
The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

author:Green Bricks
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Text: Miffy

Edited by Miffy

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

"Heaven has no sickness, you won't hurt anymore......"

On June 28, actor Chen Sisi posted a Weibo mourning his friend.

The friend she mourns is none other than Wang Yunyi, the runner-up of the Harlem group in the first season of "The Voice".

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

Wang Yunyi not only impressed people with her unique bald head shape, but her singing strength was not inferior to Wu Mochou.

Na Ying and Liu Huan bluntly said that they were proud of a female singer like her in China.

Her confident and generous posture made all the audience praise her again and again.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

However, who would have thought that she was optimistic and positive in front of the audience and had many thoughts of ending her life?

When she was 10 years old, her parents died, and she was scolded by her grandmother, and the great trauma of her childhood became a shadow that she could not get rid of.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

The life that was alive a month ago has been dimmed forever.

What kind of twists and turns has Wang Yunyi's life experienced?

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times
The source of the article comes from the authoritative report [Beijing Daily] [Jimu News] [Global Network] (the detailed source is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

The fall of the Jazz Star

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

"The little giant in the music world has appeared!"

This is Yu Chengqing's evaluation of Wang Yunyi's first appearance on "The Voice".

Wang Yunyi, who is only 1.48 meters tall, stood on the stage of "The Voice" with a bald hairstyle and a flowing black gauze skirt.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

But her singing voice and her appearance are almost completely different.

I thought that with a bald head, she would be a bohemian rock style, but when she opened her mouth, she was full of jazz flavor.

The hoarse voice, the abundance of emotion, and the low-pitched melody suddenly pull people back to the last century.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

Wang Yunyi's singing made the four mentors in the audience turn around one after another.

After some snatching by her mentor, she finally chose to join Yu Chengqing's group.

After passing all the way, she finally defeated Wu Mochou and won the runner-up in the Harlem group.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

But although there is only one difference between the two people, the subsequent development paths are completely different.

Wang Yunyi seems to have disappeared after "The Voice", there are no advertisements and variety shows, and there are not even many music activities.

She did not make a sensation in the music world as Yu Chengqing said, nor did she become a hot superstar.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

Many people say that it is because Wang Yunyi's style is too special and too niche.

Although she did have a small success in the jazz circle, she basically had no presence in front of the public.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

However, to everyone's surprise, when the public paid attention to her again, they got the news that she had died.

This news caught almost everyone by surprise, and the fans who have been following her don't want to believe it at all.

Many fans said sadly, "Mingren was fine before." ”

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

On May 29, Wang Yunyi posted a video on her Douyin account about recruiting assistants.

In the video, she is still the iconic bald head, and although her face has traces of time, her complexion is still very ruddy.

Wang Yunyi's state also looks healthy and fresh.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

On the New Year in January this year, Wang Yunyi also posted a small song composed by himself to send blessings to everyone.

In the video, her figure is much rounder than before, but you can still feel the optimistic temperament on her body.

It seems that she is still the cute and lively jazz girl when she first debuted.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

"Feel better every day, get better every day, smile a little more every day."

The simple lyrics express her most simple wish, and it has become her most difficult wish to achieve.

Looking back at her experience, you can see why everyone is so sad and sorry for her death.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

The shadow of childhood that can't be erased

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

In 1986, Wang Yunyi was born in an ordinary family in Taiyuan, Shanxi.

Although her family background is ordinary, her parents have given her no less love.

When she was a child, she often wore beautiful clothes and fashionable hairstyles to feel the beauty of life with her parents.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

When Wang Yunyi was six years old, her parents also enrolled her in piano classes.

There is no other reason, mainly because Wang Yunyi likes it herself.

At that time, she was completely the pearl of her parents' palms and the little princess of the family.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

However, a year later, Wang Yunyi's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

When she was seven years old, her mother chose to end her own life.

Perhaps because of the pressures of life, or perhaps because of the difficulty in regulating emotions, her mother eventually left them.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

Three years later, her father also left her, and even her grandfather left a few months later.

