
Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

author:Remembrance of people

Everyone in the world knows Dong Cunrui, the hero who used his body to hold up the explosives bag and blow up the enemy bunker. His deeds were written into textbooks, and his name resounded throughout the land of China. But once upon a time, some people began to question the authenticity of this hero, and some people even maliciously fabricated rumors to smear this martyr who sacrificed his life for the country. 72 years have passed, does Dong Cunrui's family still remember this hero? What about their lives? What's even more curious is that in the face of doubts on the Internet, how did Dong Cunrui's relatives and friends respond? Let's walk into the story of Dong Cunrui, uncover those little-known historical details, and feel the eternal charm of the heroic spirit. In the era of peace, how should we inherit the spirit of Dong Cunrui? Is the hero's dedication really respected as it deserves?

In 1929, Dong Cunrui was born in a poor peasant family in Nanshanbao Village, Longhua County, Hebei Province. In those days, wars raged and the people were struggling to make a living. The little Dong Cunrui witnessed the brutality of the Japanese invaders since he was a child, and planted the seeds of resisting Japan and saving the country in his heart.

When he was 11 years old, an anti-Japanese regime was established in the village of Nanshanbao. The young Dong Cunrui did not sit idly by, but actively participated in it and became the head of the children's group. This seemingly ordinary position laid the foundation for his future heroic career. In the team, he learned organizational discipline and developed responsibility and leadership skills.

In 1941, 12-year-old Dong Cunrui, with his wit and bravery, successfully covered the regional secretary from danger. This feat made him stand out among his peers and was hailed as a "little hero of the anti-Japanese resistance". This title is not only an affirmation of his actions, but also a motivation to continue to fight for the country and the people.

At the age of 15, Dong Cunrui joined the peasant militia organization. Here, he received more systematic military training, learned combat skills, and laid a solid foundation for joining the army in the future. He excelled and soon became a good militiaman.

However, the burden of life did not make Dong Cunrui give up his ideals. At the age of 16, he married Lu Changling. But the warm life after marriage did not make him settle for the status quo. In the second year after marriage, 18-year-old Dong Cunrui resolutely bid farewell to his young wife and joined the Eighth Route Army. This decision not only reflects his deep patriotic feelings for the country and the nation, but also shows his noble character of sacrificing his small family for everyone.

After enlisting in the army, Dong Cunrui was like a fish in water, and soon made a name for himself in the army. He studied diligently, studied military skills diligently, and made meritorious contributions in battles many times. His performance was appreciated by his superiors and he was hailed as an excellent fighter. In 1947, he honorably joined the Chinese Communist Party and became a staunch communist fighter.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

On May 25, 1948, in the battle of Qijianfang Village, Longhua County, Hebei Province, Dong Cunrui faced the most important choice in his life. In order to conquer the enemy's pillbox, he did not hesitate to hold up the explosives bag with his body and die with the enemy. This feat not only blew up the enemy's pillbox and created the conditions for victory in the battle, but also erected an eternal heroic monument.

Dong Cunrui was only 19 years old when he died. In his short but brilliant life, he grew from an ordinary rural child to a brave and fearless revolutionary fighter, and finally became a hero admired by the people of the whole country. His deeds spread throughout the country, inspired countless people to devote themselves to the revolutionary cause, and made important contributions to the establishment of New China.

Dong Cunrui's heroic deeds are not only a personal story, but also a microcosm of that era. It shows how ordinary people can stand up and contribute to the cause of national liberation when the country is in crisis. Dong Cunrui's spirit has become a valuable asset to inspire future generations, and the patriotism, revolutionary heroism and self-sacrifice spirit it contains still inspire generations of Chinese.

After Dong Cunrui's heroic death, his family endured great pain and loss. However, they were not crushed by grief, but in their own way, they inherited the spirit of heroes and worked hard to live.

Dong Cunrui's wife, Lu Changling, was only 20 years old when her husband died. She was grieving the loss of her beloved, but she did not collapse. Instead, she took on the burden of the family, taking care of Dong Cunrui's parents and young children. In the three years after Dong Cunrui's death, Lu Changling insisted on being a widow, and used his actions to interpret his loyalty to his husband and his support for the revolutionary cause.

