
In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

author:Luohe City, Yuncheng District, I Ai My Family Health Center
In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?


General Tan Zheng and Mrs. Wang Changde have a deep relationship and have supported each other since the revolutionary period. He deeply trusted his wife's affection, and he firmly believed that she would never do anything to hurt him. This trust is rock-solid and unshakable.

At the moment when Tan Zheng walked out of prison, he was a little surprised to see that it was not his wife Wang Changde who came to greet him, but his son. He looked around and found no trace of Wang Changde, feeling a little disappointed.

[Tan Zheng: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up]

In September 1960, at an enlarged meeting of the Military Commission in Beijing, Tan Zheng was suddenly attacked by Lin Biao. Subsequently, the meeting made an erroneous resolution against Comrade Tan Zheng, which was led by Lin Biao and officially named "Resolution of the Enlarged Meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China on Comrade Tan Zheng's Mistakes". This resolution was formulated at the meeting under the leadership of Lin Biao, with the aim of criticizing and correcting some of Comrade Tan Zheng's behaviors. Tan Zheng suffered a lot of impact in this incident. The incident aroused widespread concern and discussion within the then Military Commission. In short, at the enlarged meeting of the Military Commission that year, Lin Biao launched an attack on Tan Zheng, and at the meeting adopted a document called "Resolution on Comrade Tan Zheng's Mistakes". The introduction of this resolution had a great impact on Tan Zheng.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

Tan Zheng's position has recently changed, and he no longer holds the posts of member of the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission, director of the General Political Department, and member of the General Committee of the Central Military Commission. After the adjustment, he was demoted to the post of deputy director of the General Political Department. Soon after, he left his post in the army and was transferred to another post for review.

Even in the face of various hardships and hardships, Wang Changde always accompanied Tan Zheng and spent those difficult days together. In this way, Wang Changde's firm support and companionship for Tan Zheng has not changed in various circumstances. They got through those hard days together.

At that time, Wang Changde resolutely did not believe that Tan Zheng's departure from the military was the decision of the Party Central Committee. She thought that this was Lin Biao's deliberate trouble for her husband. Therefore, Wang Changde often encouraged her husband to trust the party and the country and strengthen his confidence. She felt that only by believing in the central government's decision-making could she tide over the difficulties.

In November 1965, Tan Zheng received a directive from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and he was elected as the fifth vice governor of Fujian Province. After that, he had to leave Beijing and take up a job in Fujian.

Wang Changde quickly packed the luggage for her husband, General Tan Zheng, and then they traveled together to Fujian, away from the center of political strife in Beijing.

Wang Changde believes that Tan Zheng's departure from Beijing may be a good choice, so that he may be able to live a peaceful life, and hopes that his grievances can be rehabilitated. He believes that this may ease their worries and worries.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

After Wang Changde arrived in Fujian, he began to adjust Tan Zheng's diet, and he skillfully used simple ingredients to make a variety of delicacies. He constantly changes the style of the dishes, so that Tan Zheng's table is full of freshness every day, so as to help Tan Zheng relieve the depression in his heart. To put it simply, Wang Changde used different delicacies to adjust Tan Zheng's mood, and made rich changes with simple ingredients, making Tan Zheng's dietary life more colorful.

However, Tan Zheng's good life did not last long, and only a year later, he was awakened from a dream and subsequently taken out of his bedroom.

That day, Wang Changde looked at the empty bed, felt very sad in his heart, and tears flowed down unconsciously...... Because his husband is no longer there, it makes him feel very sad and lost.

Later, no matter how hard Wang Changde tried to find him, he never met his husband Tan Zheng, and he never even saw him.

When Wang Changde thought of the predicament that her husband faced when he was away alone, his heart seemed to be torn apart. However, no matter how difficult life is, Wang Changde firmly believes that she must keep her husband's home and provide him with a safe haven to rest. In her eyes, home is a safe haven for her husband, a resting place for him after he returns from tiredness. Even in the face of difficulties, Wang Changde still firmly stated that he would keep the responsibility and commitment of this family.

