
The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!


Heck, when it comes to "I May Have Met a Savior", that's a really surprising discovery. At first, I thought this was another ordinary idol drama, nothing more than handsome guys and beauties, sweet and sweet, you and me. But unexpectedly, it actually gave me a big surprise!

First of all, I have to talk about the plot, the screenwriter of this show is really a ghost. The story of pediatrician Ye Shilan and Dean Lu Zhaoxi, from the misunderstanding at the beginning, to the mutual cooperation later, and then to the emotional approach, the development of this plot can be described as ups and downs, which makes people completely unable to stop. Every time I watch a show, I can't help but think, what will happen next? How will Ye Shilan and Lu Zhaoxi develop? This sense of anticipation is really addictive.

Let's talk about the character setting, the role of Ye Shilan is really too individual. She is intelligent, independent, and full of love. In the challenging field of pediatrics, she has used her expertise and passion to help one small patient after another. As for Lu Zhaoxi, as the dean, he not only has to manage the entire hospital, but also has to face all kinds of complex interpersonal relationships. The collision of these two characters is really sparkling, which makes people watch it with relish.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!

Of course, the performance of the actors is also a highlight of this drama. Ye Shilan's actor really brought this role to life, her every expression and every action makes people feel that this is Ye Shilan, a real pediatrician. And Lu Zhaoxi's actor is also a powerful faction, and he shows Lu Zhaoxi's calmness, wisdom and inner tenderness to the fullest.

Every detail in the play can see the intentions of the production team. From the environmental layout of the hospital, to the white coats of the doctors, to the cute performance of the little patients, every link is very well done. This pursuit of detail is really admirable.

Moreover, this drama is not just a simple love drama, it also involves a lot of social issues, such as the doctor-patient relationship, the distribution of medical resources, and so on. Through the stories of Ye Shilan and Lu Zhaoxi, we can see the other side of these problems, and also let us have a deeper understanding and respect for the profession of doctors.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!

In short, the drama "I May Have Met a Savior" really gave me too many surprises. It is not only a well-made idol drama, but also a work with depth and temperature. If you also like this type of TV series, then I highly recommend you to check it out, and trust me, you will not be disappointed.

The drama "Youth Song Xing" is really eye-catching. When they hear about the new school of martial arts, many people may have a question mark in their hearts, after all, we have seen a lot of martial arts, what new tricks can we play? But "Youth Song Xing" has such a momentum, and it is born on the basis of traditional martial arts, and a new flower has bloomed.

First of all, I have to talk about the plot, Lei Wuji, this young man, from a reckless boy to stepping on the rivers and lakes, the adventures along the way are really exciting. His growth story is not only an improvement in force, but also a mental maturity. Every challenge and difficulty has given him a deeper understanding of what chivalry is and what responsibility is. This kind of growth makes people empathize, as if they have grown up with him.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!

Martial arts elements, this is the highlight of "Youth Song Xing". The fight scenes in the play are called wonderful, every move and style, all of them have a smell of rivers and lakes. Moreover, the martial arts worldview in this play is also unique. It is not only the traditional grievances of the rivers and lakes, but also has deeper thinking, such as the discussion of power and human nature, which makes the martial arts elements of this drama richer and more three-dimensional.

Speaking of actors, some people may have a little controversy about their appearance at first, but as the plot deepens, you will find that the performance of these actors is really impressive. They are not only responsible for their appearance, but also their acting skills online. Especially the actor of Lei Wuji, he vividly interpreted the enthusiasm, impulsiveness, and growth of this role. Watching his performance in the play, you can't help but be infected by his emotions, laugh and cry with him.

The last thing I have to mention is the animation production, the special effects of this drama are really bloody. Whether it is the grand scene of the rivers and lakes or the delicate martial arts action, the special effects are very well done. These special effects are not only for visual effects, but also to better serve the plot, so that the audience can feel the martial arts world in the play more immersively.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!

In general, although the drama "Youth Song Xing" may be subject to some controversy at the beginning because of the appearance of the actors, as long as you watch it patiently, you will find that its plot, martial arts elements, actors' performances and dynamic effects production are all so good. It is not only a new-school martial arts drama, but also a thought-provoking drama. If you like martial arts, like to explore the hearts of characters, and like to feel the ups and downs of growing up, then this drama is definitely worth watching.

The drama "The Daughter Who Came Back" is really a surprise. At first, I thought it was just an ordinary family drama, but I didn't expect it to be a masterpiece that perfectly blends family emotions and suspenseful reasoning. This type of drama, to be honest, is rare, but "The Daughter Who Came Back" did it.

Let's talk about the suspense element first. The character of Chen Youxi, an orphan girl, embarks on a journey full of unknowns in order to find her missing sister. This journey is not only to find the truth, but also to uncover the secrets behind the Li family. Every clue and every turn in the play makes people nervous and exciting, and their hearts beat faster. You never know what will happen in the next second, this sense of suspense is really addictive.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!

Then there's the acting skills of the characters. Chen Youxi's actor really brought this role to life. Her every look and every movement reveals her desire for the truth and her longing for her family. And the members of the Li family, each character has its own secrets, and every actor shows this complexity to the fullest. Their performance makes you believe that this is a real family with real emotional entanglements.

