
Experts shout out! Stop the pick-up traps and let the kids regain their childhood!

author:Book from the sky

Recently, an emerging trend has caused a lot of controversy in children's headline tweets.

Creativity meets vanity

The love and attention of parents is understandable, but the ostentation and vanity embodied in the "pick-up tide" have aroused the vigilance of experts. At the same time, this behavior also has a negative impact on the child's creativity and values. Experts point out that children should achieve a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem through their own efforts, rather than relying on external material things to show off. An overly ostentatious environment can diminish a child's creativity and lead them to pursue vanity goals excessively.

Experts shout out! Stop the pick-up traps and let the kids regain their childhood!

Deformed competition and psychological stress

Behind the "pick-up and drop-off tide" lies a deformed competitive mentality, in which parents try to assert their social status and economic power. However, this kind of competition is often accompanied by comparisons between families, which brings heavy psychological pressure to children. Experts point out that children should not be defined by exaggerated material symbols, they should grow up in a relatively equal environment, develop their independent thinking skills and interpersonal skills.

Social responsibility and fair competition

Experts shout out! Stop the pick-up traps and let the kids regain their childhood!

In addition to the impact on individual children, experts are concerned that this phenomenon could have a negative impact on society as a whole. This kind of excessive ostentatious behavior contributes to the sense of inequality in society, exacerbates the gap between the rich and the poor, and makes children from ordinary families feel inferior and powerless. Experts called on parents to look at their children's growth from an equal and fair perspective, not to limit their social circles to material comparisons, but to focus on cultivating children's moral character and sense of social responsibility.

Experts shout out! Stop the pick-up traps and let the kids regain their childhood!

Experts are angry at the "pick-up and drop-off wave", arguing that such behavior will ruin children's headline tweets. They reminded parents to pay attention to their children's growth process, avoid excessive show-off and vanity cultivation, so that children can face the challenges of growth with a positive and healthy attitude. At the same time, the society also needs to think and pay attention to the problems in children's development from multiple perspectives, and create a good educational environment, so that every child has an equal opportunity to show their talents and potential.