
The perverted emperor, even if the queen died, opened the coffin and loved the queen for the last time

author:Codename Rusty Watermelon

In the long river of history, the emperor will be like a star, and each one will shine with a unique light. However, some stars are chilling because of their dazzling brilliance. During the period of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, there was such an incredible ruler in the Later Yan Kingdom. What he did, even today, is enough to embarrass people. This emperor is not only suave, but also exerts his desires to the extreme. He married the minister's two daughters, but on impulse he killed the queen mother who supported him to the throne. However, none of these are the most alarming. When his beloved queen died, he did something that made the world jaw-dropping. Who is this emperor? Why did he make such an appalling move? What's the story behind this?

1. Murong Xi's path to the throne

In 396 A.D., Longcheng, the capital of the Later Yan Kingdom, was shrouded in a gloomy mist. Emperor Huichou Murong Bao died, and the young emperor, who was only 22 years old, died after only two years of reign. The court was thrown into chaos, and the ministers were arguing over the choice of a new heir.

At this stormy moment, a prince named Murong Yuan became the first choice in the minds of the ministers. Murong Yuan was the cousin of Emperor Huichou, who was in the prime of life and had considerable prestige in the court. Many ministers believe that only he can carry the crumbling country.

However, things did not go as the ministers wanted. Just when everyone thought that Murong Yuan was about to ascend the throne, an unexpected figure was born and completely changed the direction of the situation.

This person is the Empress Dowager Ding. As the empress of the first emperor, Empress Dowager Ding has a supreme position in the palace. She suddenly overrode public opinion and strongly recommended a little-known prince - Murong Xi.

Who is Murong Xi? Why does Empress Dowager Ding value him so much? What's the secret here?

It turned out that Murong Xi was the cousin of Emperor Huichou, and he was known for his suave and suave at a young age. He had a close relationship with the Empress Dowager Ding, and often went in and out of the harem to accompany the Empress Dowager to relieve boredom. Rumor has it that the relationship between the two goes far beyond the boundaries of etiquette.

Empress Dowager Ding's move immediately caused an uproar in the court. The ministers who supported Murong Yuan expressed their opposition one after another, believing that Murong Xi was young and ignorant, and it was difficult for him to take on a big job. However, Empress Dowager Ding was unmoved and insisted on making Murong Xi emperor.

In this power struggle, Empress Dowager Ding showed amazing skills. She first co-opted a group of confidant ministers, and then used her influence to gradually disintegrate the forces that supported Murong Yuan. In the end, under the operation of Empress Dowager Ding, the ministers of the court and China had to accept her decision.

In this way, Murong Xi was put on the throne and became the new emperor of Houyan. Murong Yuan was deposed and lost his qualification to compete for the throne.

After ascending the throne, Murong Xi did not live up to Empress Dowager Ding's expectations. He soon showed his talent and made great achievements in court politics. However, he also showed his uninhibited side.

Soon after Murong Xi ascended the throne, he fell in love with the two daughters of the minister Murong Nong - Fu Huan'e and Fu Xunying. The sisters are not only beautiful, but also talented. Murong Xi fell in love at first sight, and immediately included them in the harem and canonized them as queens and concubines respectively.

This move caused an uproar in the DPRK and China. Some people admired the emperor's unique vision, and some people secretly discussed that this practice violated the law of etiquette. However, no one dared to openly oppose the emperor's decision.

Just when everyone thought that Murong Xi would settle down, an even bigger turmoil was brewing. Empress Dowager Ding's attitude towards Murong Xi has changed subtly because of Murong Xi's move. She began to interfere in court politics, and even deliberately deposed Murong Xi and set up a new monarch.

When the news reached Murong Xi's ears, he immediately panicked. The benefactor who once supported him to ascend the throne is now pushing him down the abyss. Under the dual threat of power and survival, Murong Xi made a shocking decision.