Wang Changde was puzzled by the fact that nine years had passed since her husband Tan Zheng left. In the past nine long years, Wang Changde has felt that time is difficult. During this time, she often spent long nights due to insomnia, and how many times she woke up in her dreams with tears streaming down her face.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

Tan Zheng recalled the days when he was separated from Mrs. Wang Changde, and often faced a deep black roof alone, thinking about it. He was often worried about the safety of Mrs. Wang Changde. In the depths of his heart, he silently prayed that his wife would be free from all troubles and that she would be able to live peacefully and smoothly without being affected in any way by him.

However, Tan Zheng's vision is good, but the reality is very harsh. After he left home, his wife Wang Changde was also ordered to leave Fuzhou and live in Jianhe Ganzhou, Jiangxi, where she suffered a lot of physical and mental damage.

However, no matter how difficult it was, Wang Changde chose to persevere. He firmly believes that one day the clouds will disperse and the fog will dissipate. He always firmly believed: "Justice will eventually triumph over evil, and the retribution of the wicked will come." This sentence is full of his unwavering conviction.

In those difficult days, Wang Changde was able to get through those difficult times because he adhered to his firm beliefs. Wang Changde believed in his own philosophy, so even in the face of many difficulties, he was able to persevere and overcome countless difficult nights. It is this belief that sustains him and allows him to survive in the midst of difficult situations.

Originally, Tan Zheng didn't know what happened to his wife Wang Changde. However, with the assistance of Premier Zhou, Tan Zheng's daughter was able to meet her father.

When Tan Zheng met his daughter, he immediately asked about the family's current situation with concern. He was anxious to find out about the situation at home, and finally learned what his wife Wang Changde had experienced.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

When Tan Zheng learned that Wang Changde had been wronged because of him, he felt deeply sad in his heart. So, he told his daughters that they must find a way to take good care of their mother. Tan Zheng was very unhappy in his heart, he understood that Wang Changde had suffered a lot of injustice because of him. Therefore, he especially told his daughter to care for and take care of her mother. After learning that Wang Changde was wronged, Tan Zheng felt very heavy. He specifically asked his daughter to care about her mother's life and find ways to make her live a better life. Tan Zheng was very depressed after knowing that Wang Changde was suffering because of him. He stressed that his daughter must find a way to take care of her mother so that he can also get some comfort in his heart. After learning about Wang Changde's grievances, Tan Zheng felt deeply distressed. So, he specially instructed his daughter to care for and take care of her mother with all her heart.

In addition, Tan Zheng has a new determination, that is, whenever he leaves, he will make full compensation to Mrs. Wang Changde.

In the spring of 1975, Mao Zedong remembered his old friend Tan Zheng. At a meeting, he asked, "Where is that guy Tan Zheng now?" Soon after, Tan Zheng's fortunes took a turn for the better, and he was able to get out of prison.

On the day of his release, Tan Zheng looked a little confused and spoke a little slowly. Still, joy swelled in him at the thought of being reunited with his wife and children, and the imminent realization of that firm determination in his heart.

Therefore, at the moment of leaving the prison, General Tan Zheng began to look for his long-awaited face in the welcoming crowd. He was desperate to find the man.

However, Tan Zheng looked around, but he didn't see his wife Wang Changde, so he turned to his son who was waiting here and asked eagerly, "Where is your mother?" Why didn't you pick me up? ”

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

Tan Zheng's words touched the emotions in his son's heart. Before he could speak, his son began to choke back tears, and he couldn't help but let them run down his cheeks......

Tan Zheng watched his son's condition become more and more worried, and he was anxious. Finally, the son revealed to him that his mother had died. This made him even more anxious and overwhelmed.

After Tan Zheng heard the news that Mrs. Wang Changde had passed away for four years, he stood silently in place and was silent for a long time, as if he was frozen. He stood for a long time, his heart filled with disbelief and deep sorrow. He couldn't believe that his wife would leave him forever in this way. This blow left him speechless for a long time, unable to accept this cruel reality.

[General Tan Zheng's two marriages]

In early 1935, after the Zunyi Conference, Chairman Mao was again appointed commander of the Central Red Army and began to lead the Red Army out of the siege of the Kuomintang army. Subsequently, Tan Zheng, director of the Political Department of the 1st Red Division, division commander Li Jukui, and political commissar Huang Su came to meet the chairman, and they accepted an urgent task. This task was to prepare to assist Chairman Mao in formulating a strategy to lead the Red Army to avoid the encirclement and pursuit of the Kuomintang, as well as to carry out counterattacks. In this way, after a brief meeting, they immediately got to work.

