
What are the conditions and procedures for the business license of the "Porcelain Capital" cultural relics store?

author:Lili Enterprise Service

What about the cultural relics qualifications that collectors need to sell ancient ceramics? What are the conditions and processes

What are the conditions and procedures for the business license of the "Porcelain Capital" cultural relics store?

The detailed process of handling the cultural relics store permit required for the sale of ancient porcelain and ancient calligraphy and paintings

What qualifications do ancient ceramics need to enter the platform? Conditions and procedures for handling cultural relics stores

Because our Chinese land has a very thick cultural heritage, the art trading market has been very active from ancient times to the present. From jade, calligraphy and painting, bronzes, porcelain, ancient coins, books and so on, there are many categories and very rich. Therefore, many collectors have asked me, what qualifications do I need to sell ancient porcelain, jade, calligraphy and paintings, etc. on the platform? As long as it involves porcelain before 1949, the sale of cultural relics store license is required, and the cultural relics store business license is issued by the Cultural Relics Bureau after layers of review. Let's give you a detailed introduction to how to handle the permit for cultural relics stores? What are the conditions and processes?

What are the conditions and procedures for the business license of the "Porcelain Capital" cultural relics store?

1. The basic conditions for the licensing of cultural relics stores for the sale of ancient porcelain are as follows:

1. Hire five cultural and museum experts who meet the qualification requirements of the application, and may need to provide original qualifications or be present;

2. A paid-in capital verification report of more than 2 million yuan is required;

3. The registered address must be consistent with the actual business premises, and it needs to be commercial in nature, with places, facilities and technical conditions for the storage of cultural relics, and meet the requirements of door-to-door verification;

4. Other regional special approval requirements; The examination and approval of the store business license is required to meet the basic cultural relics management requirements.

Ancient porcelain sales cultural relics store handling process:

What are the conditions and procedures for the business license of the "Porcelain Capital" cultural relics store?

2. The registration process of cultural relics stores

1. Name pre-approval: Go to the local industrial and commercial administrative department, or pre-approve the enterprise name on the local industrial and commercial website to ensure that the selected name has not been registered and used by others.

2. Prepare registration materials: Prepare the materials required for company registration, including the articles of association, list of shareholders, business place certificate, etc. Go to the administrative department for industry and commerce to apply for a business license.

Prepare the specific materials required for the establishment of the cultural relics store, such as the qualification certificate of the cultural relics protection professionals, the list of cultural relics identification instruments and equipment, etc.

3. Submit the application: Submit the prepared materials to the local cultural relics administrative department to apply for the permission to set up a cultural relics store.

4. On-site inspection: The administrative department of cultural relics will arrange personnel to conduct on-site inspection of the business premises to ensure that the conditions and requirements for the establishment of cultural relics stores are met

5. Examination and approval: After passing the examination, the cultural relics administrative department will issue a permit for the establishment of cultural relics stores.

6. Tax registration and opening of W account: After completing the industrial and commercial registration, go to the tax department for tax registration and obtain the tax registration certificate. Choose a suitable bank to open a corporate account.

7. Daily operation and supervision: In daily operation, cultural relics stores should strictly abide by the laws and regulations on cultural relics protection to ensure that the source of cultural relics is legal and authentic. Regularly report the purchase and sale of cultural relics to the administrative department for cultural relics, and accept the inspection and guidance of the regulatory department.

What are the conditions and procedures for the business license of the "Porcelain Capital" cultural relics store?

3. How long does it take to process the cultural relics business qualification?

The processing time for cultural relics business qualifications mainly depends on the time required for the transfer of experts and the approval of cultural relics stores. Previously, it usually took one to two months. Now due to the tightening of the policy, the difficulty of handling has increased, and it takes about three months to process, it should be noted that there may be differences in policies and approval processes in various places, and the specific processing time will be different.

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