The perverted emperor, even if the queen died, opened the coffin and loved the queen for the last time

On a stormy night, Murong Xi sent someone to secretly kill Empress Dowager Ding. The queen mother, who once called for wind and rain, disappeared quietly in the long river of history.

From then on, Murong Xi completely grasped the power. He began to show his desires unscrupulously and lived a lustful life in the harem. However, he didn't know that something even more shocking was yet to come...

2. The suave life of the emperor

After ascending to the throne, Murong Xi completely released his nature. He no longer hides his suave side, and he sways infinite enthusiasm in the harem. The young emperor seemed to have an insatiable thirst for power and beauty, and his actions soon attracted widespread attention from both the government and the opposition.

Murong Xi's most eye-catching move was to marry the two daughters of the minister Murong Nong as concubines. The sisters, named Fu Xiao'e and Fu Xunying, are not only beautiful, but also talented. In the Houyan court at that time, they could be described as shining pearls.

When Murong Xi first met the two sisters, it was at a palace banquet. Fu Liang'e is dignified and generous, and her manners are elegant; Fu Xunying is lively and cute, and her thinking is quick. The two of them are literate and martial, each with its own merits. Murong Xi was immediately impressed by their charm and decided to include them in the harem.

This decision caused quite a stir in the DPRK and China. Some people admired the emperor's unique vision, and some people secretly discussed that this practice violated the law of etiquette. After all, marrying a sister as a concubine at the same time was not common in the society of the time. However, no one dared to openly oppose the emperor's decision.

Murong Xi soon canonized Fu Liang'e as the queen and Fu Xunying as the concubine. The status of the two sisters in the harem rose and became Murong Xi's favorite concubine. They often chanted poems together, talked about the past and the present, and the palace was full of laughter.

However, Murong Xi's behavior caused Empress Dowager Ding's dissatisfaction. As the empress of the first emperor, Empress Dowager Ding has always had a supreme position in the palace. She originally thought that after supporting Murong Xi to ascend the throne, she would still be able to control the government. But Murong Xi's various behaviors made her feel that her status was threatened.

Empress Dowager Ding began to frequently intervene in court politics in an attempt to limit Murong Xi's power. She openly criticized Murong Xi's decision-making at court meetings many times, and even secretly contacted ministers with the intention of deposing Murong Xi and setting up a new monarch.

The power struggle quickly turned into a life-and-death contest. Murong Xi realized that if he did not take action, he would most likely lose his hard-won throne. On a stormy night, he made a shocking decision.

Murong Xi sent his henchmen to secretly infiltrate Empress Dowager Ding's bedroom. That night, there was a commotion in the palace, but calm soon returned. The next morning, the palace people found that Empress Dowager Ding had died mysteriously.

The sudden death of Empress Dowager Ding caused an uproar in the court. Although some people suspected that there was something strange in it, under Murong Xi's suppression, no one dared to question it openly. In this way, Empress Dowager Ding, who once called for wind and rain, quietly disappeared into the long river of history.

From then on, Murong Xi completely grasped the power. He began to show his desires unscrupulously and lived a lustful life in the harem. Every day, he would gather the harem concubines to hold a banquet, drink and have fun, and indulge in sensuality.

Murong Xi also likes to watch singing and dancing performances. He often summoned the best dancers in the palace and danced in the moonlight. Sometimes, he would even go down and dance with the concubines himself. This kind of extravagant life made many ministers secretly shake their heads.

However, Murong Xi doesn't seem to be in the opinion of the unexpected world. He is immersed in his own world and enjoys the pleasure of supreme power. In his opinion, this kind of life is what an emperor should have.

However, history is always full of irony. Just when Murong Xi thought that he had reached the peak of his life, fate played a cruel joke on him. His most beloved queen, Fu Xunying, suddenly fell seriously ill.

Despite summoning the best doctors in the country and using the most precious medicinal herbs, Fu Xunying's condition deteriorated. Murong Xi stood guard in front of the queen's sickbed day and night, but he couldn't do anything.

