
There are many interesting things in the mahjong hall: wonderful! The woman dared to serve the table penniless, but the ending was unexpected

author:Saitaka Sora Hanto


The day before yesterday, I had a weekend break, and after lunch, I was bored at home, so I went downstairs to play mahjong in the mahjong hall.

In fact, it has already started inside, there are already three tables playing, and there are still a few idlers watching the battle.

When the proprietress saw me coming, she greeted enthusiastically: Mr. Xu, you sit down first, wait a minute, three are missing one.

Not long after, a young pregnant woman with a big belly came, looking at her age, at most twenty-five or sixteen years old.

The proprietress stepped forward and asked: Beauty, do you play cards?

Don't ask, this looks like a raw guest, if it's a regular customer, the proprietress doesn't bother to ask, and just drags it on the table.

Fighting, what are you doing here if you don't play mahjong?

Also. The proprietress said with a smiling face: Then it's time to get together a table, and you all come over.

Everyone looked at her with a big belly, but she didn't move.

The proprietress was in a hurry, dragging one here and one there, and pulled several of us to the mahjong table.

To be honest, I didn't want to fight, I felt very bad and stressed. You said that your belly is so big, you feel like you're about to give birth, why don't you rest and raise your baby at home, why do you come to this smoky mahjong parlor? is not afraid of affecting the normal development of the fetus, and there is no one else who is addicted to this card. Good things are not bad, but if something happens, who can afford to bear the responsibility?

But the proprietress doesn't care so much, just to earn her little fee, she persuades vigorously: let's fight, let's fight, who is not fighting, just win money, why do you care so much about him.

She really couldn't help it, so she had to sit down reluctantly.

The proprietress then gave each of us 50 playing cards, one for ten yuan, which is equal to 500 yuan guaranteed. Because the people who come here to play mahjong are basically people from the same community and the opposite community, they have been playing for a long time and know each other, so there is no question of who is afraid of who has less money. After all, the fight is not too big, generally winning and losing a few hundred yuan, and rarely more than 1000.

After dealing the cards, the proprietress asked the big belly: Beauty, what is your name? If you don't leave a phone number, I'll call you next time.

The big belly said: It's good if you call me Xiaohui. Then I called the phone number, and then the three of us men and one woman went to war.

As a result, I don't know what's going on, almost all the afternoon was the three of us men, Xiaohui is like a frosted eggplant, and the cards can't be played. Eat and can't eat, touch and touch, an afternoon did not play a few hands, angry she scolded, every card is broken and played.

For the sake of her being pregnant and losing money, we don't dare to say anything. To be honest, playing cards with this kind of person is simply a kind of mental torture, and you can't be happy even if you win. But I'm embarrassed to say I won't fight, everyone can afford to lose, but you can't afford to win?

Finally survived until the end of the game at half past five, all three of us won, and the only loser was Xiaohui, who lost more than 800 yuan in total.

After counting the three, I won 280, Brother Zhang, who sat opposite me, won 350 yuan, and Xiao Sun, who sat opposite Xiaohui, also won 230.

As a result, when the accounts were settled, Xiaohui spread her hands and said that there was no money, everyone was surprised and couldn't imagine it.

Brother Zhang said: You dare to play mahjong on the table even if you don't have money, you are so bold, who gave you the courage?

Xiao Sun said: That's not good, I don't have the money to call your husband to ask for it.

Xiaohui said: He has no money.

Brother Zhang said: How is it possible? Don't you have to spend any money? It's really not good, ask your parents for it, anyway, you can't do without this money today.

Xiaohui said with a cold expression: My parents don't have any money. And then he looked like he didn't answer.

Brother Zhang was angry, and shouted at the barkeeper: Boss, come here.

The proprietress was keeping accounts, she didn't know what was going on, she was confused, and hurried over.

Brother Zhang said angrily: What do you call this person? We didn't want to fight, but you had to pull us to fight. Now that she has lost money and said that she has no money to settle the bill, what do you say?

The proprietress also encountered this situation for the first time, her face was full of surprise, she walked up to Xiaohui and said: Girl, you are young, how can you do such a thing? Dare to play mahjong on the table without money? Look at how ugly this is, everyone looks around you like monkeys.

Xiaohui sat without saying a word.

The proprietress continued: How much money do you have in your mobile phone now, you can't be penniless, right? Pay as much as you want.

Xiaohui said: That's not it, there are more than 30 yuan.

The proprietress almost laughed angrily: Just this money, you are embarrassed to say, what is the difference between being penniless and being penniless. I'm asking you now, how do you settle it when you owe so much money? If you don't give money, it will definitely not work.

