
I have been a single mother for 23 years, and it is too sad that I have not married


I got married just after graduating from college, and just gave birth to my daughter after marriage and was "divorced", if I hadn't met Yingning, Zhao Mingming might have a bright future, and I took the baby alone for 23 years after marriage, and I was still single at the age of 53.

I have been a single mother for 23 years, and it is too sad that I have not married

Zhao Mingming's family conditions are good, her father is an editor of a magazine, her mother is a doctor, she has been rich since she was a child, and her appearance is very beautiful, and she is always the most eye-catching one among children of the same age.

Parents have great expectations for Zhao Mingming, hoping that she can become a teacher or doctor, but when Zhao Mingming grew up, he developed a strong interest in art and only wanted to learn literature and art.

After knowing their daughter's thoughts, her parents were very open-minded and signed up for piano and dance training classes for Zhao Mingming, and with the help of professional teachers, she was successfully admitted to the provincial art college, majoring in performance.

During her time in school, Zhao Mingming had excellent grades and had always been at the top of the class, and she was very beautiful, so she was recommended to participate in the play "Iron Man" in her sophomore year, which gave her a taste of being an actor.

I have been a single mother for 23 years, and it is too sad that I have not married

Since then, Zhao Mingming has become a "man of the hour" in school, surrounded by an endless stream of suitors, but she was not interested in love at that time, and she just wanted to graduate successfully and take on more plays.

In a rehearsal, Zhao Mingming and Yingning met, she was appreciated by the other party's talent and humor, and the two also chatted very well in performance, and the two were often inseparable since then, no different from a couple.

The relationship between the two gradually deepened, and after graduating from college, they went to get a license to get married, and with the help of Yingning, Zhao Mingming took over the filming of "A Woman Is Not the Moon" and became an instant hit and won many awards.

In popular dramas such as "Kyoto Chronicle", "I Love My Family", "Han Palace Feiyan", Zhao Mingming is in full swing, her career is in full swing, but Yingning is depressed at home all day long, and she is becoming more and more irritable.

I have been a single mother for 23 years, and it is too sad that I have not married

Zhao Mingming noticed her husband's abnormality, the relationship between the two was indeed getting weaker and weaker, in order to protect this marriage, she decided to take a break for the time being, give birth to offspring for her husband, and then make plans for the future.

Soon after, Zhao Mingming successfully became pregnant and had a baby at home, but Yingning began to go out early and return late, and she also ignored her wife, and in the face of her husband's abnormal behavior, she was very aggrieved but didn't know the truth.

When it came to the day of production, Yingning was busy, but after his daughter was born, he filed for divorce from Zhao Mingming, who couldn't believe it, held back tears and asked the reason, but her husband never answered.

Her daughter had just been born and was facing the loss of her father, such an impact was desperate and confused for Zhao Mingming, but she understood that the forced marriage would not be happy, so she could only hold her daughter and cry and leave.

I have been a single mother for 23 years, and it is too sad that I have not married

After leaving Yingning, Zhao Mingming has lived alone with her daughter for 23 years, during which she has been active in the entertainment industry, and now she is 53 years old and single, I don't know if she is still sad because of marriage?