The perverted emperor, even if the queen died, opened the coffin and loved the queen for the last time

In the end, the young and beautiful Fu Xunying passed away. Her departure brought a huge blow to Murong Xi. However, no one could have imagined that what happened next would shock the entire Houyan Imperial Court...

3. Shocking the behavior of the government and the opposition

In the fourth year of Houyan Jianxing, a sudden epidemic swept through Longcheng, and Queen Fu Xunying unfortunately contracted the disease. This young, beautiful and talented queen, after months of struggle, has not escaped the clutches of death. Her death cast a shadow on the entire Houyan court, especially for Murong Xi, which was a huge blow.

Fu Xunying's funeral was held in accordance with the highest royal standard. The entire Dragon City was plunged into mourning, the streets were lined with white curtains, and the people dressed in plain clothes saw off the beloved queen. The funeral procession stretched for miles, and the grandeur of the scene was breathtaking.

However, just when everyone thought that the funeral would go according to plan, an unbelievable thing happened. When the coffin was about to be buried, Murong Xi suddenly ordered the ceremony to be stopped. The ministers present looked at each other, not understanding why the emperor would make such a decision at this time.

What happened next made everyone present even more stunned. Murong Xi ordered someone to open the queen's coffin, and then walked to the already cold body in full view of everyone. The ministers watched in horror, but no one dared to say anything to stop them.

Murong Xi leaned over Fu Xunying's body and made an incredible move. He actually had a relationship with the deceased queen in full view of everyone. This scene stunned everyone present. Some ministers vomited on their knees on the spot, while others turned away and couldn't bear to look at them directly.

This behavior was absolutely taboo in the society of the time. It is not only contrary to ethics and morality, but also a great disrespect to the deceased. However, Murong Xi didn't seem to care about any of this. His actions are motivated entirely by a sense of extreme sadness and attachment to his departed beloved, but the way he expresses it is chilling.

When Murong Xi finally got up from the coffin, the entire funeral scene fell into a dead silence. No one dared to speak, and even the sound of breathing became unusually faint. Murong Xi looked around and ordered the funeral to continue with an expressionless face.

This matter quickly spread throughout Dragon City. The people talked a lot, some were shocked and disgusted by the emperor's behavior, and some were moved by the emperor's deep affection. However, no matter which view it was, this matter caused an uproar in the Houyan court.

The ministers of the court and China began to doubt Murong Xi's ability to rule. They think that how can an emperor who does not even abide by the basic rules of etiquette govern the country well? Some loyal ministers even began to consider whether they should advise the emperor or take more radical measures.

However, Murong Xi didn't seem to care about these rumors. He continued to live a life of luxury. Soon after the empress's funeral, he began to summon other concubines frequently, as if to fill the emptiness in his heart.

However, Murong Xi's behavior was not recognized by the other concubines in the palace. Many of the concubines, frightened by what the emperor had done at the empress's funeral, began to deliberately distance themselves from him. Even Murong Xi's favor couldn't eliminate the mustard in their hearts.

After this situation lasted for a while, Murong Xi seemed to realize that his behavior was inappropriate. He began to attend court meetings less often and spent more time in the harem. Legend has it that the emperor often sat alone in the imperial garden in a daze, sometimes even sleepless all night, just quietly gazing at the night sky.

However, just when everyone thought that Murong Xi would stop there, he made another shocking decision. He ordered the construction of a huge statue in the palace, which was in the image of the late Empress Fu Xunying.

The statue is several feet tall and is carved from the finest white jade. The statue is lifelike, perfectly restoring Fu Xunying's appearance before his death. Murong Xi ordered the statue to be placed in the center of the imperial garden, and he would linger in front of the statue for a long time every day.

