
"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

author:Laurel muffins


Unknowingly, three singers of "The Voice of China" have passed away one after another, from Yao Anna at the beginning to Zhang Hengyuan last year, which is extremely regrettable. Now there is another person to this list of heavens, and that is Wang Yunyi, known as the "Chinese Jazz Queen".

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

Actor Chen Sisi took the lead in announcing Wang Yunyi's death, and it is not difficult to see between the lines that Wang Yunyi died of illness and suffered from illness before his death. Later, the reporter contacted Wang Yunyi's team, and the other party also confirmed Wang Yunyi's death, but said that he would not respond to any news at present.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!
"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

On May 29, Wang Yunyi also announced a recruitment information, and she was worried about hiring a suitable assistant. At that time, she lost a lot of weight and her complexion improved, and many people guessed that she was preparing to make a comeback, but she didn't expect to wait for the news of her death.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

On June 1, some netizens privately messaged Wang Yunyi for an interview and sent a portfolio to Wang Yunyi, but Wang Yunyi politely refused.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

Wang Yunyi's requirements for recruiting assistants are extremely high, and the first choice requires a certain amount of aesthetics, a certain understanding of music, and an understanding of the promotion of the project. That is, to integrate the ability of design, music, project management and other aspects, but only to serve as a small assistant. In the comment area, there are also many netizens who recommend themselves, all of whom are job seekers with good conditions.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!
"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

Wang Yunyi's requirements for assistants are so high, and his requirements for himself are naturally more stringent. Netizens zoomed in to look at Wang Yunyi's handwriting board and found that there were a lot of keywords written on it, one of which was "ancient poetry", it is obvious that Wang Yunyi has a certain amount of research on ancient poetry.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

In addition, Wang Yunyi is still learning English hard, and the last dynamic of Wang Yunyi's circle of friends is to challenge English practice and check in.

Wang Yunyi's friend Chen Xuan, the general manager of Niutou Village New Culture Communication Co., Ltd., revealed that Wang Yunyi was fine last week, and the two were still discussing music, and said that his daughter's name was still taken by Wang Yunyi.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!
"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

Friends also posted Wang Yunyi's circle of friends, in the last of which was the circle of friends, Wang Yunyi complained that the diamond tournament was too difficult to break through, in order to challenge this championship, Wang Yunyi began to practice as soon as he opened his eyes, "his eyes are almost blind".

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

But Wang's hard work has clearly paid off, as she has studied for 1,223 minutes and has learned 1,192 words.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

Regarding the reason for Wang Yunyi's death, some netizens speculated that it was caused by a fall in December last year. At that time, Wang Yunyi was under too much pressure to come back, and when he got together with the music producer, he drank and fell and fell to the position of his right ear near the temple, and once required more than a dozen stitches. It is reported that the fall was very serious at that time, and the doctor asked him to recheck at any time.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!
"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

A friend also confirmed that Wang Yunyi died due to physical reasons, and revealed that she was a lively person, and a small-scale memorial service was also arranged.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

Wang Yunyi began to try jazz style and sang on stage at the age of 15, and at the age of 26, she shined on the stage of "The Voice of China".

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

However, Wang Yunyi has a poor background, lost his mother at the age of 7, lost his father at the age of 10, was scolded by his grandmother as a "broom star", and he has thought about suicide many times. With a height of only 148cm, coupled with her miserable background, she may want to prove herself even more, but the pressure crushes her body.

May Wang Yunyi go all the way and be a happy and healthy singer in the next life.

"The Voice" student Wang Yunyi passed away! Friends announced the reason for their deaths, and finally the circle of friends was exposed!

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