
Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

author:13 lectures on literature

Zhang Yining's table tennis career began at the age of 6, and among many table tennis players, her talent is particularly dazzling. At that time, she was standing in front of the table with a small figure in her eyes, her eyes flashing with curiosity and love for this sport.

The coaches quickly spotted the potential of the little girl, whose ball sense and reflexes far surpassed those of her peers. At the age of 9, Zhang Yining joined the Beijing team. This important turning point opened the door for her to go professional.

In the rigorous training, her technique has become more and more refined, and her style of play has gradually developed. The coaches were amazed to find that this skinny girl had the willpower and fighting spirit to not lose to the adult players.

At the age of 10, Zhang Yining had already stood on the podium of the national championship. This achievement not only shocked the table tennis world, but also gave Zhang Yining a sweet taste of success.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

Her eyes began to shine with a determined desire for a higher purpose. At the age of 14, Zhang Yining created another miracle and won the world championship in one fell swoop, becoming the youngest world champion winner at that time.

Her style of play is sharp, her skills are well-rounded, and she is especially known for her backhand fast attack, and she was soon dubbed the "Magic Knife Hand". This seemingly thin girl is like a sharp blade out of the sheath on the field, invincible.

However, behind the aura is an unimaginable hardship. Zhang Yining has to carry out up to 8 hours of high-intensity training every day, sweat soaking through the jersey and grinding thick calluses on the palms of his hands.

But she never shouted that she was tired, but often took the initiative to practice. She knows that only by giving can she reap. In countless moments of practicing alone until late at night, Zhang Yining's eyes revealed firmness, as if telling everyone: I, Zhang Yining, am destined to create a legend in the table tennis world.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

During this period, Zhang Yining, like a rising star, used his strength and hard work to carve a strong mark in the table tennis world, and also laid a solid foundation for his future glory years.

In 2002, 21-year-old Zhang Yining ushered in the explosion of her career on the international stage like a dazzling new star. This year, she won the World Cup, the World Table Tennis Championships women's singles championship and the Olympic women's team championship in one fell swoop, becoming the most dazzling new star in the world table tennis at that time.

Zhang Yining's every shot is like a cloud, every serve is a hidden killer, and opponents often seem helpless in front of her. This is just the beginning of Zhang Yining's glory days.

In the years that followed, she was like a sophisticated machine, tirelessly harvesting one championship after another. Her gaze was determined, as if to say: This is just the beginning, I have to be stronger.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

On the field, Zhang Yining's eyes were as sharp as knives, and every movement was full of strength and beauty, showing the power of the "magic knife hand". Zhang Yining's achievements are breathtaking.

She has won a total of 19 world championships in her career, including 8 World Table Tennis Championships. This amazing result has made her a well-deserved "Queen of Table Tennis".

In an important final of 19 world championships, Zhang Yining became more and more courageous, showing amazing strength and psychological quality. However, behind the glamorous and glamorous, there are countless moments of practicing alone until late at night.

Zhang Yining once recalled: "At that time, I felt that I was 'desperate', dedicating myself to every game and doing my best to compete in every game. Every day in the joy of victory forgets fatigue and regains in the pain of defeat.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

Her sweat and tears watered this glorious time. With his dedication to table tennis and his desire to win, as well as his unique skills and tactics, Zhang Yining has become an almost invincible opponent.

Every time she appears, it is a shock to other players. She used practical actions to interpret what is the true champion spirit, and also won the supreme glory for the Chinese table tennis team.

During this period, Zhang Yining, like an empress who ascended the throne, conquered the entire table tennis world with her own strength. Her story is not only a brilliant career as an athlete, but also a legend of perseverance, hard work and the pursuit of excellence.

Zhang Yining used his own way to show the world the strong strength of Chinese table tennis, and also wrote the most brilliant chapter in his life. After the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Zhang Yining's life ushered in a major turning point.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

This powerful "Queen of Table Tennis" met the other half of her life - a wealthy businessman. The meeting between the two seemed to be fate, and soon sparks of love sparked.

Zhang Yining's eyes flashed with a light different from that on the field, which was an interweaving of happiness and expectation. The relationship developed very quickly, surprising many people.

Zhang Yining chose a flash marriage, a decision that surprised both her fans and the media. However, from the happy smile on Zhang Yining's face, people saw her longing and confidence in this marriage.

Soon after marriage, Zhang Yining began a new life plan. In order to concentrate on taking care of her family, she did not go to the training gym for more than 50 days during her pregnancy. The decision shows that she has begun to shift her focus from the circle to her family life.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

In 2013, Zhang Yining officially announced his retirement. The moment she took off her racket, her eyes flashed with reluctance, but more of an expectation for a new life. From then on, she is no longer the "magic knife hand" who terrifies her opponents, but an ordinary wife, an expectant mother who is about to become a mother.

After retiring, Zhang Yining did not completely break away from the table tennis world. She has been involved in a number of related work and activities, such as serving as a torchbearer for the Beijing Winter Olympics. These experiences have allowed her to continue contributing to the sport she loves in a new capacity.

The focus of life has shifted from the arena to family. In 2012, she welcomed the first little angel in her life - a lovely daughter. Seven years later, in 2019, a mischievous little boy brought laughter to the family.