Only Wang Yunyi and her grandmother were left at home, and she couldn't accept such a reality for a while.

sprinkled all the pain on her, saying that she was a "broom star", and that it was because of her family that it became fragmented.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

Wang Yunyi, who had no concept of death at that time, felt endless fear.

Parents and grandfathers died one after another, and grandma blamed unreasonably.

all brought great harm to Wang Yunyi's young heart.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

She couldn't understand why her parents, who loved her the most, abandoned her ruthlessly.

She even thought that her parents didn't want to be her parents before leaving.

The once kind grandmother has also become harsh and heartless.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

What's even more unexpected is that her grandmother even let her go to the orphanage to live by herself, and even made her kneel down to beg.

Because her grandmother would remember those sad things when she saw her, her grandmother didn't want her to show up again.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

In the end, because Wang Yunyi was too old and still had relatives, he was unable to enter the orphanage.

But her grandmother forced her to kneel and still hit her hard, and she has always had her own self-esteem.

Grandma's disgust and indifference to herself shattered all her dignity.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

She still returned to her grandmother, and the two of them could only stumble and live.

Finally, when she was 15 years old, she ran away from her grandmother and went to Shenzhen to sing in a bar.

Later, she moved to Chengdu to become a band singer, and at a young age, she lived a life of using music to make a living.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

Maybe time really can change everything.

After Wang Yunyi ran away from home, her grandmother still contacted her, but this time she did not scold or blame.

Instead, I asked her if she was doing well and how she was living.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

This phone call also made the estrangement between the two people gradually melt.

Later, her grandmother came to Chengdu to visit her and asked her if she would like to go back for the Chinese New Year.

But Wang Yunyi, who is already accustomed to living outside, is unwilling to return to that sad place.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

Grandma returned home after a meal with her.

The two people who once resented each other finally turned their hatred into love and accepted each other's existence.

However, the pain of the past has not gone away.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

After she became famous because of "The Voice", she had her own house and car, but there was no one who could accompany her.

Wang Yunyi called her grandmother and asked if she wanted to live in Beijing with her.

But her grandmother said she wanted to take care of her uncle's daughter, so she refused.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

In addition, after becoming famous, she can always hear some gossip, or other people's fingers.

She is already suffering from internal friction, and it is even more difficult for her to regulate herself, and various mental illnesses have also entangled her like demons.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

Tortured to the point that she had no choice, she could only vent the depression in her heart by hurting herself.

Wang Yunyi's injury to herself is even more serious every time.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

May Heaven be free from sickness

At a certain event, Wang Yunyi revealed the traces left by her irrationality.

The wound as long as a centipede had three full stripes on her leg.

But Wang Yunyi can show it generously, and it may also be a reconciliation with himself.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

However, the good times did not last long, and Wang Yunyi's condition still recurred frequently.

Although she no longer harmed herself, she began to numb herself with alcohol.

Because she was drunk, she accidentally fell and injured her ear, and she received several stitches in her ear.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

She wished others a little better every day, but she failed to treat herself well.

Chen Sisi did not disclose the specific reason for her death, but only wished her no illness in heaven.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

In addition to Chen Sisi, friends who made good friends with Wang Yunyi in "The Voice" also expressed their remembrance of her.

From their words, it is not difficult to see Wang Yun's sincerity and sincerity to his friends.

"If life is only seen for the first time", I hope that Wang Yunyi and the world in the next life will only see beauty and no illness for the first time.

The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times


The shadow of childhood, the torture of illness, Wang Yunyi, who had struggled with himself all his life, finally went to heaven.

But Wang Yunyi used a charming singing voice and an optimistic attitude to bloom her most wonderful self.

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or any infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

The information in this article comes from: [Beijing News Network] [Jimu News] [Global Network]
The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times
The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times
The voice singer Wang Yunyi died! Orphaned at the age of 10, he was scolded by his grandmother for being a broom star, and he committed suicide many times

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