
The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

author:Tom chases the drama
The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

In China's medical system, cadre wards used to be a special treatment for veteran cadres, however, over time, these wards gradually evolved into VIP wards, causing widespread social controversy. The episodes in the TV series "In the Name of the People" and "Haitian Eagle" vividly illustrate this phenomenon and provoke the public to think deeply about social justice and the fair distribution of medical resources.

In the TV series "In the Name of the People", the retired veteran prosecutor Chen Yanyan and his wife have an intriguing conversation about the privilege phenomenon of the high-level cadre ward, which makes the audience think deeply about this issue.

"Look at the old director of the construction department, who has lived in the high-level cadre ward for 18 years." The old prosecutor Chen Yanyan said with a hint of sarcasm, he sat on the sofa, holding a cup of tea in his hand, looking quite relaxed.

The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

The old wife sat opposite him, with a hint of helplessness on her face: "This is too unfair, ordinary people don't have that treatment." ”

"Yes, even an ordinary leader can't live for so long." Chen Yanyan shook his head and looked at the sky outside the window, his eyes revealing a trace of dissatisfaction with social reality.

Netizens have expressed their opinions on this passage. Someone commented: "The high-level ward is a comfortable space for the 'privileged class', and ordinary people can't enter it at all." A netizen who called himself an "ordinary office worker" wrote: "These high-ranking officials are really lucky, they have lived for 18 years, and we work so hard that we have to squeeze public hospitals." ”

Some netizens joked: "If I am lucky enough to be admitted to the high-level cadre ward, I won't leave, just stay there and enjoy it." ”

The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

Netizens have different attitudes towards this phenomenon of privilege, but it is generally believed that this unfairness is an impact on social fairness. Someone bluntly said: "Isn't this a privilege? Medical resources are scarce, so why prioritize meeting the needs of a few? This perception reflects strong public dissatisfaction with the unfair distribution of medical resources.

The problem of cadre wards is not only a problem of privilege, but also involves the competition for medical resources, and the impact on the general public is becoming more and more significant. With the advancement of medical reform, these wards have gradually evolved into a kind of crowding out of medical resources for ordinary patients, which has caused widespread public dissatisfaction and ridicule.

The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

Someone jokingly said: "Who is a ward Jingu Garden, with elegant decoration and complete facilities, the small people are fortunate to have a large shop, and the wind passes through the corridor and sleepless at night." Serious illness treatment, small illness, diligent medical care, unlimited scenery and worries, a stay for 18 years. ”

These cadre wards were once set up as welfare measures to give preferential treatment to veteran cadres for whom the state has paid, providing superior medical services and full or basic reimbursement of medical expenses. However, with the passage of time and the changes in society, these wards have gradually shifted from "welfare" to "privilege", becoming a space for a few people to enjoy, while ordinary people can often only wait in the crowded corridors of hospitals.

The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

The limited medical resources have made the existence of cadre wards more sensitive and controversial. In the environment of tight medical resources, it is often difficult for ordinary patients to receive timely treatment and care due to the crowding out of medical resources. This unfairness has sparked widespread dissatisfaction and discussion in society, and some people have even begun to satirize this phenomenon in a humorous tone.

The mantra of "Who's Ward Jinguyuan" is like a mirror, reflecting the helplessness and anger of society against this privileged phenomenon. The contrast between the attentiveness of the medical staff and the luxurious environment in the wards has exacerbated public skepticism and distrust of medical fairness.

The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

Some netizens have left messages to express their opinions: "These high-ranking officials are like enjoying the 'disease of privilege', they have lived for 18 years, and we ordinary people have to queue up until they are old when they go to the hospital." Behind this playful tone, there is actually a call for social fairness and institutional justice, and they want to see a more fair and reasonable distribution of medical resources.

In the TV series "Haitian Eagle", the role of the old hero Yu Zhaonian has made people reflect deeply on the setting of the high-level cadre ward. The energy and vitality he displayed in the ward were completely different from the image of ordinary patients, which caused the audience to question the rationality of the cadre ward. The audience can't help but wonder: why does an elderly person who appears healthy and energetic need to be treated in a high-level ward? Does this imply an unfair distribution of medical resources?

The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

This positive public welfare behavior not only improved his image, but also made him more deeply aware of the responsibility and mission of his acting career. By participating in public welfare activities, Zhu Yawen is not only for fame and fortune, but also out of a sense of responsibility to the society and concern for the disadvantaged. His frequent participation in public welfare activities has sparked widespread discussion and praise among netizens.

Some netizens commented: "Zhu Yawen not only created a number of beloved characters on the screen, but also showed his kindness and positive energy in real life. His philanthropic behavior is not only to teach by word and deed, but also to make practical contributions to society. Such a view reflects the public's positive evaluation and support for Zhu Yawen.

The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

Other netizens shared their views on social media: "Seeing that Zhu Yawen is not only an actor, but also a responsible public figure, I think his image is more intimate and credible. This view highlights the good image that Zhu Yawen has established in the public mind, and he has influenced and infected more people through his actions.

Zhu Yawen's road to public welfare has not been smooth sailing, he has not only achieved achievements in his acting career, but also faced various challenges and pressures. However, it was these experiences that made him more mature and determined, and he knew that he had a great responsibility as a public figure. Each of his public welfare actions is an interpretation of his concern for the society and support for the disadvantaged groups with practical actions.

The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

Through public welfare activities, Zhu Yawen is not only to give back to the society, but also to constantly improve and enrich his acting career. He is deeply aware that as a public figure, his every word and deed may affect more people, and this sense of responsibility and mission drives him to walk on the road of public welfare.

Under his influence, more and more people began to pay attention to and participate in public welfare activities, forming a positive social atmosphere. Zhu Yawen's public welfare road is not only to express his position, but also to contribute to the development and progress of society. His actions and influence not only improved his personal image, but also set a positive example for the entertainment industry.

In the reflection of the plot, we had to raise the question of the deliberate arrangement of the director. Did they choose to set the old hero in the high-level ward, to highlight his heroic image, or was there other more suitable background to show his spiritual outlook? This choice not only triggers a discussion on the rational allocation of medical resources, but also involves a deep reflection on social ethics and institutional justice.

To sum up, "In the Name of the People" and "Haitian Eagle" reveal the complex social issues behind the high-level wards through their vivid plots and characters. This is not only a review of the medical system, but also a profound reflection and appeal for fairness and justice.

The director of "Haitian Eagle", is this a knife for the public to criticize the cadre ward?

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