
Liu Yifei said in a live broadcast that she had been a scumbag, and some actors became popular and couldn't go far

author:ζ ͡๓

Liu Yifei said in the live broadcast: "Some actors may really become popular too fast, and they have not experienced some accumulation and tribulation in art, and then they float, and they don't think about themselves well, and make some scummy things, which may have a bad impact on the public and bring some very negative things to the entertainment industry, I believe these people will not go far." "What do you think? .

Liu Yifei said in a live broadcast that she had been a scumbag, and some actors became popular and couldn't go far

Liu Yifei said that I have encountered this matter of meeting a scumbag. But Rose, I want to say, in fact, what he met is really not a scumbag, first of all, you must be a good personality, you may be able to see what is love, what is emotion. In fact, some actors may really live too fast, but they haven't experienced some accumulation and tribulations in art to explode, and then they float, and then they don't think about it well.

Liu Yifei said in a live broadcast that she had been a scumbag, and some actors became popular and couldn't go far

Others say that it may be nothing, Liu Yifei said so, those who floated so much that they couldn't speak, not only were they more popular than them, but they were younger than when they were popular. There is nothing wrong with this, who is not afraid of the disappearance of the actors who cooperate with them, there have been so many collapsed houses in recent years. She hasn't filmed for more than ten years, and she has really been hacked for too long! But fortunately, she also took advantage of this time to precipitate herself!

Liu Yifei said in a live broadcast that she had been a scumbag, and some actors became popular and couldn't go far

I think there's nothing wrong with what people say, learn art first and learn morality, at least don't violate discipline and break the law, otherwise you will become a bad artist and have no future, not to mention a large number of people, causing other people's works to be released hopelessly, and those that have already been released have also been taken off the shelves.

Liu Yifei said in a live broadcast that she had been a scumbag, and some actors became popular and couldn't go far

Finally heard the words of an actor who doesn't criticize the audience! Reflect more on the script and the actors' own acting skills, instead of criticizing the audience for not knowing how to appreciate [awkward laughter] You shoot things for others to see, rather than educating others how to watch them! Everyone will approve of good things, not just a small number of people, and then turn around and criticize those who are the majority, and then force others to approve.

Liu Yifei said in a live broadcast that she had been a scumbag, and some actors became popular and couldn't go far

Some dramas are not good-looking, so fans say: "China can't produce good-looking movies because this group of audiences is not cultural enough and has bad taste." Also, "Sometimes the culture is not enough to really understand the movie".

Liu Yifei said in a live broadcast that she had been a scumbag, and some actors became popular and couldn't go far

Liu Yifei is really sober, if a movie hits the street, it will definitely not be the audience's problem, it will be the problem of the actors and the film. If a movie becomes popular quickly and spreads, there will be many people who don't like to watch it, but there are definitely bright spots in it, and most people like to watch it. #刘亦菲##刘亦菲直播视频截图##刘亦菲直播言论引热议##刘亦菲直播视频截图#


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