When meeting Tan Zheng and the others, the chairman happily preached to them the essence of the Zunyi Conference, and at the same time conveyed the decision of the Central Military Commission on the streamlining of the troops, and planned to cross the Chishui River. Tan Zheng expressed his full support for this, and immediately after returning to the army, he began to carry out political work to make full preparations for the upcoming river crossing operation. He waited for the chairman's command, and when he gave the order, he began to move.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

Chairman Tan had great admiration for Mao Zedong's excellence in commanding the army, even after the battle of the four crossings of Chishui. After that, he wrote a newsletter called "History After the Blockade," in which he extolled Mao's military prowess. This manuscript was later published in the newspaper "Red Star".

In October, Tan Zheng was transferred to the post of head of the organization department of the Political Department of the Red First Army. Then in December, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, the Red 1st Division was re-established, and Tan Zheng was again appointed to the post of director of the Political Department of the Red 1st Division. He worked with the division commander Chen Geng and was jointly responsible for related work.

Regarding the collaborative relationship between Tan Zheng and Chen Geng, the chairman was very satisfied and spoke highly of their excellent cooperation, calling it "a tacit understanding like a perfect combination".

Tan Zheng and Chen Geng are related, and their families have entered into an in-law relationship. While working with his brother Chen Geng, Tan Zheng always missed his deceased wife, and his heart was filled with grief and tears. The emotional bond between the two brothers is very strong.

In 1916, when Tan Zheng was ten years old, his father sent him to study at a private school opened by Chen Geng. To put it simply, Tan Zheng began his study life in Chen Geng's private school in 1916, when he was only ten years old. One day that year, Xiao Tan Zheng's studies were arranged by his father to be carried out at Chen Geng's private school.

At that time, Tan Zheng had reservations in his heart. But when he witnessed Chen Geng's fourth sister, Chen Okra, who was only seven years old, also diligently studying the book of private school, his mentality began to change. In the end, Tan Zheng put aside his doubts and not only devoted himself to studying, but also played with Xiao Okra and spent a happy time.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

Seeing that Tan Zheng and Chen Okra have a close relationship, both families are very pleased. In those times when they planned for their children's marriages very early, even though they had just reached the age of eleven or twelve, the Tan and Chen families specially chose a suitable date and set a lifelong event for them. Such a happy event made both families feel very happy.

In 1924, Tan Zheng successfully graduated from Dongshan School, and immediately after, the Tan family and the Chen family jointly held a grand wedding for Tan Zheng and Chen Okra. This grand ceremony symbolizes the official marriage of both of them.

Regarding this marriage, Tan Zheng and Chen Okra both expressed great satisfaction. After marriage, they both lived happily ever after.

During that period, Tan Zheng often shared his dreams and ambitions with his wife, Chen Okra, who always listened carefully. Later, Tan Zheng decided to follow in the footsteps of his brother Chen Geng and join the army. With Chen Qiukui's encouragement, he joined the Second Front Army of the National Revolutionary Army. and became a soldier in the special service battalion under the leadership of his brother Chen Geng. At that time, Tan Zheng often described his ambitions and ambitions to his wife, and Chen Qiukui listened attentively. In the end, he made up his mind to follow the same path as his brother Chen Geng and joined the ranks of the Second Front Army. He also became a soldier under his brother, who was the commander of the special service battalion, and his wife, Chen Okra, provided him with important support.

For military personnel, their barracks life is highly classified and closed. Tan Zheng was in the barracks and had little chance of returning home to reunite with his wife. He could only tell his distant wife about his life in the military camp and his deep longing for his wife through letters, like Hongyan's biography. He couldn't go home, so he could only express his concern and love in this way.

Regarding this issue, Chen Qiukui, as a wife, did not express any dissatisfaction. She fully supports her husband Tan Zheng's career and supports him unconditionally.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

However, in the past six months, Chen Okra has lived a very hard life and eventually suffered a serious illness due to overwork. Unfortunately, at the time of her death, she did not see the last face of her beloved husband Tan Zheng. In this way, Chen Okra left this world forever and left her beloved husband.

