
The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

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The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?
The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Text: Squirrel Sandy

Sources: All statements in this article are based on reliable sources, and are repeated throughout the article and at the end of the article

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Remember the sweet, greasy, yet addictive taste?

In the sixties of the last century, a mysterious fruit from the far Middle East quietly entered China and quickly captured the taste buds of countless people. It is the "Iraqi date", which was once popular all over the country and was known as the "Oriental Candy".

However, what was once the "Oriental candy" has now disappeared, what is the reason for the disappearance of this delicacy?

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Source: CNKI,[1]Song Longgen. World Knowledge,1979,(16):25.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?
The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

The Gift of the Desert

Speaking of Iraqi dates, many people may mistakenly think that it is a type of date, but in fact, this "date" is not simple at all. Its scientific name is jujube, which is the fruit of the palm family, and it is not compatible with our common red jujubes.

Iraqi dates are native to the tropical regions of West Asia and North Africa, especially on the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, where the climatic conditions are ideal for the growth of date palm trees. It is known to the locals as "desert green gold".

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

The most amazing thing about Iraqi dates is their sweetness, which contains more than half the sugar, so it's no wonder that they taste so sweet that people can't make your teeth fall out.

It is this high sugar content that allows Iraqi dates to be stored in a dry and hot environment for a long time without spoiling, and become an important source of food for the inhabitants of desert areas.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

But don't think that it only has the advantage of being "sweet", it is also a treasure trove of nutritional value. Dates are rich in many vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and iron.

These nutrients are essential for human health and can help maintain normal metabolism and bodily functions. And it also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which are also said to help prevent certain chronic diseases.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

The rich dietary fiber content of dates is also another highlight, and adequate dietary fiber intake can not only help improve digestive health, but also help control blood sugar levels, which has a potential positive effect on the prevention and management of metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Locals often carry dates with them during long journeys or manual labor, using their high energy and rich nutrients to replenish their energy, a tradition that continues to this day.

Although dates are sweet and delicious, they should not be greedy. After all, the sugar content is so high, you will gain weight if you eat too much. Moreover, for some people who need to control their blood sugar, this high-sugar food should still be cautious.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

However, the most popular thing about dates is its taste, which is soft and glutinous and sweet, melts in the mouth, and is simply a natural candy. It is no wonder that as soon as it entered the Chinese market, it was so warmly welcomed.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?
Source:, 2022-06-25, "Yin Zhiguang|Asian, African and Latin American scholars ask me: What do you China want to bring us? 》
The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?
The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?
The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Sweet Tide

In the fifties and sixties of the last century, a sweet tide from the Middle East quietly swept through China. With its unique flavor and affordable price, Iraqi dates have quickly won the favor of Chinese consumers.

At that time, China was in the early stage of economic development, and the domestic candy production capacity was limited, and imported candy was expensive, which was difficult for ordinary families to afford.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Iraqi dates, with their natural sugar content, are an ideal alternative to candy. The affordable price of "one yuan and one catty" has made this exotic sweet food enter thousands of households and become an indispensable delicacy in festivals and daily life.

The popularity of Iraqi dates in China is not limited to direct consumption. Clever Chinese quickly discovered the fruit's versatility. Since dates taste so sweet, it may be a substitute for sugar for some cooking.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Add dates to white porridge, which is date porridge, which is not only full of sweetness, but also has the flavor of dates. Some families have even developed new recipes, such as pairing dates with walnuts or peanuts to create a delicious and delicious paraline date paste.

What's even more interesting is that Iraqi dates have also become a unique social medium. During traditional festivals such as the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Spring Festival, a pack of beautifully packaged Iraqi dates has become a popular gift.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

The popularity of Iraqi dates also reflected, to some extent, the curiosity and acceptance of foreign culture by the Chinese at that time. Although most people may have never set foot in the Middle East, by tasting this exotic fruit, they feel as if they can feel the mystical charm of a distant desert.