However, the hardships of life and the pressure of reality made Dong Cunrui's parents unbearable to see Lu Changling die alone. Under their persuasion, Lu Changling finally agreed to remarry. This decision is undoubtedly difficult for her, but it also reflects her courage in facing life. After Lu Changling left the Dong family, he reorganized his family and started a new life. Despite this, she has never forgotten Dong Cunrui, and often tells people about Dong Cunrui's heroic deeds, becoming an important force in spreading the heroic spirit.

Dong Cunrui's parents, as family members of martyrs, received special attention from the government. Every year, they receive a special government subsidy and their daily necessities are guaranteed. With the support of the government, Dong Cunrui's father worked hard and eventually became a grassroots official in the local government. He has incorporated his own personal experience into his work and contributed to the local political construction. Dong Cunrui's mother quietly supports her husband's work at home, and is also actively involved in community activities, telling her neighbors about her son's heroic deeds.

Dong Cunrui's brothers and sisters have also embarked on different life paths. Dong Cunrui's second brother, like him, chose to dedicate himself to the revolutionary cause, but unfortunately died in a battle. This was undoubtedly another heavy blow to the Dong family, but it also further strengthened their determination to support the revolution.

Dong Cunrui's younger brother and younger sister chose a more ordinary path. They worked in local factories and became ordinary workers. Still, they have not forgotten who they are. As the families of the martyrs, they actively cooperated with the government's propaganda work, often preached Dong Cunrui's heroic deeds in factories and communities, and became an important force in spreading the revolutionary spirit.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

As time passed, Dong Cunrui's family gradually came out of the haze of losing their loved ones. Not only have they improved their lives, but they have also found spiritual solace. The care and support of the government and all walks of life for Dong Cunrui's family made them feel warm and made them more determined to inherit the heroic spirit.

Every year on Martyrs' Day, Dong Cunrui's family will gather together and go to Dong Cunrui's cemetery to pay respects. It's not just a family gathering, it's a spiritual inheritance. They will tell the younger generation about Dong Cunrui's deeds, so that the heroic spirit can be passed on from generation to generation in the family.

In addition to the family, Dong Cunrui's family is also actively involved in social activities. They are often invited to participate in various commemorative events to tell the story of Dong Cunrui to more people. Through these activities, they not only spread the heroic spirit, but also let more people know about the living conditions of the families of the martyrs.

However, life is not all smooth sailing. With the development of society, some people began to question Dong Cunrui's heroic deeds. In the face of these doubts, Dong Cunrui's family showed a firm attitude. They actively cooperated with the relevant departments, provided evidence and clarified the facts. Their actions not only safeguarded Dong Cunrui's reputation, but also defended the authenticity of history.

Now, it has been more than 70 years since Dong Cunrui died. His parents have passed away and his siblings are elderly. However, Dong Cunrui's descendants are still trying to inherit the heroic spirit. Some of them became teachers, some became soldiers, some became civil servants. No matter what position they are in, they all inherit the spirit of Dong Cunrui in their own way and contribute to the society.

The experience of Dong Cunrui's family is the epitome of countless martyrs' families. Their stories not only show the ups and downs of personal destiny, but also reflect the development process of a country and a nation. From the initial hardships and hardships to today's stability and happiness, the changes in the life of Dong Cunrui's family are also a vivid portrayal of the development and progress of New China.

Dong Cunrui's heroic deeds are not only a piece of history, but also a spiritual inheritance. With the passage of time, all walks of life have inherited and carried forward the spirit of Dong Cunrui in different ways, so that the story of this hero will continue to shine in the new era.

In Dong Cunrui's hometown of Longhua County, Hebei Province, the local government established the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall in 1958. This memorial is not only a memorial to heroes, but also an important patriotic education base. The memorial hall displays Dong Cunrui's life story in detail, including photos of his childhood, items used during his lifetime, and the reconstruction of scenes from his sacrifice. Every year, tens of thousands of tourists come to visit, including student groups and party and government organizations.

