
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

author:It's almost class

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Speaking of the ranks of "scumbags" in the domestic entertainment circle, this year is definitely none other than Fang Xiewen in "The Story of Rose" played by Lin Gengxin. This character didn't keep the door on his lips, and from time to time a bunch of "scumbag golden sentences" popped up, which made netizens itch their teeth. For example, "The male protagonist is outside the female protagonist, you just stay at home in a down-to-earth manner, right?" Do you have the energy to work and have a son?" What the hell. Watching Liu Yifei's Yellow Rose being harassed all day long, netizens were furious and couldn't help but want justice for her.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

The ironclad scolding of Lin Gengxin must be the first shuttle, but this guy is not a vegetarian. If you work your mouth, a mouth can make you dumb. You scold him for being a "dead pig", and he can come back with "you stink better than a dead fish that hasn't changed its water for three months". You ask him to drag the play out, and he in turn says that it would be more appropriate for you to try acting with braised pork. scolded him for his bad acting skills, and he will give you a sentence "Has your brain been trampled on by an elephant?" It's so exciting!

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

Lin Gengxin is really the big brother in the Northeast, and it doesn't matter if he is uneducated, let alone say it. He's still a highly educated person, and he's got a Ph.D. With a higher education, the ability to ridicule naturally has also been upgraded. Black fans scold and scold just a few clichés, he can give you a live show of words. Relying on this tricky mouth, no matter what cyberbullying he encounters, his brother can hold it up. has this temper, like the only "teasing king" in internal entertainment. Defy? Don't bb, come on and hurt each other!

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

In fact, Lin Gengxin is a big guy. Usually the style is quite casual, and no one can hold it back when it comes to talking to friends. Seeing that others ordered him to pay attention to the impact, he replied: "I'm a swan, who are you?" The program team wrote a letter and mistakenly put "your mother", he was happy like something. Who doesn't want to laugh when they see it? The idol burden does not exist in him, and it is estimated that even if he is thrown on the stage, this brother can sell you stupid imitation animal emojis on the spot. With this bizarre virtue and cheap skills, I'm afraid it has been designed as an "anti-black master", right?

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

To be honest, netizens were completely angered by the scumbag Fang Xiewen played by Lin Gengxin in "The Story of Rose" at first. Who would have thought that an actor would be able to interpret a scumbag so well, and a bunch of "scumbag golden sentences" popped up from time to time.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

What are the words "the male protagonist is outside the female protagonist, you just stay at home in a down-to-earth manner", "you have the energy to work but not the energy to have a son", it makes people's teeth sour when they hear it. Watching the poor Liu Yifei's Huang Rose being harassed every day, netizens were in turn angry enough. Who wants to watch the heroine being bullied like this?

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

So the angry netizens collectively walked forward, completely occupied the comment area of Lin Gengxin's social platform, and scolded him wildly. But it didn't take long for everyone to shut up. What's going on? It turns out that Lin Gengxin is so good at his words, no one can scare him!

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

If you scold him a "dead pig", he will give you a backhand slap "You are cooler than a stinky dead fish that hasn't changed the water for three months". You asked him to drag the play out and repeat it, and he asked you, "It's more appropriate to try acting with braised pork?" scolded him for his sloppy acting, and he gave you a slap in the face, "Was your brain trampled on by an elephant?" Do you hear that, it's exciting, right?

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

When other netizens heard this, they immediately became siendo. It turns out that Lin Gengxin has been on the Internet for a long time, and he is a well-known "Internet black thug", and he has no door. Whoever provokes him will fall for eight lifetimes of blood mold. Everyone was completely convinced now, and they all admitted that they had slipped away. Unexpectedly, a small banter and scolding made Lin Gengxin popular on the Internet.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

Lin Gengxin is really the biggest one among the big brothers in the Northeast. has been angry in the ruffian stream since he was a child, and he is a good hand at verbal kung fu. It is all because of this humorous ability that he has made such a name for himself on the Internet.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

First of all, when Lin Gengxin scolded others, he never used low-level swear words to scold the street, but his vocabulary was rich and humorous. If you scold him a "dead pig", he will be able to backhand you back, "You are cooler than a stinky dead fish that hasn't changed the water for three months". Too witty, right? Since then, there has been a distance between you and me.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

