflower of hard work

Narrator: Zhou Xiuying

When I talk about this topic, many people may say that I am not filial, but it is really too difficult! Sometimes I can't even eat! My 89-year-old mother has been lying in bed for 4 years with a cerebral hemorrhage, and I have been picking her stool for 3 years at 65, with an average of once every 3 days.

It's so hard! At the age of 65, I picked the stool of my 89-year-old mother once every 3 days, and I have been picking it for 3 years

Before my mother's cerebral hemorrhage, she was still brisk on her legs and feet, often took Mazha to the door for a walk, took care of herself, cooked by herself, washed her own clothes and bathed herself, and we didn't have to worry about anything.

She is a very strong person who does not want to trouble others, but she has been strong all her life, and when she is old, she has to lie in bed and be taken care of 24 hours a day, and at first she felt that her dignity was gone.

Especially in the matter of pooping, in the first year of lying down, although she was very uncomfortable, she still insisted on coming by herself, sometimes it took thirty or forty minutes to finish the poop, and then I gave her a kessel to relieve it, and she could do it by herself.

But since the second year of bedridden, her body has become weaker and weaker, and she has no strength at all, and we are afraid that she will have some other problems if she exerts too much force.

First of all, we try to relieve her in eating, such as bananas, yogurt, honey, and aloe vera capsules at home, and give her these things every day in turn, just because we are afraid that she will have less vegetables and no longer be able to defecate.

It's so hard! At the age of 65, I picked the stool of my 89-year-old mother once every 3 days, and I have been picking it for 3 years

But even if she could keep up with the food, she couldn't keep up, and every time she was sweating profusely, which was very painful, so I simply began to help my mother with my hands.

Don't dislike me, when my child was young, every time I ate, my child had to shout to go to the toilet, I had to take him, every time he finished pooping, I couldn't swallow it and go to eat again.

Now, it's my mother's turn, and even though I wear gloves every time, I have to go to the toilet and vomit for a while, or retch for a long time.

The old mother is a person with strong self-esteem, every 3 days to pick the stool, so that she feels particularly embarrassed, every time it is over, she has to cry and say to me: What do you want me to live so old, I have to torture you, it is better to let me go early, I am in pain, and you will suffer with it.

I am a very filial person, but I am particularly difficult to get over in this matter. But apart from this, I did my best to take care of my mother.

It's so hard! At the age of 65, I picked the stool of my 89-year-old mother once every 3 days, and I have been picking it for 3 years

Later, I learned to give her honey water every day, rub her belly after eating, increase her intestinal peristalsis, promote absorption, and this will also relieve it a little.

Some time ago, I went to the hospital to prescribe medicine, and while waiting, I heard some children also talking about their parents' constipation, and some have been using their hands to help their parents solve poop problems, but they are very calm, and they are not as big as I react, I am a little ashamed.

No one can escape birth, old age, sickness and death, especially if there is a serious illness, our parents are actually not willing to drag down their children, we do our best to provide them with a higher quality of life.

Do you think so?