
100 million US dollars for 1 plane, will the crash make Iraq's contract for purchasing Thunder fighters yellow?

author:Strategize and point troops

In the surging international arms sales market, Iraq's fate with the "Thunder" fighter can be described as twists and turns. This fighter, known as the king of cost performance, has emerged in the arms sales market with its excellent performance and good price. However, when the Iraqi Air Force had just finalized the agreement to purchase 12 Thunder fighters, it encountered considerable challenges.

100 million US dollars for 1 plane, will the crash make Iraq's contract for purchasing Thunder fighters yellow?

You must know that the price of these 12 "Thunder" fighters is as high as $1.2 billion, and the unit price is even more expensive than the F-35. This figure has undoubtedly given rise to much speculation about Iraq's decision-making. However, for the Iraqi Air Force, they are interested in the advanced technology of the "Thunder" Block 3, which is far superior to the castrated version of the F-16IQ fighter. The advanced nature of the airborne weapons and the low cost of maintenance are all valued by the Iraqi Air Force. Although the load and combat radius are slightly inferior to the F-16IQ, this is not too much of a problem for the Iraqi Air Force, which does not pursue operations in the far sea.

100 million US dollars for 1 plane, will the crash make Iraq's contract for purchasing Thunder fighters yellow?

However, just as the Iraqi Air Force was expectantly waiting for the arrival of the "Thunder" fighter jets, a piece of news hung in their hearts. On June 5, a Thunder fighter jet crashed in Pakistan's Punjab province. The accident not only raised questions about the safety of the Thunder fighters, but also cast a shadow over the Iraqi Air Force's procurement plan.

Imagine the mood of the top brass of the Iraqi Air Force at this time. They may be fretting over the accident and fear it will affect their arms sales deal with Pakistan. After all, they have just signed a series of cooperation agreements with Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, which includes a plan to purchase the 12 Thunder fighters. This is the largest arms sale in Pakistan's history and an important step towards the modernization of the Iraqi Air Force.

100 million US dollars for 1 plane, will the crash make Iraq's contract for purchasing Thunder fighters yellow?

However, reality is always full of variables. Will the crash affect Iraq's arms sales agreement with Pakistan? Will the Iraqi Air Force abandon the Thunder fighter because of this? These questions are open. However, judging by the enthusiasm of the Iraqi Air Force for the Thunder fighters, it is likely that they will choose to continue to wait and hope that Pakistan will be able to solve the problems caused by the accident as soon as possible. After all, in the arms sales market, the signing of a contract is not the end, but a new beginning. For the Iraqi Air Force, the "Thunder" fighter may be the key to opening a new chapter.

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