In 2008, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Dong Cunrui's death, the local government carried out a comprehensive upgrade of the memorial hall. The new exhibition not only adds multimedia interactive facilities, but also adds virtual reality technology, allowing visitors to experience the difficult choices Dong Cunrui faced back then. This innovative way of displaying makes it easier for the younger generation to understand and feel the connotation of heroic spirit.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

In addition to the memorial hall, Dong Cunrui's hometown has also set up a number of commemorative landmarks. In the village of Seven Rooms, where he died, a tall monument was erected. Every year during the Qingming Festival, the local people will spontaneously organize memorial activities to pay tribute to the heroes. This kind of spontaneous commemorative activity reflects the far-reaching influence of Dong Cunrui's spirit among the people.

In the field of education, the spirit of Dong Cunrui has also been widely inherited. Many schools across the country are named after Dong Cunrui, such as Dong Cunrui Middle School in Beijing and Dong Cunrui Primary School in Longhua County, Hebei Province. These schools are not only named, but also integrate the spirit of Dong Cunrui into daily education. For example, Beijing Dong Cunrui Middle School holds a keynote speech contest on "Dong Cunrui Spirit" every year to encourage students to have an in-depth understanding of heroic deeds and think about how to inherit the heroic spirit in the new era.

In 2015, the Ministry of Education officially incorporated Dong Cunrui's deeds into primary and secondary school textbooks. This decision has made Dong Cunrui's spirit more widely disseminated. In class, the teachers not only told about Dong Cunrui's heroic deeds, but also guided students to discuss how to practice the heroic spirit in their daily lives. Some schools also organize on-site visits to the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall, allowing students to deepen their understanding of the heroic spirit through hands-on experience.

In the field of literary and artistic creation, Dong Cunrui's story has also become an important theme of creation. In 1955, the movie "Dong Cunrui" was released, allowing more people to understand the deeds of this hero. Subsequently, a number of plays, songs and literary works with Dong Cunrui as the theme came out one after another. In 2018, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Dong Cunrui's sacrifice, a new documentary "Forever Dong Cunrui" was broadcast on CCTV, reinterpreting the heroic spirit from a modern perspective.

All walks of life have also inherited the spirit of Dong Cunrui in different ways. Some companies integrate the spirit of Dong Cunrui into their corporate culture and encourage employees to learn the dedication of heroes. For example, a steel company in Hebei Province has set up the "Dong Cunrui Award" to commend employees with outstanding performance and dedication in their work.

The army is an important position for inheriting the spirit of Dong Cunrui. Many units are named after Dong Cunrui, such as "Dong Cunrui Company". These units are not only named but also integrate the heroic spirit into their daily training and ideological education. Every year, the army organizes officers and men to visit the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall and carries out thematic education activities to encourage officers and men to inherit the heroic spirit and enhance their sense of mission and responsibility.

In the Internet era, the spread of Dong Cunrui's spirit has also taken on new characteristics. Discussions about Dong Cunrui can often be seen on social media. Some netizens spontaneously made short videos to tell the story of Dong Cunrui in an easy-to-understand way. This grassroots-style spread has allowed the heroic spirit to be more widely recognized among young people.

In 2020, during the new crown epidemic, some medical workers spontaneously shouted the slogan "learn from Comrade Dong Cunrui" when they went to Wuhan. This scene attracted widespread attention after being reported by the media, once again proving the vitality of Dong Cunrui's spirit in contemporary times.

The inheritance and development of Dong Cunrui's spirit is not only a commemoration of a hero, but also a inheritance of spiritual wealth. Through various forms of communication and education, Dong Cunrui's heroic deeds can continue to exert influence in the new era, inspiring generations of Chinese to contribute to the development of the country and the nation.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

With the passage of time and the deepening of historical research, some new discoveries and controversies have emerged about Dong Cunrui's deeds. These new discoveries and controversies have not only enriched people's understanding of Dong Cunrui, but also triggered all walks of life to think about the evaluation criteria of historical heroes.

In 2005, a retired teacher named Li Deshan found a precious document while sorting through his family's old belongings. This document is the diary left by Li Deshan's father, who was once a soldier in Dong Cunrui's unit. The diary records in detail the circumstances of the day of Dong Cunrui's death, including some details that were previously little known. According to the diary, Dong Cunrui tried other methods to break through the enemy's defense line before bombing the bunker, but they were all unsuccessful. The discovery provides more context for Dong's decision to die heroically, and a better understanding of the difficult choices he faced.

