
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there


There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there

There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there
There are a lot of beautiful girls in the sales office, and they can't sell a few suites a year, so why are they still doing it there

"Lao Zhang, have you noticed? Those beautiful girls in the sales office can't sell a few suites, why can they stay there all the time? Xiao Li said to me while drinking coffee.

I nodded, "yes, I've always thought it was weird. Obviously the sales performance is not good, how can they still persevere? ”

Xiao Li smiled mysteriously: "I have a friend who works in that sales office, I went to inquire about it, and found that there are many articles in it." ”

"Tell me, what's going on?" I leaned over curiously.

Xiao Li put down the coffee and began to narrate: "First of all, many of these beautiful girls are specially selected by the company. The sales office is the face of the company, and a beautiful salesperson can attract more potential customers to come in and have a look. ”

I nodded: "That makes sense, after all, first impressions matter." ”

"Secondly," Li continued, "the job of the sales office is not just about selling houses. They are also tasked with maintaining customer relationships, gathering market information, and promoting the company's brand. Even if they don't sell the house, as long as the work is done properly, the company will still find them valuable. ”

"I see," I realized, "what do they think?" After all, you can't sell a few houses in a year, which should be quite a blow to self-confidence, right? ”

Xiao Li smiled: "That's what you're wrong." My friend said that in fact, many salespeople have another source of income. For example, they will promote their work through social platforms, receive some advertisements or endorsements. Coupled with a basic salary and some small commissions, life is also good. ”

"Then why don't they just change careers and become full-time influencers?" I asked.

"That's where job security comes in." Xiao Li explained, "The work of the sales office is relatively stable, and there is no need to worry about sudden income fluctuations. And, some are building up contacts to prepare for possible career transitions in the future. ”

I said, "They seem to be quite visionary. ”

"Yes," Xiao Li nodded, "each of them has their own plans. You look at them every day looking laid-back, but in fact they are laying the foundation for their future. ”

When I got home in the evening, I told my wife about it. After listening to it, she also found it interesting: "These girls are really smart. It's the best of both worlds to be able to find a stable job and develop your side hustle at the same time. ”

I smiled and said, "yes, it seems that we can't just look at the surface, we need to understand the truth behind it." ”

The next day, when I passed by the sales office again, my mindset was very different. When I saw the busy salesmen, I no longer felt that they were just vases, but I admired their wisdom and vision.

"Sometimes, a career that doesn't seem successful on the surface may have value behind it that we can't see." I said to myself.

Through this understanding, I learned an important truth: everyone has their own wisdom and plan for survival. Don't judge other people's choices lightly, because we often only see the tip of the iceberg.

I hope that everyone can find a work and lifestyle that suits them, not be bothered by superficial successes or failures, and firmly follow their own path. Those beautiful girls in the sales office gave me a lot of inspiration with their wisdom and hard work. No matter where we are, we must manage our lives with our hearts and find our own happiness and success.