This move once again caused discontent among the courtiers. They believed that the emperor was indulged in the longing for the deceased and could no longer handle the government normally. However, no one dared to raise an objection directly to Murong Xi.

In this way, the Houyan court fell into an eerie calm. On the surface, it's business as usual, but everyone can feel the undercurrents. People are beginning to speculate about how long this situation can last. Where will Murong Xi's rule go?

The perverted emperor, even if the queen died, opened the coffin and loved the queen for the last time

Fourth, the reign of immorality

Murong Xi's astonishing act at Empress Fu Xunying's funeral, and the subsequent construction of a huge statue, undoubtedly cast a shadow on the Later Yan court. However, this was only the beginning of his extravagant rule. In the days that followed, Murong Xi's behavior became more and more out of line, forcing the government and the opposition to re-examine the young emperor's ability to rule.

In the spring of the fifth year of Jianxing, Murong Xi suddenly announced that he would build a huge artificial lake in the palace. The decision came without warning, and the ministers were puzzled. At that time, it was the spring plowing season, and the national treasury was already stretched, and such a large project would undoubtedly bring a huge economic burden to the country. However, Murong Xi ignored this and insisted on completing the project in the shortest possible time.

After the project began, Murong Xi personally inspected the construction site almost every day. He ordered the workers to work day and night, even to the point of using the army to assist in the excavation. In just three months, an artificial lake covering hundreds of acres appeared in the palace.

After the lake was filled, Murong Xi ordered the construction of a water palace in the lake. The palace was made up of dozens of large ships connected by a splendid pavilion on top. Murong Xi named this water palace "Ripple Pavilion" and often held banquets here.

Every night, the Ripple Pavilion is lit up and the sound of singing and dancing is endless. Murong Xi would invite the ministers of the court and the harem concubines to the banquet together. At these banquets, the wine pool meat forest, drunk gold fans. Murong Xi often got drunk and did some ridiculous acts. At one point, he even ordered all the people attending the banquet to strip naked and jump into the lake to frolic in the lake.

This absurd lifestyle soon aroused popular discontent. The people began to complain that the emperor only knew pleasures and did not care about state affairs. Some local officials even privately began to discuss whether the emperor should be replaced.

However, Murong Xi didn't seem to care about these rumors. He continued to immerse himself in his world of pleasure, even worse. In the summer of the sixth year of Jianxing, he had a whim to raise a group of lions and tigers in the palace.

As soon as this idea came out, it was immediately met with strong opposition from the ministers. They believe that this will not only consume a lot of resources, but also bring huge security risks to the palace. However, Murong Xi once again ignored these advices. He sent people to the Western Regions, spent a huge amount of money to buy dozens of fierce beasts, and built a special animal park in the palace to raise them.

Murong Xi showed great interest in these beasts. He often went to the zoo to watch the keepers feed the beasts, and sometimes even asked the keepers to release the beasts and let them run freely in the zoo. This kind of behavior undoubtedly increased the danger in the palace, but Murong Xi was happy to do it.

Not only that, Murong Xi also began to hold animal fighting performances in the palace. He would invite his ministers to watch the beasts fight, and sometimes even have criminals fight with beasts. This cruel behavior caused dissatisfaction among many people, but under Murong Xi's obscenity, no one dared to openly oppose it.

In the winter of the seventh year of Jianxing, an even more absurd thing happened. Murong Xi suddenly announced that he was going to hold a large hunting event in the palace. He ordered people to release all the beasts in the beastyard, and then led a group of palace maids and eunuchs to "hunt" in the palace.

This "hunt" lasted three whole days. During this time, chaos reigned throughout the palace, with the roars of beasts and the screams of people heard everywhere. In the end, dozens of palace maids and eunuchs were injured by the beasts, and some of them even died. However, Murong Xi had no remorse for this, and instead thought it was a wonderful entertainment.

