
The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews! The reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

author:Tom chases the drama
The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews! The reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

CCTV 8 has recently launched a number of eye-catching TV series, including "The Story of Rose" starring Liu Yifei and Lin Gengxin and "Executive Judge" starring Luo Jin. While the former has won praise from audiences in scenes such as pool scenes, the latter has sparked widespread negative reviews due to the performance of the lead actor Yang Zishan.

"Executive Judge" is based on Qi Lin played by Luo Jin, and the plot is closely related to the handling process of legal cases. The setting of the play itself is quite attractive, covering multiple complex plots in the legal context, which should have provoked the audience to think deeply about the law and human nature. However, the audience's attention was focused on President Chu, played by Yang Zishan, whose performance problems sparked widespread discussion and criticism.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews! The reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

In the series, President Chu, as a judge, should show deep legal knowledge and understanding of human nature when facing cases, but Yang Zishan's performance failed to effectively convey these complex emotions to the audience. Netizens left many comments on social media about her performance: "The role of President Chu needs more inner drama, Yang Zishan's expression is too stiff, it looks like she is reading lines." "Her performance gives the impression that the character lacks authenticity, as if she is rehearsing rather than actually experiencing the emotional fluctuations of the character." These views directly point out the shortcomings of Yang Zishan's role performance.

At the same time, the audience also compared Gao Ye's outstanding performance in "Article 20": "After watching "Article 20" and then watching "Executive Judge", I really feel that there is a big gap. Gao Ye's acting skills are empathetic, and every look and smile can make the character more three-dimensional. "Gao Ye's acting skills are so powerful, she can vividly express the inner contradictions and emotional changes of the characters."

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews! The reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

These comparisons and comments are not just simple praise or criticism, but real feedback from the audience's point of view, reflecting the audience's high attention and expectation for the quality of the actors' performances. For a drama, the performance of the actors can determine the overall look and feel, especially in a genre like legal drama that requires emotional depth and authenticity.

The audience's criticism of Yang Zishan's performance in "The Enforcement Judge" mainly focused on her indifference and contempt for Qi Runyu's family when enforcing the court verdict. In the play, President Chu, as a judge, needs to deal with complex legal situations, and needs to show an understanding of the case and an understanding of the emotions of the parties. However, Yang Zishan's acting skills failed to effectively convey the inherent contradictions and emotional changes of the characters, which made it difficult for the audience to resonate and connect emotionally.

In addition to her performance in the acting career, Yang Zishan also actively participates in public welfare activities and has made positive contributions to the society with her influence. She has served as the image ambassador of public welfare activities for many times, and actively participated in various charity fundraising activities, passing on positive energy through her actions.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews! The reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

In terms of public welfare activities, Yang Zishan has always maintained a high degree of participation and enthusiasm. She is not only a celebrity attending the event, but also deeply involved, dedicating her time and energy to charity. She used to be an ambassador for a children's health program, where she interacted with children and brought them warmth and love. Netizens expressed unanimous appreciation for her public welfare actions: "Seeing Yang Zishan's sincere participation in public welfare activities, I feel that she is not only a good actor, but also a caring person." "She's not just supporting the public good on the surface, but she's genuinely committed to it, and that attitude is very respectable."

Yang Zishan's active participation in public welfare activities has also been recognized and supported by all sectors of society. She is not only involved in children's education, health, etc., but also focuses on environmental protection and animal welfare. She once led volunteers to clean up beach garbage in an environmental protection activity, calling for more people to pay attention to the importance of environmental protection. Netizens left messages praising her behavior: "Seeing Yang Zishan personally participating in environmental protection activities, I feel that she not only has acting skills, but also has a sense of responsibility and social responsibility." "I hope that more celebrities can use their influence to promote the development of social welfare undertakings like her."

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews! The reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

Yang Zishan's investment in public welfare is not only a form of support, but also a true response to social responsibility in her heart. She is an active advocate for the rights and interests of disadvantaged groups, and has participated in several projects on poverty relief and education support. She once donated books and learning supplies to schools in a rural education donation campaign to help improve the learning environment and learning opportunities for local children. Netizens commented: "Yang Zishan's public welfare actions truly reflect the social responsibility of an artist, and I hope her influence can inspire more people to pay attention to public welfare." "She is not only an actress, but also a caring and socially responsible public welfare ambassador."

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews! The reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

In the scene of the series, when President Chu faced the case of Qi Runyu's family, Yang Zishan's performance seemed too bland and single. Her facial expressions lack emotional engagement, as if she is reciting lines mechanically, rather than truly experiencing and expressing the complex emotions of the character. The audience left a lot of criticism about her performance on social media: "The role of President Chu should show more emotional fluctuations and inner contradictions, but I can't feel it at all when I watch Yang Zishan's performance." "Her attitude in the courtroom is too cold, and it feels completely devoid of the seriousness and depth that a judge should have."

These comments are not only criticisms of the actors' personal skills, but also the audience's expectations for the authenticity and emotional expression of the characters in the legal dramas. In a plot that needs to show the combination of the humanity of the judge and the logic of the law, the audience expects to understand and feel the complexity and struggles of the characters more deeply through the performances of the actors. However, Yang Zishan's performance failed to achieve this goal, which affected the viewing experience of the series.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews! The reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

This lack of performance is in stark contrast to Gao Ye's excellent acting skills in "Article 20", which was released at the same time. In "Article 20", the prosecutor Lu Lingling played by Gao Ye won unanimous praise from the audience for her emotional expression and deep understanding of the character's situation. She is able to accurately grasp the emotional changes of the characters when facing the conflict between law and human nature, which makes the audience's attention and understanding of the characters more profound.

Therefore, this comparison not only highlights Yang Zishan's shortcomings in acting skills and character building, but also reminds audiences and industry insiders of the importance of embodying emotion and authenticity in actors' character performances. A good actor is not only in the performance of lines and actions, but also in the ability to go deep into the character's heart and accurately convey the character's emotions, which can not only attract the audience's attention, but also enhance the viewing experience of the whole series, making it more in-depth and attractive.

Therefore, the failure of "The Executive Judge" is not only the setting of the plot and the selection of the cast, but also the failure of the actors to effectively convey the emotions and authenticity of the characters during the performance, which has also become a hot topic of discussion and reflection for the audience.

The CCTV drama "Executive Judge" has been broadcast with bad reviews! The reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent!

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