The development of the plot is also a major attraction of this drama. From the sudden appearance of Chen Youxi, to the gradual emergence of the Li family's secrets, and then to the final revelation of the truth, the development of the entire plot is compact and reasonable. Every link is interlocking and dizzying. Moreover, the plot is also interspersed with many descriptions of family emotions, which makes people feel the warmth of family and the power of family affection in a tense and suspenseful atmosphere.

The drama "The Daughter Who Came Back" really exceeded my expectations. It is not only a suspense drama, but also a drama that deeply explores family emotions. It allows us to see that even in a family full of suspense and secrets, there are sincere emotions and warm humanity. If you like suspense dramas and at the same time have feelings for family emotions, then this drama is definitely worth watching. It will give you a whole new perspective and make you re-examine your family and look at human nature.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!

The drama "Moon Song Xing" is really eye-catching. In today's flood of Xianxia dramas, it was able to win the love of the audience in an anti-routine way. Although the plot may sound a bit old-fashioned, don't worry, the careful thinking and small design in it will definitely make you addicted.

First of all, let's talk about character design. Liu Shao, a rich girl, seems to be weak, but in fact she is strong in her heart. The fate exchange between her and the black-clothed immortal, although this setting sounds a bit cliché, but the way it is handled in the play is refreshing. Liu Shao's growth is not only the transformation from a rich girl to an immortal, but also from a person who passively accepts his fate to a person who takes the initiative to control his own destiny. This transformation of the role allows people to see the depth and complexity of the role.

The role of Lu Li is also impressive. The relationship between him and Liu Shao is not the kind of love at first sight, nor is it the kind of vigorous, but a kind of relationship that has been accumulated slowly over a long period of time. The development of this kind of affection is more real and closer to life. The interaction between them, sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter, but no matter what, it makes people feel sincere emotions.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!

In terms of plot development, although some places seem old-fashioned, some anti-routine elements are cleverly added to the play. For example, you thought that Liu Shao would always be led by fate, but she suddenly showed amazing determination and courage to change her fate. This kind of reversal of the plot is full of surprises and expectations, and it also makes people look forward to the development of the plot.

Action design and special effects are also a highlight of "Moon Song Xing". The fight scenes in the play are smooth and the special effects are realistic, making people feel as if they are in a real Xianxia world. Every spell, every duel, makes people's blood boil. Moreover, these actions and special effects are not only for visual effects, but also to better serve the plot, so that the audience can feel the Xianxia world in the play more immersively.

In general, although the drama "Moon Song Xing" may be a bit old-fashioned in terms of plot, its anti-routine design, the depth of the characters, and the sophistication of the action design and special effects all make people look at it impressively. It is not only a fairy tale drama, but also a drama with profound connotations that makes people think deeply. If you like Xianxia dramas and are interested in anti-routine plots, then this drama is definitely worth watching. It will give you a new perspective and make you re-examine Xianxia and feel love again.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!

The drama "Incorruptible Sniper" is really a bold attempt by TVB professional dramas. It skillfully integrates the elements of professional dramas and police dramas, coupled with those high-energy reversal plots, which makes people addicted to watching.

Let's talk about the plot overview first. This drama tells the story of the three protagonists, whose fates have changed dramatically because of an accident. They were originally ordinary people, but because of this accident, they were involved in a struggle with the Tinghui Group. This struggle is not only a contest between justice and evil, but also a collision between human nature and desire. This kind of plot setting makes people feel the inner struggle and growth of the characters while being tense and exciting.

In terms of character relationships, the relationship between the three protagonists is intricate. They are both friends and comrades-in-arms, but their relationship has also been severely tested in the face of the formidable opponent of the Tinghui Group. This kind of handling of the relationship between the characters makes the plot richer and allows the audience to have a deeper understanding of the characters.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!

The case tandem is another highlight of "Incorruptible Sniper". Each case in the play is not isolated, and they are inextricably linked. These cases are strung together to form a vast web of stories. While the audience follows the protagonists to solve one case after another, they are also gradually revealing the true face of Tinghui Group. This way of connecting cases in series makes people enjoy the fun of solving puzzles while also being full of expectations for the development of the plot.

The acting performance is also a highlight of this drama. The actors of the three protagonists are all powerful actors. They played the complexity of the characters and the inner struggles very well. Especially in the face of Tinghui Group, a strong opponent, their performance is even more empathetic. Their every look, every movement, reveals the determination and courage of the characters.

Although the drama "Incorruptible Sniper" may have some deficiencies in the integration of professional dramas and police dramas, its high-energy reversal plot, intricate character relationships, carefully connected cases, and the wonderful performances of the actors make people look forward to it. It is not only a professional drama, but also a drama that deeply explores human nature, justice and desire. If you like professional dramas and are interested in the excitement of police dramas, then this drama is definitely worth watching. It will give you a new perspective and make you re-examine justice and re-feel the complexity of human nature.

The 5 dramas that have been on the air recently were thought to be terrible, but they were pleasantly surprised!