
"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

author:Pineapple big pineapple

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Recently, the drama "The Story of Rose" has become a hot mess, and the plot is so exciting that people can't stop. However, in addition to the plot, the characters in the play have become the focus of heated discussions among netizens after dinner.

In this drama, the appearance of the actor Fang Xiewen is like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves. His various words and deeds really made countless viewers angry and angry. The words he said, like a knife, hurt people deeply, and pulled the audience's anger to the peak.

"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

Especially seeing that Huang Rose played by Liu Yifei was PUA by him all day long, those netizens who were too deep in the drama were so distressed that the flames of anger burned in their hearts. They couldn't bear it anymore and decided to do justice for Huang Rose, and rushed to the comment area of Lin Gengxin's social account, who played Fang Xiewen, and started a fierce "crusade battle".

But what is unexpected is that this seemingly one-sided "war" did not develop in the direction expected by netizens. In the face of the flood of doubts and attacks, Lin Gengxin did not choose to endure silently and be a docile little sheep. Instead, he bravely stepped up and fought back in his own unique way.

"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

Lin Gengxin is not the kind of person who can be easily defeated. He didn't choose to swallow his anger, but relied on his unique humor and powerful intimidating skills to catch those attackers off guard. This move of his not only did not put him in a worse situation, but made his popularity rise sharply like a rocket.

For a time, Lin Gengxin became the core figure of everyone's heated discussion and became the focus of the entertainment industry. Because of his unique way of coping, he also liked to mention the resounding name of "the first person in domestic entertainment to fight black", which was simply out of the circle and attracted the attention of countless people.

"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

Lin Gengxin's way of scaring people is unique and creative. Each of his counterattacks was like an accurate arrow, hitting the opponent's vital point directly, leaving people speechless and could only stare dryly. It is precisely because of such a unique style that he has successfully gained a large number of loyal fans.

In this entertainment industry, when many celebrities encounter negative comments, they often need fans to charge forward to defend them and fight against blackness. But Lin Gengxin is different, he can fight the crowd alone, and fans don't need to worry about him at all.

"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

Moreover, as time went on, Lin Gengxin's "combat experience" became more and more abundant. His academic qualifications are constantly improving, and his ability to scare people is becoming more and more powerful. His intimidating style is full of humor and creativity, which can not only hit opponents with precision, but also make people can't help but be amused by his humor while being scolded.

The range of his attack is called a broad, non-discriminatory. Whether it is a friend or an unfriendly netizen, as long as you provoke him, don't want to easily escape his "stinging mouth".

"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

Even sometimes, he didn't even let go of himself and boldly blackened himself. This kind of courage to laugh at oneself has to be admired. His enviable sense of humor and comedy makes him unique in the entertainment industry.

Although Lin Gengxin has been constantly scandalized, his acting skills are rarely criticized. This also shows that he still has real skills in his acting career.

"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

Lin Gengxin's "scaremongering" style is not the kind of vulgar attack that has no quality, speaks viciously, and is full of swearing. Instead, it is humorous and humorous, without a dirty word, but it can always accurately poke at the other party's pain points, so that the other party is powerless to refute. While he shows great confidence and frankness, he also makes people angry and laughing, which is really love-hate and hate-hate.

In this ever-changing and intricate entertainment industry, Lin Gengxin is like a bright lone star, exuding a unique light and an extremely unique existence. In his own way, he bravely and firmly responds to all kinds of voices from the outside world, not swayed by the interference of the outside world, and consistently adheres to his unique personality and distinctive style.

"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

Perhaps it is precisely this rare authenticity and uniqueness that allows him to stand out among the many star-studded stars and stand out like a dark horse. Because of this, he has managed to win the heartfelt love and unwavering support of a large number of fans.

I sincerely hope that in the long days to come, Lin Gengxin will be able to maintain this rare truth and uniqueness as always, and continue to show his charm and style. We look forward to him dedicating more wonderful and fascinating works to us, creating more hilarious and intimidating moments, and adding more fun and surprises to our lives.

"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

At the same time, we also have full enthusiasm and ardent expectations, and sincerely hope that he can continue to forge ahead and move forward bravely in the long journey of his acting career. I look forward to him being able to persevere in breaking through the barriers of self-imposed limitations, and challenge one higher goal after another with fearless courage and firm determination.

It is expected that he will continue to work tirelessly to tap into his potential and bring out the untapped talents one by one. Moreover, with solid and impeccable strength, he can fully prove his irreplaceable value in every work and every role. We always believe that he will be able to overcome obstacles and climb new heights with his unremitting efforts and outstanding talents.

"New scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face and a poisonous mouth!

I believe that he will rely on his love and dedication to his acting career to climb one eye-catching artistic peak after another, and constantly refresh people's cognition and expectations for him. I believe that in the vast and vast world of performing arts, he can leave a series of profound and beautiful footprints, every step carries his dreams and persistence, and every footprint witnesses his growth and transformation.

We sincerely believe that he will become a dazzling star in the entertainment industry that will never fade and shine forever. No matter how time passes, no matter how the trend of the entertainment industry changes, he can always stand in the center of the stage with his unique charm and incomparable strength, exuding a dazzling light, bringing endless surprises and touches to the audience.

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