
New study: More than 80% of lung cancer deaths are not related to smoking? Is it wrong that smoking is harmful? Don't be misled

author:Dr. Ng of the Department of Respiratory Medicine

In the infinite world of pursuing a healthy and harmonious life, the close relationship between smoking and lung cancer is like a red line, which continues to tug at people's heartstrings and becomes the focus of heated discussions and attention. Recently, a so-called new study claimed that more than 80% of lung cancer deaths are not related to smoking. The throwing out of this viewpoint is like a bombshell, stirring up a thousand waves in people's hearts. Is the long-held notion that smoking is bad for your health? Don't worry, let's dive into it so as not to be misled by this seemingly astonishing conclusion.

New study: More than 80% of lung cancer deaths are not related to smoking? Is it wrong that smoking is harmful? Don't be misled

First, let's dissect the idea that more than 80% of lung cancer deaths are not related to smoking. This is tantamount to saying that in a severe flood, more than 80% of the houses collapsed not because of the impact of the flood, but because of other causes. But can we deny the devastating power of the flood from this? Apparently not. Similarly, the occurrence of lung cancer is the result of a combination of factors, like a complex symphony of multiple "musical instruments" played together.

Smoking, in this "lung cancer symphony", is undoubtedly the loudest and most piercing "violin". The nicotine, tar and other harmful substances released by it are like countless invisible "little devils" that drive straight down the respiratory tract, eroding the cells in the lungs and destroying the normal structure and function of the cells. Long-term smoking is like letting these "little devils" make a home in the lungs, and continue to multiply and do evil, which greatly increases the risk of lung cancer.

New study: More than 80% of lung cancer deaths are not related to smoking? Is it wrong that smoking is harmful? Don't be misled

So what's going on with the studies that claim that more than 80% of lung cancer deaths are not related to smoking? This may be due to limitations in the research methodology, or due to the overemphasis on other factors, while the relative neglect of smoking as a key factor. It's like seeing the splendor of the background in a painting, but ignoring the vividness of the subject.

Tell you a true story. Lao Chen is an "old smoking gun" with decades of smoking experience, and he smokes at least one pack of cigarettes a day. When family and friends advised him to quit smoking, he always disagreed, citing the so-called "new research" to excuse himself, saying that smoking does not necessarily cause lung cancer. However, fate did not favor him. Not long ago, Lao Chen was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. Lying on the hospital bed, he regretted that he had been misled by the wrong information and did not quit smoking in time.

New study: More than 80% of lung cancer deaths are not related to smoking? Is it wrong that smoking is harmful? Don't be misled

Let's talk about other causes of lung cancer, such as environmental pollution, genetic factors, occupational exposure, etc. Of course, these factors also play a role in the occurrence of lung cancer, but they are more like the "supporting instruments" in the symphony, although they also have sounds, but they are far less strong and critical than the "violin" of smoking.

Environmental pollution, like a "haze" in the air, can cause some damage to the lungs. However, compared with smoking, the degree and immediacy of its harm are still different. Genetic factors, on the other hand, are like hidden "time bombs" in the body, which can only be triggered under certain conditions. Occupational exposure, such as long-term exposure to harmful substances such as asbestos and radon, only increases the likelihood of lung cancer, but is not the dominant factor.

New study: More than 80% of lung cancer deaths are not related to smoking? Is it wrong that smoking is harmful? Don't be misled

In conclusion, we should not ignore the most important risk factor for lung cancer just because we see the diversity of causes of lung cancer. Just like in a war, the decisive role of the main direction of attack cannot be denied just because there are multiple battlefields and multiple tactics.

So, don't be fooled by one-sided, misleading research conclusions. The truth that "smoking is bad for your health", like the Big Dipper in the night sky, always points us in the right direction. For the health of ourselves and our families, let us stay away from tobacco, refuse to be confused by those misinformation "smoke bombs", protect our lungs of life, and let the melody of health play forever in our lives.

New study: More than 80% of lung cancer deaths are not related to smoking? Is it wrong that smoking is harmful? Don't be misled

Let's use science as a weapon and reason as a shield against misinformation that can jeopardize our notions of health. Remember, every puff of cigarette is an erosion of health, and every quitting is a life-saver. May we all make wise choices and embrace a better future on the road to health.