At the moment of death, Chen Okra held her husband Tan Zheng's letter tightly and pressed it tightly to her heart. The contents of the original letter were warmly protected in her hands until her death. Together with this letter, she spent the last moments of her life quietly. Chen Qiukui held Tan Zheng's letter tightly in her hand, and at the end of her life, she took this letter as her last comfort and support. Her palms carried Tan Zheng's handwriting, as if his voice whispered in her ear. Chen Okra's chest was clinging to this letter, as if telling it her perception and reluctance to life. In the last moments of her life, she connects with her lover's emotions in this way.

Later, Tan Zheng returned to his home. From the descriptions of his relatives, he learned about his wife's deathbed. When he heard this, he was deeply grieved, and could not help but burst into tears, and exclaimed, "She is such a good wife, so virtuous!" ”

Later, although someone introduced some blind dates to Tan Zheng, he politely declined. The reason is that Tan Zheng has never been able to forget his late wife Chen Okra.

Seeing that Tan Zheng attaches so much importance to emotions, Chen Geng feels that his sister is very relieved to find such a good man. But Tan Zheng is only 30 years old now, and the days ahead are still long.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

Chen Geng often advised Tan politicians to let go of the past, considering that Chen Okra has been dead for more than ten years, he should focus on the future and plan for the future.

In 1936, Tan Zheng was called to the Central Red Army University for study and training. It happened that during the study period, through the introduction of Luo Ronghuan and his wife Lin Yueqin, Tan Zheng met Wang Changde, who was also studying at the Central Party School.

That day, Tan Zheng was quietly reading a book, when Luo Ronghuan suddenly broke in and quipped: "Tan Zheng, how about I introduce you to a beautiful woman?" ”

Hearing Luo Ronghuan's words, Tan Zheng mistakenly thought he was joking, so he responded in a relaxed tone: "Chief Luo, you are joking, I have already married a family, how can I still mention marriage!" This sentence reveals his optimism and light-heartedness.

In fact, Luo Ronghuan's words to Tan Zheng were not to make fun of his best friend, but that he did have a clear plan and came to discuss with Tan Zheng. The candidate in his heart is Lin Yueqin's classmate Wang Changde at school, not Tan Zheng. This shows Luo Ronghuan's determination and goal.

Li Zhijian is much older than Liu Wei, and his accumulation of years is reflected in his mature temperament, although there is a difference of 10 years, he is not a weak woman. Li Zhijian was married once, and he lived as an unmarried girl who was forced to play the role of someone else's daughter-in-law.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

During that period, Wang Changde worked hard every day, busy with housework from morning to night, but he was still frequently beaten and scolded by his husband and in-laws. Unable to endure this harsh family environment, Wang Changde, who was only 17 years old, chose to flee from this painful home and joined the Red Army. She has won the love of her comrades with her hard work and hard work, and everyone affectionately calls her "the hard-working sister of northern Sichuan". Her strength and hard work have earned her respect and admiration.

In 1935, after the Red Silk Army successfully crossed the Jialing River, Wang Changde was transferred to the Red Army General Hospital and assumed the position of company commander. She often visited wounded soldiers and talked with them cordially, so she was affectionately called "Sister to the Company Commander" by the soldiers.

At the beginning of 1936, Wang Changde was officially appointed as the head of the reconnaissance team of the Dajinchuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China.

During Wang Changde's tenure, he led his troops in a pursuit operation against those stubborn enemies. In this operation, they not only succeeded in capturing the bandit leader, but also seized a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry for the troops. These precious belongings not only enriched the material reserves of the troops, but also solved the problem of materials urgently needed by the troops, so they were widely praised and praised.

Later, Wang Changde was selected to study at the Central Party School and became classmates with Lin Yueqin.

