
These 3 symptoms may be cervical cancer, and they must be paid attention to

author:Director Lu of the Department of Tertiary Surgery
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As a common gynecological malignant tumor, cervical cancer has attracted much attention. It is the fourth most common malignant tumor in women worldwide and poses a serious threat to women's health. Although the improvement of modern medical care and the popularization of HPV vaccine have greatly reduced the incidence of cervical cancer, early detection of symptoms is still crucial. So, what are the signs that we need to be alert to when the body is showing signs that it may be cervical cancer?

Tract bleeding

Early-stage cervical cancer often presents with contact bleeding. If a woman is married and over 30 years old, and has vaginal spotting after sexual intercourse, it is likely to be an early manifestation of cervical cancer. Irregular vaginal bleeding is also an important warning sign.

After cervical cancer, menstruation may become longer and even black blood clots. If a woman is menopausal and has vaginal bleeding, it is even more important to pay attention to it.

These symptoms indicate the need for a professional gynaecological examination as soon as possible to rule out or diagnose cervical cancer. It is important to note that abnormalities in the menstrual cycle and changes in the amount of blood loss can also be one of the early symptoms of cervical cancer. If you notice that you have prolonged or significantly increased bleeding during menstruation, you should seek medical attention promptly.

These 3 symptoms may be cervical cancer, and they must be paid attention to

Abnormal vaginal discharge

Changes in vaginal discharge are one of the important indicators of the health of the female reproductive system. Special attention is required when the amount of leucorrhea increases significantly, and the smell and color change. At first, it may just be an increase in leucorrhoea, but as the disease progresses, it may become serous, and even watery or swill-like leucorrhea may appear in the advanced stage of cervical cancer.

These abnormal changes are often an early sign of cervical cancer. Be suspicious if you notice blood-streaked or purulent discharge in your vaginal discharge. These symptoms suggest a possible lesion of the cervix, and women should seek immediate medical attention for a detailed examination and diagnosis. Regular gynaecological examinations can help detect these abnormalities early and prevent the disease from progressing further.

These 3 symptoms may be cervical cancer, and they must be paid attention to

Pain in the abdomen

Persistent abdominal pain is also an important symptom of cervical cancer. If a woman experiences frequent abdominal pain for a short period of time and the pain lasts for a long time, she needs to be alert to the possibility of cervical cancer. In addition to abdominal pain, some patients may also experience lower back pain and swollen calves.

These symptoms usually indicate that the condition has progressed to a certain extent. Pelvic pain and persistent pain in the lower abdomen are also symptoms to look out for. Once these symptoms appear, they should be medically examined immediately to avoid further deterioration of the condition. Early detection and prompt treatment can greatly improve the cure rate and reduce the impact of the disease on quality of life.

These 3 symptoms may be cervical cancer, and they must be paid attention to

Preventive measures for cervical cancer

In order to effectively prevent cervical cancer, HPV vaccination is an important measure. The HPV vaccine can significantly reduce the risk of infection with high-risk types of HPV, thereby preventing the occurrence of cervical cancer. Vaccinations should be given before the start of sexual activity and are most effective, but they can be given even to women who are already sexually experienced to provide some protection.

Regular gynaecological examinations, including Pap smear and HPV testing, are also key, allowing for early detection of lesions and timely intervention. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding high-risk sexual behaviors, and boosting immunity can also help prevent cervical cancer. Exercising regularly, eating right, and maintaining a good mental state are all keys to keeping your immune system healthy.

These 3 symptoms may be cervical cancer, and they must be paid attention to

Treatment and rehabilitation

Early detection and treatment of cervical cancer is essential to increase the cure rate. Common treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Depending on the condition, the doctor will develop a personalized treatment plan. Surgery is usually used for early-stage cervical cancer, while radiation and chemotherapy are often used in advanced or recurrent cases.

During the treatment process, the patient needs to be active and cooperative, while maintaining a good state of mind. Psychological support is just as important as rehabilitative care, and the support of family and friends can help patients cope better with the illness. During recovery, regular follow-up and follow-up are critical to ensure that the condition is effectively controlled. Nutritional support and proper exercise can help the body recover, boost immunity, and prevent recurrence.

Women should pay attention to their own health, understand the early symptoms of cervical cancer, and take proactive preventive measures. Once an abnormality is found, you should seek medical attention in time to ensure timely detection and treatment to protect your health. Through scientific prevention and timely treatment, we can effectively reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and improve the quality of life of women. I hope that every woman can pay attention to her own health, prevent cervical cancer, and stay away from diseases.

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