
Industrial and commercial loss of the newspaper level


Lost publication is a kind of announcement that the administrative department for industry and commerce requires enterprises to carry out after the loss of business licenses, permits and other licenses in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and consumers, maintain the order of the market economy, and the level refers to the scope and influence of the announcement of the loss of the newspaper.

The setting of the level of industrial and commercial loss registration

Industrial and commercial loss of the newspaper level

If you are handling loss, announcements, declarations, etc., you can consider using the online reporting service provided by the Alipay Mini Program of [Kuaiban], which includes one-click online registration of newspapers across the country.

Search for and open the [Quick Deal] Mini Program in "Alipay" or "WeChat".

1. Select the content of loss registration, loss reporting, etc

2. Select the newspaper in demand for publication

Industrial and commercial loss of the newspaper level

According to the degree of impact of the loss of business licenses, permits and other certificates on the rights and interests of enterprises and consumers, the administrative department for industry and commerce has set different levels of loss reporting, which are divided into three levels: municipal, provincial and national.

1. Municipal Lost Newspaper: It is applicable to enterprises operating within the municipal administrative area, and the scope of the announcement is mainly within the scope of the city.

2. Provincial lost report: applicable to enterprises operating in the provincial administrative area, and the scope of the announcement involves the province.

Industrial and commercial loss of the newspaper level

3. National Lost Newspaper: It is suitable for enterprises that operate across provinces or have great influence at home and abroad, and the scope of the announcement covers the whole country and even the world.

Requirements for the different levels of lost reporting

1. Municipal Lost Newspaper:

(1) Enterprises need to submit an application for loss registration to the administrative department for industry and commerce of the city where they are located.

(2) When submitting the application, you need to bring the ID card of the legal representative of the enterprise, a copy of the business license, the certificate of loss and other relevant materials.

(3) The content of the announcement shall include the name of the enterprise, the name of the lost license, the reason for the loss, the date of loss, the declaration of invalidity, etc.

(4) The announcement period is generally 30 days.

2. Provincial Lost Newspaper:

(1) The enterprise shall submit an application for loss reporting to the provincial administrative department for industry and commerce.

(2) When submitting the application, it is necessary to bring the ID card of the legal representative of the enterprise, a copy of the business license, the certificate of loss, the certificate of loss and other relevant materials.

(3) The content of the announcement shall include the name of the enterprise, the name of the lost license, the reason for the loss, the date of loss, the declaration of invalidity, etc.

(4) The announcement period is generally 60 days.

3. National Lost Newspaper:

(1) Enterprises need to submit an application for loss reporting to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

(2) When submitting the application, you need to bring the ID card of the legal representative of the enterprise, a copy of the business license, the certificate of loss, the provincial certificate of loss and other relevant materials.

(3) The content of the announcement shall include the name of the enterprise, the name of the lost license, the reason for the loss, the date of loss, the declaration of invalidity, etc.

(4) The announcement period is generally 90 days.

Missing the selection of the reporting level

When choosing the level of loss reporting, enterprises should take into account the following factors:

1. Business area: Enterprises operating in the municipal administrative area choose to report the loss at the municipal level; Enterprises operating in provincial-level administrative areas choose to report loss at the provincial level; Enterprises that operate across provinces or have greater influence at home and abroad choose to be published at the national level.

2. The importance of lost licenses: For licenses related to the core business of the enterprise, such as business licenses, permits, etc., it is recommended to choose a higher level of loss reporting.

3. The possible impact of the loss of the license: If the loss of the license may lead to damage to the rights and interests of enterprises and consumers, a higher level of loss should be reported.

The role of the lost newspaper

1. Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise: through the loss of the report, the enterprise can timely declare the certificate invalid to prevent others from fraudulently using it.

2. Protection of consumer rights and interests: Consumers can learn about the company's license through the loss of the newspaper to avoid consumption caused by the loss of the license.

3. Maintain the order of the market economy: The loss of the report will help the administrative department for industry and commerce to grasp the changes in the company's license in a timely manner and crack down on illegal business activities.

4. Improve corporate reputation: Enterprises take the initiative to report losses, demonstrating respect for legal responsibility and attaching importance to consumer rights and interests, which is conducive to improving corporate reputation.

After losing a license, an enterprise should choose an appropriate level of loss reporting according to the actual situation to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests and market order, and the enterprise should also strengthen the management of the license to prevent the occurrence of similar situations.