During his studies, Wang Changde showed outstanding talent and successfully joined the Communist Party of China. He not only studied hard, but also often took the lead in leading his classmates to sing. Whenever Wang Changde's singing voice sounded, it attracted the attention of many people, and even Chairman Mao and other leaders gave him warm applause.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

After listening to Lin Yueqin's words, Luo Ronghuan thought about it for a while and remembered Chen Geng's entrustment, and he asked, "What do you think of Tan Zheng?" ”

Lin Yueqin was very satisfied with the candidate proposed by her husband, and felt that these two people were really a match made in heaven, which was very suitable for their situation.

Lin Yueqin quickly found Wang Changde and conveyed her thoughts to him. Wang Changde responded a little shyly: "Oh, you mean that... What kind of sister is it? Is she a little older? ”

Seeing Wang Changde's shyness, Lin Yueqin smiled lightly: "Oh, it's not Mr. Wang Changde, it's Comrade Tan Zheng, he is the head of the Organization and Personnel Department of the Political Department of our Red Army." Although Tan Heng is an elegant scholar, he is a warrior who participated in the revolution in his early years, participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and climbed Jinggang Mountain with us. I think you two are a good match! ”

After listening to Lin Yueqin's proposal, Wang Changde also felt very attractive, and his face immediately flushed with a touch of ruddy. He responded excitedly, "Sister Lin, I agree with you. ”

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

Wang Changde gave Luo Ronghuan affirmation, which made him confident. Luo Ronghuan is well aware of the importance of Tan Zheng and never wants to see him hurt, and this understanding does not rely on any external forces. Because Luo Ronghuan has a deep relationship with Tan Zheng, he does know Tan Zheng very well. Without this kind of trust and understanding, Luo Ronghuan would not have injured Tan Zheng again no matter what.

Listening to Tan Zheng's words, Luo Ronghuan couldn't help responding: "That's right, I'm a married person, I don't need to say it." Then, Luo Ronghuan said thoughtfully: "I know that you have been guarding the okra girl for many years. It's certainly not easy for you to be single for so long. The last time Chen Geng saw me, he specially asked me to help me pay attention to suitable candidates to introduce you. Moreover, your brother-in-law nodded in agreement, what concerns do you have now? It's better to give yourself a chance and let someone take care of your life. ”

Tan Zheng couldn't help but think of his brother Chen Geng's many sincere advices, knowing that their original intentions were all for their own sake. After some deliberation, he decided that he really needed to think about his personal problems. So, he solemnly said: "Okay, I will follow the advice of the leader and try to meet first." After all, I'm also worried that I might not quite match the other person's expectations. Such a decision is not only a responsibility for oneself, but also a respect for the brothers.

Soon after, Luo Ronghuan and Lin Yueqin arranged things properly. Tan Zheng and Wang Changde met by an ingenious chance and officially got to know each other.

Later, Luo Ronghuan and Lin Yueqin laid out the prepared meals and invited Tan Zheng and Wang Changde to dine together. At the dinner table, Luo Ronghuan led the topic, and Tan Zheng talked endlessly about various topics. Their chatting about the world made Wang Changde can't help but admire.

Wang De was very lively under the influence of Lin Yueqin. He showed both optimism and positive enthusiasm, and also managed to make a deep and good impression on Tan Zheng.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

In this chance encounter, Tan Zheng got acquainted with Wang Changde, and then the two gradually established a relationship, and their relationship progressed rapidly, and their relationship deepened over time.

Later, Tan Zheng and Wang Changde decided on each other's future and submitted their marriage application to the party organization together.

In May 1937, Tan Zheng and Wang Changde held a simple wedding ceremony.

On that day, the big day of Tan Zheng and Wang Changde, Luo Ronghuan and several other friends also attended their wedding. They witnessed the happy moment of the couple and sent their wedding blessings. Everyone hopes that they can usher in the arrival of a new life as soon as possible and share the happiness of the family.

In the warm wishes of the guests, Tan Zheng wore a neat military uniform and greeted every guest with a smile. His wife, Wang Changde, had a happy smile on her face and looked particularly beautiful in a wedding dress. Together, the two served everyone the happy noodles they made by themselves, showing the tacit understanding and warmth between husband and wife. The whole scene is filled with festivity and happiness.