In 2010, a military historian accidentally found a war report of the U.S. military while researching the historical materials of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. This battle report recorded the U.S. military's evaluation of Dong Cunrui's unit and praised the Chinese army's tenacious fighting spirit. Although Dong Cunrui's name is not directly mentioned in the battle report, the corresponding time and place are consistent with Dong Cunrui's sacrifice. This discovery proves the authenticity of Dong Cunrui's heroic deeds from the perspective of the enemy.

However, as new sources emerged, some controversies followed. In 2012, a folk history enthusiast published an online article questioning the specifics of Mr. Dong's bombing of the bunker. This enthusiast believed that according to the technical conditions at that time, it was impossible for Dong Cunrui to complete the task of bombing the bunker alone. The article sparked widespread discussion online, and some people began to doubt the authenticity of Dong Cunrui's deeds.

In the face of these doubts, the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall and relevant historical research institutions quickly responded. They organized experts to conduct a comprehensive review of the available historical materials and invited military experts to conduct technical analysis. After detailed research, the experts concluded that although the specific details of the bombing of the bunker may be exaggerated or embellished, the core facts of Dong Cunrui's heroic sacrifice are undoubted.

In 2015, an archaeological excavation was carried out near the site of Dong Cunrui's death. The archaeological team found a number of remnants of war, including explosive residues and weapon fragments. These physical evidence provide new support for the authenticity of Dong Cunrui's deeds. Archaeological discoveries have attracted wide attention from all walks of life, and have also provided a new direction for historical research.

As the research deepened, scholars began to pay attention to more details behind Dong Cunrui's deeds. In 2018, a sociologist published a paper exploring the influence of Dong's family background on his heroic behavior. This paper attempts to explain the formation process of the heroic spirit by analyzing Dong Cunrui's growth environment, family education and other factors. This multi-faceted approach provides a new perspective for understanding heroic deeds.

However, new research methods have also brought new controversies. In 2020, a psychologist suggested that Dong Cunrui's behavior may have been influenced by the special social environment at the time, rather than being entirely a manifestation of personal will. This view has sparked heated debate in academic circles, with some arguing that this interpretation downplays the value of individual heroism, while others believe that it helps to understand history more fully.

In the face of these controversies, the relevant government departments have taken a cautious approach. On the one hand, they encouraged scholars to conduct in-depth research, and on the other hand, they also emphasized the need to respect historical facts and not easily dismiss established heroic images. In 2021, the National Archives and Records Administration released a number of historical archives related to Dong Cunrui, hoping to provide a more solid foundation for research through the disclosure of more original materials.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

With the development of the times, people's definition and evaluation criteria for heroes are also constantly changing. Some scholars have begun to discuss how to reinterpret the spirit of Dong Cunrui in the new era. They believe that Dong Cunrui's heroic behavior is not only reflected in the sacrifice itself, but also in the courage and determination in the face of difficulties. This view is shared by many young people, who believe that this interpretation is more in line with the values of contemporary society.

In 2023, a documentary on Dong Cunrui won an award at an international film festival. This documentary not only tells the heroic deeds of Dong Cunrui, but also explores the significance of the heroic spirit in contemporary society. The success of the documentary shows the international influence of Dong Cunrui's story, and also provides new ideas for historical research.

In general, the historical research on Dong Cunrui is still deepening. New discoveries and controversies, while presenting challenges, have also advanced a deeper understanding of history. These studies not only enrich the image of Dong Cunrui, but also provide us with a new perspective for thinking about the significance of heroic spirit in contemporary society.

Although the spirit of Dong Cunrui was born in the war-torn era, the qualities of patriotism, sacrifice and selfless dedication contained in it still have far-reaching practical significance in the new era. With the development of society, the spirit of Dong Cunrui has been newly interpreted and applied in different fields, and has become an important spiritual force that inspires the Chinese people to struggle.

In the field of national defense construction, Dong Cunrui's spirit has always been an important source of motivation for military personnel. In 2015, the Chinese People's Liberation Army carried out a large-scale military reform, one of the important contents of which is to strengthen ideological and political education. In this reform, the spirit of Dong Cunrui was listed as a key learning content. Units at all levels of the armed forces organized officers and men to study Dong Cunrui's deeds and, in light of modern military needs, explored how to carry forward Dong Cunrui's spirit in the new era.