The news soon spread among the people. The people were shocked and outraged by the emperor's actions. Small-scale protests began to appear in some places, demanding that the emperor change his behavior. However, Murong Xi turned a deaf ear to this and continued to immerse himself in his world of pleasure.

Just when everyone thought things couldn't be worse, an even more shocking news came. Murong Xi actually ordered the construction of a huge pyramid in the palace...

5. Tragic end

Murong Xi's extravagance eventually led to inevitable consequences. In the spring of the eighth year of Jianxing, a sudden rebellion completely changed the fate of Hou Yan and drew a tragic end to Murong Xi's rule.

The trigger for this rebellion was Murong Xi's absurd decision to order the construction of a pyramid in the palace. When the news broke, popular discontent finally reached a flashpoint. The people of Dragon City spontaneously organized themselves and held a large-scale demonstration in the city. They shouted the slogan "Depose the Dusk King" and demanded that Murong Xi abdicate.

The perverted emperor, even if the queen died, opened the coffin and loved the queen for the last time

Faced with such a situation, Murong Xi still went his own way. Not only did he refuse to see any ministers, but he also ordered the army to suppress the demonstrators. The decision infuriated the population, and what was originally a peaceful demonstration quickly turned violent.

Just when the situation was on the verge of breaking out, an unexpected figure stepped forward. This person is Murong Xi's cousin, Murong De. As a member of the royal family, Murong De has always been loved by the people. He publicly condemned Murong Xi's tyranny and called on the army to side with the people.

Murong De's statement undoubtedly gave the rebels great encouragement. More and more armies began to defect and join the rebellion. Seeing that the situation was not good, Murong Xi hastily fled into his last refuge, the Ripple Pavilion in the middle of the huge artificial lake.

However, this lavish water palace did not become a haven for Murong Xi. The rebels soon surrounded the entire lake and began to attack Ripple Pavilion. Murong Xi's cronies abandoned him one after another, leaving only a few loyal eunuchs to accompany him.

At this critical moment, Murong Xi made an unexpected decision. He ordered the eunuchs to tie themselves to the back of a lion, then opened the cage and let the lion rush out of the Ripple Pavilion. The former emperor apparently wanted to break through, but the plan was doomed from the start.

As soon as the lion rushed out of the Ripple Pavilion, he was shot by a rain of arrows from the rebels. The frightened beast struggled in pain, and finally fell into the lake with Murong Xi. When the rebels fished Murong Xi out of the water, the once invincible emperor was already dying.

Murong Xi was escorted to the square in the center of Dragon City. There, thousands of people gathered to see for themselves what happened to the tyrant. Murong De personally read out the results of the trial against Murong Xi: deprived of the throne and imprisoned forever.

However, the population was not satisfied with this result. They shouted that they would execute Murong Xi as an example. In the face of the angry people, Murong De finally made a difficult decision: to put Murong Xi to death.

In this way, under the watchful eye, the former emperor was tied to a stake. The executioner, armed with a sharp knife, began to cut Murong Xi's flesh little by little. This ancient and cruel punishment was known as "Ling Chi" and was one of the harshest forms of punishment at the time.

During the execution for several hours, Murong Xi never let out a scream. He faced his end with the last dignity. When the execution finally ended, the people in the square fell into an eerie silence. They seem to suddenly realize that an era is over.

Murong Xi's death marked the end of the Later Yan Dynasty. Murong De ascended the throne with the support of the people and established a new regime. He ordered Murong Xi's body to be buried on a hillside outside the imperial mausoleum, without a monument or mark.

However, Murong Xi's story doesn't end there. In the years that followed, legends about him began to circulate among the people. Some people say that on the night of the full moon, his soul can be seen hovering by the artificial lake; Others say that in a corner of the palace, his laughter can be faintly heard.

These legends have evolved into fables of cautionary tales, reminding future generations not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Murong Xi's life, from the high-spirited young son of heaven, to the extravagant tyrant, to the final tragic ending, undoubtedly left a profound lesson for future generations.