Dates are not only a food, but also a gastronomic way to learn about other cultures. However, it didn't take long for people to discover that Iraqi dates had naturally disappeared into their lives.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

The outbreak of hepatitis A in Shanghai in the mid-80s became an important turning point in the date market. Although there is no direct link between the outbreak and dates, the rumors have spread far faster than the facts have been clarified.

The misconception that Iraqi dates have been falsely linked to a hepatitis epidemic has severely undermined consumer confidence in dates. Even if the official clarified the misunderstanding later, the market image of dates has been irreversibly damaged.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

With the rapid development of China's economy and the improvement of people's living standards, consumers' tastes and needs are also constantly changing. The extreme sweetness that once made people ecstatic begins to feel greasy after long-term consumption.

At the same time, the development of the domestic candy industry and the increase in the variety of imported candy have provided consumers with more choices, which has undoubtedly intensified the competitive pressure on the date market.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Another factor that cannot be ignored is the awakening of health awareness, and as people pay more attention to healthy lifestyles, high-sugar foods are starting to be questioned. Although Iraqi dates are rich in nutrients, their high sugar content makes them lose their edge in the new health trend.

The intensification of market competition is also an important reason for the decline of dates, and with the opening up of the Chinese market, a variety of novel imported snacks and local innovative products continue to emerge, providing consumers with more diverse choices.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

In contrast, the single flavor and traditional packaging of Iraqi dates began to appear uncompetitive. And with the increasing frequency of international exchanges and the facilitation of information access, the mere "exotic" is no longer enough to attract the continuous attention of consumers.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?
The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

The date industry in the midst of war

The decline of Iraqi dates in the Chinese market is not only due to changes in the consumption side, but also an important factor that cannot be ignored in the plight of its production side.

The production of Iraqi dates is inherently complex and time-consuming. From planting to harvesting, to processing and packaging, every link requires fine craftsmanship and a lot of manpower and material input.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Especially in the production process, a large amount of sugar and honey are indispensable raw materials. However, Iraq has been in a state of war for a long time, the social environment is complex, and the people are living in hardship, and these basic production conditions are often difficult to guarantee.

In war-prone areas, foods such as sugar and honey tend to be scarce strategic goods. Even if gold is exchanged, it is sometimes difficult to obtain enough raw materials.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

This shortage of raw materials has severely constrained the scale of date production, making it difficult for Iraq to supply high-quality date products to the international market on a consistent basis.

To make matters worse, the war has not only affected the supply of raw materials, but has also led to the loss of a large number of skilled workers. Date production requires a wealth of experience and expertise, and these valuable human resources are difficult to effectively retain and pass on in a volatile environment.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Many skilled workers had to leave their homes in order to survive, which dealt a heavy blow to the development of the entire industry. In addition, the war has severely damaged Iraq's infrastructure. Vital production facilities, such as irrigation systems, transport networks, and processing equipment, are often victims of war.

This not only directly affects the production and quality of dates, but also greatly increases the cost of production and export, and weakens the competitiveness of Iraqi dates in the international market.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

In the face of these difficulties, Iraq's date industry has missed out on important development opportunities. In the wave of globalization, fruits from other countries and regions have risen rapidly, occupying market share that may have belonged to Iraqi dates.

Despite this, Iraq's date industry has not completely disappeared. In some relatively stable areas, there are still farmers who insist on planting and producing dates. They are trying to maintain this traditional industry in a difficult environment, hoping to one day regain its former glory.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Some international organizations and enterprises are also trying to support the recovery and development of the Iraqi date industry in various ways, injecting new vitality into this ancient agricultural civilization.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?
The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?

Now we have a better choice, but Iraqi dates continue to shine in their homeland as they remain an essential food in the Middle East.

The smash hit "Iraqi dates" 60 years ago were eaten as candy, how did they disappear?


CNKI,[1]Song Longgen. World Knowledge,1979,(16):25., 2022-06-25, "Yin Zhiguang|Scholars from Asia, Africa and Latin America ask me: What do you China want to bring us? 》

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