Xiaohui said confidently: I didn't say that I wouldn't give money, can't I owe it first? Wouldn't it be the same to make up for them the next time I come?

Xiao Sun said: Who knows you? I owe so much for the first time I came to fight today, and I obviously wanted to empty the gloves of the white wolf. Thankfully, we won today, and if we lose, it's really not worth it.

Brother Zhang said: You hurry up and call to borrow money, no matter who you find, anyway, if the money is not available today, you won't be able to leave.

I stood next to me without saying a word, looking at it coldly, thinking that this kind of woman was pitiful and pathetic, and was humiliated in public for a few hundred dollars, is it really worth it?

She can't run out of money, she just doesn't want to give it. With her big belly, she must be about to give birth in a short time, so can't the family even prepare the money for a child? Is it possible?

In this case, as Xiao Sun said, she wants to play the game of empty gloves and white wolves. If you win, go back happily, and if you lose, use her big belly as a shield, and if you don't give it to you, you can't do anything to her. Not to mention ordinary people, even the police must have no problem with her, the front foot was caught in at most to make a record, and the back foot immediately released her. Looking at her sophisticated and nonchalant look, I dare to conclude that this is not the first time to do such a thing, and I must have tasted similar sweetness before, so I will have more and more courage to do so.

I was guessing wildly, and sure enough, Xiaohui spoke at this time: Since you are so fierce and you won't let me go without giving money, then I have no choice but to call the police and let the police uncle deal with it.

When the proprietress heard this, she immediately became nervous, and hurriedly said: You girl is really good, is it worth calling the police for this little thing? You just said that you will pay back the money next time, when is it, I believe you for the time being.

Xiaohui said: Then I have to wait for my husband to pay his salary before he can get rich.


The 15th of the following month.

The proprietress was afraid that things would get more complicated and bigger, so she wanted to send her away as soon as possible. So, the proprietress said: Okay, the 15th is the 15th, but you have to be creditworthy, and you must remember to pay back your husband's salary, otherwise I won't be able to explain to them.

Xiaohui said: Okay, no problem, can I go now?

The proprietress said: You go, but you must be careful, don't bump into it, otherwise I really can't afford this responsibility.

Brother Zhang and Xiao Sun immediately quit, Brother Zhang said: No, how can you leave so easily, she still owes me more than 300 yuan. I bet someone like her will never come back once she's gone. Boss lady, if you don't let her leave the gold necklace as collateral, when will you pay it back, when will it be given to her.

The proprietress said: I see that you are usually very smart, why do you make mistakes at critical times? You don't think about it carefully, in case she really calls the police, none of us can run away, and then the fine is small, and if you don't get it right, you will be detained, do you say that 300 yuan is important, or is it important to enter the bureau?

When the two heard the proprietress say this, they stopped talking, and had to sigh helplessly.

After waiting for Xiaohui, the two were unwilling and found the theory of the proprietress again.

Brother Zhang said: You called the person, and you also asked her to go, you have to be responsible for this matter today, and you advanced the money for her first. We finally won once, how can we suffer this loss?

The proprietress called Qu and said: I am also wronged, how do I know that she dares to serve without money, is it reasonable for you to ask me to advance this money?

Xiao Sun said angrily: How is it unreasonable? According to what you mean, the next time we lose playing cards, we also say that we have no money, and then pat our butts and leave, do you say this will work?

The proprietress was speechless for a moment. She was afraid of offending her old customers, and she was also afraid of causing other troubles, so she proposed a compromise plan.

The proprietress said: "I'm unlucky, do you think this is okay?" Let's take a step back, and I'll give you half of the money for her, do you think it's okay?

The two thought about it, and there was nothing else they could do, so they nodded and reluctantly agreed.

After transferring the money to the two of them, I was standing next to others and watching the cards, and the proprietress called me: Mr. Xu, come over here, how much money she owes, I will also transfer half to you.

I waved my hand and said: Forget it, more than 100 yuan, just buy a lesson, and don't play cards with a pregnant woman next time you die.

At this time, an aunt answered: Last time I played cards in another mahjong parlor, I also met her. She won in the first two days, and if she lost on the third day, she refused to pay the debt, and when people forced her, she threatened to call the police. Later, everyone was afraid of causing trouble, so they let her go, and she never went again.

The few people next to me all sighed when they heard it: This woman is really powerful, but it's a pity that Zhishang is in the wrong place, embarrassed for a few hundred dollars, and lost the face of the 18th generation of his ancestors. Not ashamed, but proud, it's really wonderful.

There are many interesting things in the mahjong hall: wonderful! The woman dared to serve the table penniless, but the ending was unexpected

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