For example, at a naval base in the South China Sea, a "Dong Cunrui Hero Company" named after Dong Cunrui constantly challenges the limits in daily training. They conducted landing drills in complex sea conditions and completed offshore cruising missions in bad weather. The company instructor said: "Although we are not facing a rain of bullets, the mission of guarding national security has not changed. Dong Cunrui's spirit inspires us to maintain a fighting spirit even in peacetime. "

In the field of scientific and technological innovation, Dong Cunrui's spirit has also found a new foothold. In 2018, a research team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences encountered great difficulties in tackling a key technology. When the morale of the team was low, the project leader organized everyone to learn Dong Cunrui's deeds. He said: "Dong Cunrui is facing a life-and-death decision, and we are only facing temporary difficulties. If even this setback cannot be overcome, how can we contribute to the country's scientific and technological development? "The motivated team finally broke through the technical bottleneck and made important contributions to the national space industry.

In the field of education, Dong Cunrui's spirit has been given a new connotation. In 2020, a school called "Dong Cunrui Middle School" added a "heroic spirit cultivation" course to the curriculum. This course not only tells the story of Dong Cunrui, but also guides students to think about how to practice the heroic spirit in their daily lives. The school organizes students to participate in community volunteer services, help the elderly who are lonely, and clean up the garbage on the streets. One student who participated in the event said, "Although the things we did were small, it made me understand what it means to be considerate of others and what it means to be giving. "

In the battle of poverty alleviation, Dong Cunrui's spirit also played an important role. In 2019, in a poverty-stricken mountainous area of Hebei Province, a poverty alleviation team composed of young cadres was stationed there all year round. They overcame difficult conditions to help villagers develop industries and improve their living conditions. The captain said at a summary meeting: "Although we do not have the earth-shattering feat of Dong Cunrui, we can learn from his spirit of fearless hardship and sacrifice, and dedicate our youth to the cause of poverty alleviation." "

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

During the fight against the new crown epidemic, Dong Cunrui's spirit once again demonstrated its strong charisma. At the beginning of 2020, when the epidemic in Wuhan was at its worst, medical team members from all over the country rushed to help. A nurse from Hebei went to visit the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall before leaving. She wrote in her diary: "Dong Cunrui did not hesitate to sacrifice himself for the safety of his comrades-in-arms, and we medical staff should also have such a responsibility." In the face of an unknown virus, we have nothing to fear. "

In enterprise management, Dong Cunrui's spirit has also been given a new interpretation. In 2021, when a private enterprise was facing operational difficulties, the company's leaders called on all employees to learn the spirit of Dong Cunrui. They transformed Dong Cunrui's spirit of fearlessness and sacrifice into corporate culture, and encouraged employees not to flinch in the face of difficulties and have the courage to innovate. Through the joint efforts of all employees, the company finally overcame the difficulties and achieved transformation and upgrading.

In international exchanges, the spirit of Dong Cunrui has also become a window to show the Chinese spirit. In 2022, at an international youth exchange event, the Chinese delegation introduced Dong Cunrui's story to foreign youth. A young man from Africa was deeply moved by this, saying: "Although our country does not have a hero like Dong Cunrui, his spirit transcends national borders. This made me understand why China has been able to achieve such tremendous growth. "

In urban construction, Dong Cunrui's spirit has also been reinterpreted. In 2023, a city in Hebei Province will name a community "Dong Cunrui Community" when it is renovating its old city. In the planning and design of the community, hero-themed elements were deliberately added, such as hero sculptures, deeds display walls, etc. The community also regularly organizes residents to learn from Dong Cunrui's deeds and carry out volunteer service activities. A resident of the community said: "Living in the 'Dong Cunrui Community', we can feel the inspiration of the heroic spirit every day, which makes our lives more meaningful. "

The inheritance and development of Dong Cunrui's spirit in the new era shows the vitality and creativity of the Chinese national spirit. It is not only a remembrance of the past, but also a driving force for the future. With the joint efforts of all sectors of society, the spirit of Dong Cunrui is being integrated into the daily life of the Chinese people in various forms and has become an important force to promote social progress.