
The three daughters serve a husband, each has an apartment plus a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, and can also have one day off a week



Many years ago, in an office building with a good reputation in Hong Kong, there was a group of pink confidants who lived with a man, this man turned out to be a son, and this man provoked modern traditional values, and at the same time never disconnected from the pickle girl, so that his female friends could not bear it, so they drove into the office building and lived for a few more days.

As a result, the women have high hopes to wear autumn water and become the laughing stock of others, so they also raise their profiles, according to the current rhythm, this kind of thing doesn't matter, it's not worth making a fuss, but in that era, two thousand years, this kind of thing was still rare, so the society still can't accept this thing a little.

Who is this man, and what is going on?

The three daughters serve a husband, each has an apartment plus a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, and can also have one day off a week

1. The story of Deng Zhaozun.

This man's name is Deng Zhaozun, a righteous gentleman, and very rich, a son-in-law, Deng Zhaozun, whose values are hurt at the touch of a button, has been a "princess" since he was a child.

When he was a child, the TV series he watched were different from other boys, his pursuit was very special, and he thought that lawyers were the most handsome, so his parents also felt that their son was very promising, the successor of the family, and they were very fond of their son, however, for Deng Zhaozun, his parents' favor was a little bit worse, which was to understand him.

He didn't want to inherit the family business, but wanted to become a lawyer, so his parents were not happy about it, prompting him to change his studies, and finally Deng Zhaozun had to follow his parents' arrangement and be admitted to a prestigious university.

As he grew up, the conflict between him and his parents became more and more serious.

But before he could work with his family and think about going to the family business, his father died unexpectedly, and the family business became a point of struggle for brothers and sisters.

The three daughters serve a husband, each has an apartment plus a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, and can also have one day off a week

But Deng Zhaozun's father is also a businessman, he has a lot of thoughts, he knows the struggle between women, and he doesn't believe that he is right, so he has a set of marriages for his daughter and son, and when he is away, Deng Zhaozun's mother is also a calculating person, saying that she wants her daughter to benefit from it.

So the relationship between the families was broken, any business, how can there be such good luck, originally in the daughter's opinion, the Deng Zhaozun family casually upside down, can recruit Deng Zhaozun over, I didn't expect things to turn out like this, so at the same time as Deng Zhaozun reacted, his sister also took the child back to her parents' house, at this time, Deng Zhaozun's family instantly only left him and his mother.

Deng Zhaozun didn't want his home to become harmonious and beautiful from now on, what he needed was harmony, so he said to his sister, I want to fight for this matter, my sister was frightened, and said that if you lose, we will have nothing.

Deng Zhaozun just said don't be afraid, this is my home, no one will drive me out, and then he slowly thought about countermeasures back and forth, and finally let his anxious sister take his child back to his parents' house, before the decisive battle, he didn't want to be shaken by his sister's three or two sentences, so everyone thought that Deng Zhaozun would also run away, and also thought that Deng Zhaozun's home was theirs, how could it belong to Deng Zhaozun himself, and then Deng Zhaozun knocked on the door of his biological mother.

His mother was very surprised, and let him enter the house without thinking about it, however, Deng Zhaozun's mother was not optimistic about her son, thinking that he would not fight, and she was reluctant to let her son take over her own business, but at this time, there was only such a son left, so her daughter and she were the two of them bargained with Deng Zhaozun, and finally let Deng Zhaozun choose whether to listen to his mother or listen to his sister.

Of course, Deng Zhaozun came after thinking clearly, and before his mother said about him, he asked his mother and his sister to choose at will, which one treated him more preferentially, and he would go with whomever he wanted, so that Deng Zhaozun's mother had nothing to say, so he agreed to this condition.

The three daughters serve a husband, each has an apartment plus a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, and can also have one day off a week

2. What's the deal with trigamy?

So Deng Zhaozun made up his mind to fight for his own home, he was not in business, but after his father died, he had to embark on this road, so he found his father's former friend and became his own lawyer, so he went to court and opposed his father's former partner.

When he wins a case, there is a piece of cake, slowly, he is not without confidence, but he found that there are many loopholes in the contract between his father's friend and Deng Zhaozun's father, his father has always been a good person with nicknames, but his father's friend insisted that it was dark at noon, and the sun was actually in the sky, and his father never doubted himself as a dear person, so Deng Zhaozun could take him as a target.

In the end, he won the lawsuit.

The three daughters serve a husband, each has an apartment plus a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, and can also have one day off a week

After this incident, Deng Zhaozun felt a lot of emotion, and later talked about it in some public occasions, thinking that China's family concept has caused the division of family for property, and some families can cut off the affection of relatives, he thinks that as long as there is love between family members, it is good, and there is no need to care about status, but this incident, at that time, has already left a shadow on the society.

And because of this lawsuit, he won 480 million yuan, which paved the way for his career, but for the things of his life, he also struggled for a long time, nothing more than to consider whether to inherit his father's inheritance, if he inherited, then he didn't have to worry about life, if he didn't inherit, then he would lose a lot.

The three daughters serve a husband, each has an apartment plus a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, and can also have one day off a week

In the end, under the persuasion of outsiders, Deng Zhaozun still chose to inherit his father's inheritance, after all, he could have so much money, which was obtained by his efforts, so he used this money to live in the office building with three female friends, and Deng Zhaozun's three female friends can also tolerate each other and live in peace, so the outside world called their model of three daughters and one husband trigamy.

How did Deng Zhaozun find these three female partners?

The three daughters serve a husband, each has an apartment plus a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, and can also have one day off a week

3. Is trigamy legal?

Deng Zhaozun's three female friends, respectively, are a doctor, a lawyer, and a heavy machinery operator, their work is similar and different, but they can all be dedicated to the public, and even very special, because these professions in that era, men frequently appeared, and which man can accept his daughter to engage in such a job, are all in accordance with the concept of that era, these three female friends, can be said to be quite courageous.

Although they are very capable strong women at work, they are very feminine in life, and in the process of getting along, they tolerate each other, understand each other, and live in harmony by the side of the same man.

Three daughters serving a husband, although it is also inconsistent with the traditional concept of China, but, in modern society, the concept of marriage is diverse, and many harmonious marriage models have been accepted.

However, at that time, trigamy was controversial, although in the mainland marriage law, there is no provision that both men and women cannot marry others at the same time, but the public security department has regulations that men can be polygamous, but women can not be polyandry, although this is only superficial, but it has already expressed its attitude in the marriage law.

Monogamy, another form of expression, may cause misunderstanding among the public, but in fact, it is just a mutual privacy between people, just an expression of their own way of life.

In fact, outsiders don't know how many stories there are in a family, so the public or the ones circulating in society are one-sided, and if they don't know the inside story, they will feel unreasonable, so all kinds of bad gossip have been generated, but how can this explain the problem.

The three daughters serve a husband, each has an apartment plus a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, and can also have one day off a week


Take the family as an example, many people think that there is no big deal in the wealthy family, and life is comfortable, but in fact, this is not the case at all, many families maintain a beautiful surface, there may be many reasons, it may be a family concept, it may be a burden that cannot be shaken off, only the family knows, therefore, we should not use our own views to define others, but respect the choices of others, to understand their difficulties, this society is more beautiful.