
It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

author:Crazy snails

We all know that there are differences between people and people, there are high and low, fat and thin, there are differences in facial features, some like to eat fatty meat, some like to eat lean meat, it is because of the diversity that each person has formed a unique existence, with their own unique personality and charm

So there is a question, so what is the consistency of everyone? I guess it's just eating, sleeping, so when it comes to sleeping

Originally, I thought that everyone's sleeping posture was the same, but a survey found that everyone's sleeping posture was full of strange tricks

Check out this video and see if you're right


Of course, there is no fixed answer to the sleeping position, everyone is good according to their own situation, as long as they ensure that they have enough sleep quality the next day

Actually, the postures in these pictures are very niche, and the posture that the feet like to sleep with high feet is generally only available to people who sit and stand for a long time [laughs and cries]

I have seen a very peculiar sleeping position, most people want to sleep with the pillow on their head, and their head is facing the direction of the head of the bed, but the other kind of people are different, they don't sleep on the pillow, they like to sleep at the end of the bed, and sleep with their heads down [laughing and crying]

Mainly, people sleep in this way and the time to fall asleep is fast, and they also put an end to playing with mobile phones [covering their faces]

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

This kind of sleeping position is really rare, this leg is O-shaped, hands up, why does it look like a character from a movie, and there is another question, can you keep this position unchanged? [what]

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

It's amazing.,It's estimated that your sleeping position is suitable for when you're single.,If you get married, I guess you don't know how big your bed will be.,It's too arrogant to sleep [laughing and crying]

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

Yo! Do you have to change your feet after sleeping for a long time at night?,Why do you feel like you can't sleep in such a sleeping position.,I always feel like I'm thinking about something [laughing and crying]

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

Are you a child when your parents made you a habit? Don't you feel pain all over your body when you sleep like this? It's a bit too soft, and a lot of people are sleeping on palm mats now

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

Are you afraid that someone will steal your pelvic bones? Or does this make the pelvis smaller? So may I ask if you are straining or simply touching when you sleep like this?

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

Oh mom, it's a little scary, this is a test of the quality of the neck [covering your face], I guess your neck will click when you sleep!

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

I can't feel it at all, where are you comfortable sleeping like this, don't you feel uncomfortable in your joints? Do you have to change your feet halfway [laughs and cries]

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

You don't have a boyfriend, and if you sleep like this after you have a boyfriend, you probably have to lose a lot of hair, which is comfortable to sleep in, but it's scary when you get up in the morning

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

This is more normal, many people like this, but some people don't like to sleep with someone in their arms, because it's too hot, and they have to hold it all year round

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

Your sleep is so formal, it can be regarded as a more conventional mode, some can be kept like this for a night, and it is very comfortable to sleep with such a person, very worry-free

It turns out that everyone's sleeping position is different! After reading the sharing of netizens, I didn't expect it to be so abstract

Most of this appears in the computer work crowd, which can make the shoulders more comfortable, of course, there will be numbness and loss of consciousness when sleeping[covering face]

The above content is for entertainment only, do not be more real, reasonable interpretation, true and false