
Little three over and over again! The extramarital affair between the supernumerary personnel and Su, the outflow of the fleshy chat records ended too miserably

author:Entertainment Xiaokan

Hey, dear readers, today I'm going to unveil a powerful story for you! This is not gossip, but an officialdom drama that is more bloody and exciting than a TV series! You ready? Let's savor this drama within a play, uncover the love and hate in this melee, and see who is the final winner.

Little three over and over again! The extramarital affair between the supernumerary personnel and Su, the outflow of the fleshy chat records ended too miserably

The starting point of the story goes back to the hot summer last year. Our heroine, Wei, a new supernumerary, looks like a country and a city, like a blooming flower, in the mood for love. During a work handover at the Shizong County Letters and Visits Bureau, she unexpectedly met our male protagonist, Su Moufei, a deputy county magistrate with a family. Oops, this love at first sight sounds like a bridge in a TV series, but it really happened.

Little three over and over again! The extramarital affair between the supernumerary personnel and Su, the outflow of the fleshy chat records ended too miserably

Su Moufei fell in love with Wei at first sight, and the relationship between the two was like a rocket, swishing warm. From office encounters to late-night sweet text messages, from public meetings to secret dates, everything seems to make sense. Wei was also immersed in this sudden love, she felt like a princess in a fairy tale, found her own prince, and lived a happy life ever since.

However, the good times didn't last long, Wei learned a truth that shocked her from others by chance: Su Moufei turned out to be a married man! This sudden news made her feel greatly deceived, she felt like a chess piece being played, deceived by Su Moufei, a sanctimonious guy. While she was still struggling to digest it all, an even bigger blow struck – she found out she was pregnant.

Wei's world has been turned upside down since then. She told Su Moufei the news, hoping to find a solution. After all, this is a life, the crystallization of the love between the two of them. However, Su Moufei's reaction far exceeded her expectations. Not only was he indifferent and ruthless, but he even threatened Wei to get rid of the child so as not to affect his political future. He said, "Wei, you can't keep this child, it will ruin everything for me." You have to do it, it's for our common future. ”

Little three over and over again! The extramarital affair between the supernumerary personnel and Su, the outflow of the fleshy chat records ended too miserably

Wei listened to these words, and his heart was like a knife. She didn't expect that the man she loved so much would be so ruthless. Under tremendous pressure, she walked into the hospital alone and had surgery. After the operation, she was physically and mentally exhausted, lying on the hospital bed, tears streaming down her face. She originally thought that Su Moufei would come to her senses and give her at least the most basic care when she was most helpless. However, what she was waiting for was even more callous threats and abandonment. Su Moufei is like a cold-blooded animal, completely ignoring Wei's feelings and life or death.

Wei was desperate, she felt that she had given everything but got such a result. She is not reconciled, she wants to make all this public, so that the world can see the true face behind this sanctimonious deputy county magistrate. So, she reported this unbearable past and Su Moufei's ugly behavior all exposed. This move undoubtedly threw a boulder on the calm lake, causing an uproar.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately detonated the Internet, and public opinion was in an uproar. Many people strongly condemned Su Moufei's behavior, believing that as a public official, he was so morally corrupt, which was simply a great insult to society. They all said that Su Moufei's behavior not only betrayed his family, but also was extremely irresponsible to the society. At the same time, they also expressed deep sympathy for Wei's experience, believing that she was an innocent victim who was played with by Su Moufei's power and desire.

Little three over and over again! The extramarital affair between the supernumerary personnel and Su, the outflow of the fleshy chat records ended too miserably

However, there are also controversies. Some people questioned Wei's original intentions, believing that it was a well-planned act of revenge. They felt that Wei was resentful because he was abandoned by Su Moufei, so they chose to expose this matter to ruin his future. They believe that Wei's behavior is out of extreme selfishness and revenge, completely ignoring the feelings of Su Moufei's family and children

Faced with such doubts, Wei just smiled faintly, she said: "I exposed this matter, not to retaliate against him, but to expose the truth." I hope that the world will see his true colors and that no more innocent people will be deceived and harmed by him. Her response was filled with firmness and determination, and one could not help but be impressed by her courage and sense of justice.

With the development of events, Su Moufei's position is in jeopardy. He tried to settle it with a hush money of 150,000, hoping that Wei would accept the money and then disappear silently. However, Wei resolutely rejected this condition. "I don't want money, I want justice," she said. I hope that the law can give me a fair verdict so that Su Moufei can get the punishment he deserves. Her resoluteness and sense of justice are deeply admired, and it also makes people see her sense of responsibility and responsibility to the society.

Now, the matter has been investigated by the higher authorities, and the results are not yet known. However, no matter how it ends, it will be a great test of social morality and personal values. It allows us to see the intertwined shadow of power and desire, and also allows us to think more deeply about human nature.

Little three over and over again! The extramarital affair between the supernumerary personnel and Su, the outflow of the fleshy chat records ended too miserably

Here, I would like to share my opinion. I think this incident is not only a betrayal of a relationship, but also a challenge to the bottom line of social morality. As a public official, Su Moufei should have set an example to maintain social justice and fairness. However, he used his power to deceive and harm innocent women, which is simply intolerable.

He betrayed not only his family, but also the trust and expectations of society. His behavior is a violation of the bottom line of social morality, and it is also a great damage to the image of public officials.

Of course, this incident also gives us a lot to think about. For example, how should we view the phenomenon of extramarital affairs in officialdom? How should the innocent victims be protected? And how should we maintain social justice and fairness? These problems cannot be solved overnight, and they require the joint efforts and thinking of each of us.

For those innocent victims, we should give them adequate attention and protection. They are innocent, but they have suffered the most damage. We should provide them with the necessary legal and psychological support so that they can stand up for their rights and interests. At the same time, we should also intensify our efforts to crack down on such acts and make those who try to use power and power to oppress and harm innocent people pay the price they deserve.

In closing, I would like to say that no matter how this event ends, we should all learn from it. We should cherish our families and feelings more, and not be easily deceived by power and desire. At the same time, we should also be more courageous to stand up and expose those illegal acts and maintain social justice and fairness. Only in this way can we create a better society together.

Okay, that's all for today's article. If you have any views or thoughts on this matter, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss with me! See you next time! Don't forget to like, share and follow! That way you'll be the first to receive my updates! Bye~