
Find the relatives of the martyrs and let the loyal souls return to their roots

author:Weihai News

Qingshan buries the bones of the faithful, looking for relatives to comfort the souls of the faithful. In recent days, the Weihai Veterans Affairs Bureau has actively contacted the Jinan Veterans Affairs Bureau to form a martyr family search group to find the relatives of the 18 unknown martyrs of Weihai origin who died in the Battle of Jinan, so that the "unknown martyrs" can find their names and "reunite" with their families.


A hundred years from now, I will guard my father

Find the relatives of the martyrs and let the loyal souls return to their roots

Staff of the Martyrs' Family Tracing Team: We found the burial place of the martyr Che Rentang, who is buried in our Licheng Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Jinan.

In Nanyaxi Village, Yaxi Town, Rongcheng City, the family search team met Che Wenping, the 82-year-old son of the martyr Che Rentang, and found the good news of his father's burial place, and he and his sister Che Wenxiu have been waiting for 77 years.

Find the relatives of the martyrs and let the loyal souls return to their roots

Che Wenxiu, daughter of the martyr Che Rentang: My father came home the first night in Jinan, we all fell asleep, and then he called us all up, hugged the two of us, and my mother cooked for him.

I have never been able to call my father in my life

In Shanxi Village, Yazi Town, Rushan City, Song Xiuguo, the 81-year-old son of martyr Song Wenxi, talked about his father to the family search team. Half a year after he was born, his father left home to join the army. His father died when he was 3 years old. From then on, where was my father buried? Can you wait for news from your father in your lifetime...... Song Xiuguo has thought about these questions all his life.

Find the relatives of the martyrs and let the loyal souls return to their roots

Song Xiuguo, son of the martyr Song Wenxi: I got a clothed mound for my father, there is nothing in that mound of clothes, and I will be gone in the future, and future generations will know where his grandfather and grandmother are buried. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you government, how many years have I been looking for ...

The night before the arrival of the family search team, he repeatedly looked at his father's "martyr's certificate" and did not close his eyes for a night of excitement.

Find the relatives of the martyrs and let the loyal souls return to their roots

Song Xiuguo: Go to pay tribute to him, grab some soil and come to my house to bury it with my mother. Tell him that the children and grandchildren in the family are all fine, in the spirit of heaven, don't worry about future generations. When this wish is fulfilled and implemented, we will be satisfied and happy.

Say yes and go home soon, how you talk doesn't count

Born in 1930 in Zoujiadi Village, Zhangjiachan Town, Wendeng District, Tian Mingxi martyr was only 18 years old when he died in the Battle of Jinan. After several setbacks in the village, the family search team finally found his nephew Tian Shijun, and learned from him that the martyr also had a 90-year-old sister alive.

Find the relatives of the martyrs and let the loyal souls return to their roots

Telephone scene: I found my uncle's remains, I did DNA, and I also know that his name is Tian Mingxi.

Tian Mingxi's younger sister Tian Mingshu was 12 years old when she joined the army, and she clearly remembers that her brother sent a letter from the battlefield a month after he left home, telling his family that he had made a third-class meritorious service, and he was never heard from again.

Find the relatives of the martyrs and let the loyal souls return to their roots

Tian Mingxi's martyr's sister Tian Mingshu: My brother and my friends played with each other and beat stones, and as soon as I followed him, he would push back, he was protecting me, afraid that I would be hurt. He was the father's youngest son and one of his favorite sons. Thinking of him, he couldn't come back, tears flowed, and his eyes were blind. Because I didn't tell me much when I was young, he held back.

Three years later, my father died of a longing illness. When he was lying on the hospital bed before leaving, all he was talking about was this little son. With his father's last wish, Tian Mingshu has never stopped looking for his brother. In her lifetime, she finally waited for her brother to "come home".

In the end, 16 of the 18 Weihai martyrs successfully found their relatives. Veterans affairs departments at all levels in Weihai City will arrange staff to accompany the relatives of the martyrs to the burial place for the funeral service, and handle the procedures for the sacrifice and sweeping throughout the process, so that more martyrs can find their way home as soon as possible.

Find the relatives of the martyrs and let the loyal souls return to their roots

Song Lei, member of the party group of Weihai Veterans Affairs Bureau and director of Weihai Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery Management Service Center: Carrying out the work of finding relatives of martyrs is to praise the deeds of martyrs and miss the mass work of relatives.

Producer丨Ju Yan

Reporter丨Wang Han Yang Jing

Editor-in-Charge | Liu Yun