Lin Gengxin's ridicule of the black fans is quite strong, and it is precise and heart-piercing. You asked him to drag the play out and repeat it, and if he didn't admit defeat, he asked: "Wouldn't it be more appropriate to try acting with braised pork?" scolded him for his sloppy acting, and he said, "Has your brain been trampled on by an elephant?" It makes people laugh and cry when they listen to it.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

The most important thing is that Lin Gengxin has been on the Internet for a long time and is a well-known "cyber black thug". In the face of more black fans' swearing, he is all pitiful and cherished. He never took anyone's words to heart, and he was never afraid at all. Whoever provokes him will fall for eight lifetimes of blood mold. In the face of cyberbullying, this brother is fearless.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

With the humor in the bones of the Northeast people, coupled with such sarcastic skills, Lin Gengxin can be said to be calling for wind and rain on the Internet. Even famous directors and screenwriters favor him and regard him as a box office guarantee. No, isn't the role of the scumbag in "The Story of Rose" specially tailored for him? You see, what a witty statement!

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

Lin Gengxin is a world-apart from those standard idol stars. He has never regarded himself as an idol, and his whole person is frank and natural, showing a unique personality charm.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

The first is that Lin Gengxin never suppressed himself and did what he liked. You can go crazy as much as you want, and you can completely let go of yourself and be bold and public. When he was on a variety show, others ordered him to pay attention to the impact on his image, so he choked back, "I'm a swan, who are you?" The program team wrote the wrong word "your mother" in a letter, and he was so happy to continue to drag and tease everyone.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!
The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

Lin Gengxin is too good at self-deprecation and self-deprecation, and he never acts hypocritically. His nickname "Lin Dog" was given to him by himself, and he often used this stalk to make fun of it. Once someone from Hailan House asked him if he still renewed his contract, but he didn't renew, and he was told that he was angry. He immediately laughed at himself: "Am I not angry, old iron?" looks like a self-aware old fritter life winner.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

Moreover, Lin Gengxin's fan unity and combat effectiveness are also bursting. Every time the boss encounters cyberbullying, fans will come forward as soon as possible and form a group to spray black powder against black. It's just that the boss himself is better at this and never needs help from others. Since that cyber violence war, he said to fans: "Let me come alone in the future, you guys sleep well." The scene was so shocking.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

It is with such a frank and casual and humorous personality trait that Lin Gengxin has won the love of countless people in the domestic entertainment circle. The audience flocked to him, and the crew also regarded him as a sweet and box office guarantee. Now that he has been admitted to the doctorate, he has learned five cars, and his ability to speak freely will only get better. You see, the top scumbag Fang Xiewen in "The Story of Rose" is tailor-made for him.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

To be honest, although Lin Gengxin is a buddy, his popularity is unexpectedly high. This is not only because of his acting skills, but also because he is such an interesting person.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

First of all, let's talk about his relationship history, it can be said that his ex-girlfriends are not dissatisfied with him. Although he is notoriously "flowery carrot", you rarely see his old love tearing him apart. Either the relationship faded and everyone was calm, or the woman tactfully said "no comment". This shows that Lin Gengxin also attaches great importance to his feelings in private.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

The second is that his peers in the circle praise him. An old-timer like Xie Na, who has lived for a long time, once publicly said that "between beauty and death, you chose ugliness". Even the popular students of his generation are also very longing for this "king of scare". After all, it is not easy to maintain such a simple and interesting nature after being in the entertainment industry for so long.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

More importantly, Lin Gengxin dared to boldly break the perfect burden of idol stars. Look at those contrived actions when people are on variety shows, and even learn to call animals in front of the camera. In his eyes, it doesn't matter what influence is, just be happy. once praised himself at the show that "I am indeed very dazzling", and he was in a calm and chic state. Isn't this exactly the outlet sought after by modern people?

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!

With this unique charm of simplicity and fun, coupled with outstanding acting skills, Lin Gengxin can be said to be the most popular one in the domestic entertainment circle. His "your" big brother in the Northeast is simply the embodiment of infinite vitality. The audience is naturally eager for him, and the crew is willing to tailor the role for him. Just look at the scumbag Fang Xiewen in "The Story of Rose" this time, it can be said that it is an excellent role for Lin Gengxin to show his talents.

The new scumbag in internal entertainment": What a handsome face, so poisonous a mouth!