
Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

author:Egg tart edge 8855

Liu Yifei talked about the phenomenon of actors' popularity on live broadcast

Liu Yifei mentioned some chaos in the entertainment industry in a recent live broadcast. She said that some actors became popular too quickly and did not experience artistic accumulation and tribulation, but they drifted away after becoming popular, which brought a bad impact to the public. She thinks that these people can't go far, because they don't think about their acting skills well, but make some "scum things".


As soon as these remarks came out, they immediately aroused widespread discussion. Some people think that what Liu Yifei said is reasonable, after all, there is indeed such a problem in the entertainment industry; Some people also felt that she was alluding to certain actors, which sparked all kinds of speculation and controversy.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

Some netizens joked on Weibo: "Liu Yifei really told the truth this time, some people are so floating that they can't even grasp the gravitational pull of the earth!" Another person said: "If there are more people like Liu Yifei in the entertainment industry, the requirements for actors will become higher and higher." ”

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

The phenomenon of "gone with the wind" in the entertainment industry

The "floating" phenomenon mentioned by Liu Yifei is actually not uncommon in the entertainment industry. Many actors quickly become popular because of a drama or a movie, but because of their lack of experience and accumulation, they are quickly lost in the whirlpool of fame and fortune. As a result, the quality of their work deteriorates, their image is damaged, and it is ultimately difficult to gain a foothold in the industry.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

Liu Yifei emphasized that as an actor, you must have experience in artistic accumulation and hardships, so that you can make a breakthrough in acting. She also mentioned that actors must be good people, have humanity and personality, so that they can act well. If an actor only focuses on fame and fortune and does not think about his acting skills, it will only have a negative impact in the end.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

A netizen commented: "Liu Yifei said it well, an actor must not only act well, but also be a good person." Those actors who have drifted after becoming popular really need to reflect on it. Another netizen said: "The entertainment industry really needs more people like Liu Yifei who dare to tell the truth." ”

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

Liu Yifei's self-reminder

In the live broadcast, Liu Yifei also mentioned: "The biggest enemy and best friend are myself. This sentence is not only a reminder to other actors, but also a wake-up call for herself. She believes that as a public figure, you must first be worthy of yourself, everyone, and your works.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

Liu Yifei has also talked about similar topics before. She believes that you should not float in the face of compliments, and be clear about the problem when you encounter problems, so as to maintain a balanced and healthy state. These remarks of hers are her summary and reflection on her acting career.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

Some netizens sighed on Weibo: "Liu Yifei is really sober, she has been reminding herself not to float." Such an actor can go further in the entertainment industry. Another netizen humorously said: "Liu Yifei is so sober, she is simply a clear stream in the entertainment industry!" ”

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

Liu Yifei's career

Liu Yifei has more than 20 years of experience in the entertainment industry, and her works and images have always been recognized. Nanyanzhai mentioned in the live broadcast has been unable to broadcast because of the things outside the supporting role, which also makes her deeply understand the complexity and challenges of the entertainment industry.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

Liu Yifei believes that a person may become popular because of a work, but whether he can keep flowers and applause for a long time depends on his professional strength and character precipitation. Her views are not only requirements for herself, but also expectations for the entire entertainment industry.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

A netizen said on Weibo: "Liu Yifei has exploded three dramas in three years, this is not luck, this is her strength." She is an excellent actress who combines knowledge and action. Another netizen said: "Looking forward to Liu Yifei's next role, she will definitely bring more surprises." ”

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

The conscience of the entertainment industry

Liu Yifei's remarks aroused the resonance and discussion of many netizens. Everyone generally believes that the phenomenon she said does exist, and the entertainment industry needs more people like her who dare to speak the truth. Only in this way can the overall quality of the actors and the quality of their works continue to improve.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

Some netizens commented: "The entertainment industry needs a conscientious actor like Liu Yifei, her remarks are not only a self-requirement, but also a voice for the entire industry." Another netizen ridiculed: "An actor like Liu Yifei is simply a living bodhisattva in the entertainment industry!" ”

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

Summary and discussion

Liu Yifei talked about the phenomenon of actor explosion in the live broadcast, which sparked extensive discussion and resonance. She believes that as an actor, you must have experience in artistic accumulation and hardships, and you must be a good person, with humanity and personality, so that you can act well. She also emphasized that actors should be sober and not be confused by fame and fortune.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

These views are not only her reflections on her acting career, but also her expectations for the entire entertainment industry. Netizens generally believe that the entertainment industry needs more people like Liu Yifei who dare to tell the truth, so as to improve the overall quality of actors and the quality of their works.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

In the comment area, everyone expressed their support and admiration for Liu Yifei. Some people think that she is a real "living person in internal entertainment", and some people ridicule her as a "living bodhisattva in the entertainment industry". In any case, Liu Yifei's remarks did trigger extensive discussion and thinking.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast is revealed: Actors who don't care about it after becoming popular must be cool!

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