
The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

author:Senior science popularizer


In an interview with the media, Professor Hu Hao, the chief designer of the mainland in the field of lunar exploration and the chief designer of Chang'e-6, talked about a point that is unknown to the mainland in lunar exploration, Hu Hao said: "In fact, we found a lot of interesting things during Chang'e-4 and Chang'e-5, but we didn't have time to say it for various reasons."

However, when Chang'e-5 was recovering lunar samples, the data showed that the lunar samples collected by the Shenzhou-5 landing technology test ship could be described as the "terminator" of lunar surface samples, so the task of collecting lunar samples became more and more difficult to complete in the increasingly strict field of lunar exploration.

But Hu Hao revealed that Chang'e-6 has not yet announced the results of lunar exploration, is Chang'e-6 still doing sampling work?

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

The "secret" in Hu Hao's mouth.

During the recovery of Chang'e-4, the mainland has publicly revealed to the world some detection data on the front side of the moon, such as a total of 1.731 kilograms of lunar surface samples, and these samples also brought back some "collateral" in the collection process, such as some particles in outer space and cosmic dust, etc., which are called "cosmic dust" by professional scholars.

However, the mission of Chang'e-6 was to conduct a second sample of the moon on the basis of this time, but at that time, only some samples covered by lunar dust were collected, which was very depressing for Chang'e-6, because in the early work, the principle of "preparedness" was observed, and I did not expect that there would be problems in some of the most important tasks.

Therefore, mainland scientists are not satisfied with the sampling mission of Chang'e-6, and some scientists even think that the mission of Chang'e-6 is "slightly watery", that is, the "water" is too large, and the engineering team does not hesitate to make compromises and sacrifices in order to return Chang'e-6 safely to the earth.

However, Professor Hu Hao thinks that this mission is "slightly rough", and "slightly rough" of course does not mean that the technology of Chang'e-6 is not good, but Hu Hao has self-knowledge of the aerospace technology at that time, and believes that the mainland's rocket technology does have a lot of room for improvement, so there will be a lot of room for improvement in hardware equipment.

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

This is a matter of opinion for Hu Hao, because the technical level of education that can successfully complete the launch task is of course higher, but on the other hand, there are of course things that are very challenging in hardware technology.

Professor Hu Hao said in an interview: "In fact, we found a lot of interesting things during Chang'e-4 and Chang'e-5, but we didn't have time to say it for various reasons."

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

Therefore, Hu Hao did not say the reason for these "secrets" in an interview, and in an interview with this reporter at that time, Hu Hao also explained to the reporters in detail a detail of the orbital flight mode of Chang'e-6, which is how Chang'e-6 entered orbit when it reached the ground.

When interviewed by reporters at that time, Hu Hao's face couldn't help but show a look of pride, because this was also the first time that the "secret" of Chang'e-6 was publicly exposed in front of the media, and there were many other "secrets".

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

Details of the way the orbital flight is carried out.

Hu Hao said in an interview with reporters: "Chang'e-6 will first make an adjustment after arriving on the moon, and then unlock the thruster again for Chang'e-6 to make two orbit corrections in the process of entering the lunar orbit from Chang'e-6."

When Hu Hao described the two orbit corrections to the reporters, the actions were very vivid, and the reporters were also very emotional, Professor Hu Hao can show his love for his work in scientific research and convey this love to the next generation.

The old Professor Hu Hao is still sticking to the front line of scientific research, isn't it a rare thing?

Especially in the trend of national innovation advocated by the mainland, Professor Hu Hao's diligent work spirit needs to be learned by the majority of young people, when Professor Hu Hao finished telling the way Chang'e-6 entered the lunar orbit, the reporters also have a deeper understanding of this flight mode, in the space flight, even small details of the problem, can be decisive.

For the mainland's scientific researchers, having such a dedicated chief designer is not only admirable, but also a great blessing for the mainland's aerospace industry.

More in-depth detailed exploration can not only summarize the experience of subsequent exploration missions, but also provide reference for scientists in other countries.

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

Of course, the recognition of scientists in other countries is also very concerned about this, and the rise of China's aerospace industry will undoubtedly refresh the perception of other countries about us, and put their so-called "high" on specific project research, and over time they will be embarrassed to be arrogant in this regard without some results.

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

After telling the details of Chang'e-6's entry into the lunar orbit, Hu Hao said to reporters: "But we all came back from the front of the moon, and there is still a place for mainland scientists to continue to explore."

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

The purpose of exploring the far side of the Moon.

But when the reporters asked in a very vague tone, "Is there anything interesting about the far side of the moon?"

Hu Hao no longer continued to say tortuously, but said bluntly: "I can say that the lunar soil samples recovered by Chang'e-4 are different from those recovered by Chang'e-3, and there have been several failures in the process of maintaining the probe and transmitting it back to the earth, so mainland scientists have not stopped studying this, although some conclusions have been drawn, but I hope that there will be future generations to verify and confirm it."

Hu Hao's implicit statement of his discoveries in lunar exploration has made scientists more purposeful when studying the far side of the moon, and even directly has a very specific research direction.

It is precisely with Hu Hao's guidance that the mainland's aerospace science has attracted the attention of the world, but it is the aerospace people from all over the world who continue to pay attention to the mainland's aerospace development, and at the same time, they are also constantly striving to make new breakthroughs and promote aerospace exchanges and research between countries, so the development of the mainland's aerospace is more closely linked to the common development of other countries.

The importance of sampling on the far side of the moon has also become more important under Hu Hao's statement, and research in this field will also provide more valuable data for future exploration of space.

There are differences in the composition of samples from the far side of the Moon and samples from the surface, but what the difference in composition will occur on the far side of the Moon is worth further studying.

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

Hu Hao's dialectical attitude towards this statement, on the one hand, shows a rigorous academic attitude, because without sufficient samples, it is impossible to draw a conclusion on this conclusion;

On the other hand, this is also a respect for scientific research, Hu Hao hopes that the results of his discovery can be left to future generations to be precious, after all, in related fields of research, after all, it is better not to put all the eggs in one basket, or to conduct research in a scattered manner.

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon


Hu Hao's attitude and expression of scientific research have played a positive role in promoting the mainland's aerospace industry, and have also injected new vitality into the global aerospace industry.

Chang'e-6 can open a door to the universe for us, which can be said to be infinite for the future exploration of mankind, and it is believed that while the mainland's aerospace science continues to grow and develop, the mainland's space exploration will reach a higher level.

The words of Hu Hao, the chief designer of Chang'e-6, are too exciting! I just had to say that there was water on the back of the moon

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