
Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

author:Strive for the quiet of the sun

Text editor|Strive to be quiet in the sun [give you a little heart] [give you a little heart]

I found that whether it is my family or friends around me, I will occasionally inadvertently do some behaviors that are incomprehensible under normal thinking [laughing and crying], which is quite inexplicable~

For example: walking on the road and smelling the smell of snacks in the hands of elementary school students, once I really couldn't help it, I asked people to come and eat, the child was quite atmospheric, and the rest was given to me [laughing and crying]

It's inexplicable that we're not alone, human beings are like this~

People are investing, don't bother her, otherwise it's yours~ [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

Hahaha, my sister said that if you want to know what it tastes like, then taste it yourself [covering your face]

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

Hahaha, why is it so funny, I can only ride by myself and dare not carry people, I usually slip away when I encounter such a situation~

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

Don't say it, uncle must be the kind of person who does good things in a muffled voice, the luggage will be put for you when it says it will be put on you, and the bugs will be caught for you when it says it will be caught for you, hahahaha!

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

You're stunned by the big brother this time [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying], maybe the eldest brother is not stepping on these feet heavily, just right~

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

You've said everything about this, and if you don't shout that you eat, it looks like it's theirs [laughing and crying]

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

This game is fun, but you can't play it alone [cover your face] [cover your face] both sides are in a state where you dare to be angry and dare not speak!

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

That boy has to thank you, if it weren't for you, he would be a little embarrassed to eat alone, so you are also confidants~

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

[laughing and crying] Emma, hahahahaha, it's weird and scary to bring in [covering his face] and successfully getting himself into the role of the animated drama~

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

The brilliance of maternal love is overflowing everywhere, hahahahaha, well done, children can't drink~

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

I can see that you are really greedy [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] My daughter can't stand it, and it's not appropriate for my own family to open her mouth to ask for it~

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

Needless to say, at home, your action must be a routine operation, but it is too easy to shoot! The eldest brother may also be used to it at home, tacitly [covering his face]

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

People can't be beaten twice by the same person in the same place for no reason, hahahaha, I was relieved when I saw the last sentence~

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

The little sister thought to herself: Seeing that you have good hair and have nowhere to show it, I will reluctantly accept it~

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

[laughs and cries] [laughing and crying] What's the matter, do you still want others to think that I treat me differently, you have to eat this pear today, and you have to eat it if you don't eat it~

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

Hahaha, I'm curious about what kind of movie it is, I can't afford to leave my uncle like this~ You still blame the empathetic!

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

[covers face] [Covering his face] The current child brother and child sister are not ordinary self-cooked, Sheniu expert~ Hahahahaha!

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

The stall owner thought to himself: Are people so horizontal now? Eat it without saying a word, and don't say thank you [laughing and crying]

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

Big brother is a cheerful person~ You two are not bad! Hahaha

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

Damn! You really did what I always wanted to do but didn't dare to do~ Help throw away a garbage [cover your face]

Human beings are really inexplicable sometimes~ The comment area laughed!

It's really a group of inexplicable people~ It's not too fun, hahahahaha~

Readers, have you ever had such an experience?

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