
25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?

25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?


The inheritance of feudal concepts

In feudal society, men were given a central position in the family and society, and assumed the responsibility of passing on the family lineage. Women, on the other hand, are seen as subordinate to men, and their social status and role are limited. This concept has been strengthened over the course of history, forming a deep-rooted social structure. In this structure, men's rights and status are overemphasized, while women's value and contributions are ignored or undervalued. The inheritance of this concept is not only a constraint on the individual, but also an obstacle to the development of the whole society.

25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?

The impact of education level

The level of education in rural areas is relatively low, which directly affects people's understanding and acceptance of modern social concepts. The lack of education has led to information isolation and outdated concepts, which have led to a lack of awareness among many rural residents of the basic concept of gender equality, which is the basic concept of modern society. Inequality in education also exacerbates gender inequality, and women find it difficult to obtain equal social status and development opportunities with men due to the lack of educational opportunities.

25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?

The lag of economic development

Economic development in rural areas is lagging behind, and many families are facing economic pressures and livelihood problems. In this context, men, as the main labor force in the family, are given more economic responsibilities and expectations. This economic dependence further reinforces patriarchal attitudes and further marginalizes women's position in the family and society. Economic underdevelopment also limits women's access to education and participation in society, exacerbating gender inequality.

25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?

The influence of socio-cultural traditions

To a certain extent, socio-cultural traditions have also contributed to the idea of preference for sons. In some rural areas, men are seen as the glory and inheritance of the family, while women are seen as a burden to the family. This perception is deeply ingrained not only among the older generation, but even among some young people. The influence of social and cultural traditions perpetuates the concept of gender inequality, which hinders the popularization and acceptance of the concept of gender equality.

25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?

Advancement of educational reform

In order to change the preference for sons over daughters, it is particularly important to increase investment in education in rural areas. By raising the level of education and popularizing modern educational concepts, more people can realize the importance of equality between men and women. Educational reform can not only improve the social status of women, but also promote the progress and development of society as a whole.

25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?

Economic development and gender equality

Promoting economic development in rural areas and increasing family incomes are also important ways to change the concept of preference for sons. Through the development of modern agriculture, rural tourism and other industries, more economic benefits can be created for rural families and the dependence on male labor can be reduced. This will provide more opportunities for women to develop and promote gender equality.

25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?

Social propaganda and cultural guidance

Strengthen social publicity and cultural guidance, widely publicize the concept of equality between men and women through the media, the Internet, and other channels, and guide people to establish correct values and gender views. Cultural activities and voluntary services can enhance people's awareness of gender equality and sense of social responsibility, and promote social acceptance and respect for gender equality.

25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?


Despite the promotion of equality between men and women in modern society, the idea of preference for sons over women is still deeply entrenched in rural areas. The existence of such a concept not only restricts the development of women, but also hinders the overall progress of society. This situation can be gradually changed through measures such as educational reform, economic development and social awareness-raising. This process takes time and the concerted efforts of society as a whole, while also facing the challenge of entrenched traditional beliefs. When it comes to promoting gender equality, we need to respect cultural traditions and have the courage to break stereotypes and achieve real social progress.

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25 years of reflection, rural preference for sons, is it inherited or abandoned?