Zhang Yining's eyes softened, and the smile on his face became even brighter. She used to be invincible in the arena, but now she is willing to lose to the firewood, rice, oil and salt in life. This once dominating table tennis queen is writing a new chapter in her life, running her family life with the same passion and dedication.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

After retiring, Zhang Yining seems to have lost all her edges and turned into a happy little woman. Her husband, the predecessor of actor Yuan Li, spoiled her as a princess.

At home, Zhang Yining is no longer the ruthless "magic knife hand", but a wife and mother surrounded by love. The former queen of table tennis, the focus of her life has completely shifted to her family.

She enjoyed every moment of the moment, her eyes shining with satisfaction and happiness. Zhang Yining once said: "My life is very comfortable now, I am no longer as nervous as before, and I feel very warm with my husband and children."

This sentence reveals her love for life now. Whenever she has free time, Zhang Yining takes her children to watch table tennis matches. There was a glint of pride in her eyes, as if to tell the children: Look, this is where Mommy once struggled.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

She hopes to pass on her love of table tennis to the next generation, but does not force children to follow the path of athletes. Although he quit competitive sports, Zhang Yining did not completely leave table tennis.

She has been involved in a number of related work and activities, such as serving as a torchbearer for the Beijing Winter Olympics. Whenever she talks about table tennis, her eyes still sparkle with love.

This love has been deeply integrated into her life. Now Zhang Yining is 42 years old. She is no longer the champion who dominates the field, but a happy wife and mother.

Her smile is brighter than ever, and her eyes are full of love and satisfaction for life. Zhang Yining's pace of life has also become much easier. She has more time to do things she enjoys, such as taking care of her skin, watching movies, and participating in social activities.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

She also served as the spokesperson for a number of public welfare activities, using her influence to contribute to society. In this new stage of life, Zhang Yining has found her own balance.

She maintains her love for table tennis while devoting herself to her family life. Her story tells us that retirement is not the end, but the beginning of another wonderful life.

Zhang Yining used his own way to explain what a real winner in life is. Retiring does not mean that Zhang Yining has said goodbye to table tennis. Instead, she continued her table tennis career in a new way.

Zhang Yining has actively participated in many table tennis-related work and activities, passing on his years of accumulated experience to the younger generation. Whenever he stood in front of the table to guide the young players, Zhang Yining's eyes would rekindle that familiar light.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

Her movements were still nimble, as if the years had never left a mark on her. She often said: "Table tennis is not only my career, but also an indispensable part of my life.

This quote fully reflects her deep affection for the sport. At home, Zhang Yining is also imperceptibly influencing her children. She often takes her children to watch table tennis matches and teaches them the basic skills of holding a racket and hitting the ball.

Although she does not insist that her children become professional athletes, she hopes to pass on her love of the sport to the next generation. Every time I see the children swinging their rackets and hitting the ball with great interest, Zhang Yining's face will appear with a smile of satisfaction.

In addition to table tennis, Zhang Yining is also actively involved in social activities. She served as the torchbearer of the Beijing Winter Olympics and continued to contribute to the sports cause of the motherland. She can often be seen in some public welfare activities.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

In every public appearance, she maintains an elegant posture and an amiable smile, showing another side of the charm of a retired athlete. Zhang Yining also participated in the recording and commentary of some table tennis-related programs.

Her precise technical analysis and unique tactical insights allowed the audience to see a new Zhang Yining. She is not only an excellent athlete, but also a wise table tennis expert.

Through these ways, Zhang Yining still maintains his love for table tennis after retiring, and passes on this love to more people. She used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of "retirement without retiring love", and also wrote a new wonderful chapter in her life.

Zhang Yining's story tells us that true champions not only shine on the field, but also continue to contribute to the cause they love after retiring. Zhang Yining's philosophy of life can be summed up as "always a winner".

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

Whether on the table tennis court or in her life after retirement, she has maintained the pursuit of perfection and the spirit of unremitting hard work. This attitude has not only helped her achieve great success in her athletic career, but also kept her positive in life after retiring.

She often said: "No matter what you do, as long as you work hard, work hard, and work hard, you will definitely be able to achieve it." This sentence is not only what she asks of herself, but also her attitude towards life. In her table tennis career, she has proved this with countless days and nights of hard training and hard work on the field.

After retiring, she also faced new life challenges with this spirit. In the face of different stages of life, Zhang Yining can always quickly adjust his role. From a world champion to a good wife and mother, she approaches every identity with the same passion and dedication.

There is always a determined light in her eyes, as if to tell the world: no matter how life changes, I will do my best. Zhang Yining once said in an interview: "My love is very simple, I want to be plain, understand each other, and be considerate of each other."

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

This pursuit of simple happiness also reflects her wisdom in life. She knows how to pursue different goals at different stages of life and has always maintained a love for life.

After retiring, Zhang Yining still maintains self-discipline and hard work as an athlete. She actively participates in social activities, inherits table tennis culture, and continues to learn and grow in new fields.

She told us with practical actions that the spirit of the championship is not only reflected in the field, but also throughout life. Zhang Yining's story is not only the growth history of an athlete, but also a vivid case of how ordinary people can maintain their motivation at different stages of life.

She used her own experience to tell us: as long as we have dreams in our hearts and strength in our feet, we will always be winners in life.

Zhang Yining: Married Yuan Li's predecessor in a flash marriage, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and is now spoiled as a princess

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