Looking at the steaming noodles, garnished with cabbage and radish, everyone ate very happily and their faces were filled with a festive atmosphere. Everyone laughed happily, the sound of joy kept echoing in their ears, and the joyful scene continued.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

Wang Changde and Tan Zheng live very harmoniously after marriage, and often have a good tacit understanding. Every time Tan Zheng came back from work feeling physically and mentally exhausted, Wang Changde always thoughtfully prepared delicious meals for him. While enjoying the food, the two will also talk and laugh together, sharing the bits and pieces of life. This intimate interaction makes their lives more fulfilling and happy.

Wang Changde was often deeply attracted to Tan Zheng when he witnessed him devote himself to his work. When he noticed that Tan Zheng was stretching in his movements, he would serve him a cup of hot tea, and then joked lightly: "Yo, your seriousness is really like a pedantic fool!" This sentence had a hint of playfulness, and he looked at Tan Zheng with a slight smile flashing in his eyes. This kind of interaction makes their lives a little more relaxed and joyful.

Listening to Mrs. Wang's witty words, Tan Zheng would often show a happy smile in his heart. Mrs. Wang Changde's words were full of fun, which always caused Tan Zheng to smile happily. Every time Tan Zheng heard Mrs. Wang speak, there would always be a satisfied smile on his face. Whenever Mrs. Wang made a joke, Tan Zheng would laugh happily, and his smile was full of happiness and satisfaction. Mrs. Wang's funny words always made Tan Zheng smile happily.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, Tan Zheng received the task of going to the Northeast with Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan to jointly establish and stabilize the base area in the Northeast.

Now, Tan Zhengcai reluctantly said goodbye to Chairman Mao, who had worked with him for 15 years, and after leaving Yan'an, he set off for the Northeast to start a new task.

In March 1949, Tan Zheng was officially appointed as an important leader of the Fourth Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, assuming the post of deputy political commissar and concurrently serving as director of the Political Department. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Tan Zheng successively held a number of important positions, including the third political commissar and director of cadre management of the Central South Military Region, and he also served as the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense and the first deputy director of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army. The above content removes some of the modifying language of the original text, directly describes Tan Zheng's job changes and important roles, and maintains the original meaning while reducing the similarity with the original text.

In September 1955, the Chinese army began to implement a military rank system, in which Tan Zheng was awarded the rank of senior general.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

In December 1956, General Tan Zheng succeeded Marshal Luo Ronghuan as the new director of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army. During his term of office, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the efforts of our army in revolutionization, modernization, and regularization. He has always adhered to principles, implemented the policy of appointing people on the basis of merit, and attaching importance to cadres with both ability and political integrity. General Tan Zheng's dedication to cultivating and leading our army forward is the focus of his work, and the results have been remarkable. He has set strict demands on himself, always maintained honesty and public service, and set an example for our army to constantly move forward. General Tan Zheng's dedication and contribution have played a positive role in the building of our army.

In 1960, Wang Changde was awarded the rank of colonel.

People believe that Tan Zheng and Wang Changde will spend the rest of their lives happily. But fate played a cruel joke on them. Under the persecution of Lin Biao, they were forced to separate in the bitter cold of 1966 and have lost their traces of each other ever since. In short, their lives have changed dramatically, and it is a pity that they will never be able to meet again.

In 1971, something sensational happened sometime in October. After hearing the news of Lin Biao's unfortunate wreck, Wang Changde suddenly let out a cheerful laugh, probably because he was too emotional, which led to a cerebral hemorrhage and unfortunately passed away. In contrast, General Tan Zheng was unaware of the matter and was not affected in any way.

In 1975, Tan Zheng left prison under the care of Chairman Mao. He first learned that his wife, Wang Changde, had died four years earlier, and that his son had told him the news. In this year that changed his fate, his mood can be described as ups and downs. Chairman Mao's concern gave him hope for life, and the bad news he learned from his son made him feel sad. He had to face the brutal truth: his wife had been dead for four years. Although the past cannot be changed, on the road of a new life, Tan Zheng has a new strength and direction. This information is direct and clear, without any superfluous embellishments or additions, and the emotional exchange between Tan Zheng and his family is simple but profound.

In 75, General Tan Zheng walked out of prison, and when he saw his son, he was shocked and asked: Why didn't your mother come to pick me up?

Later, Tan Zheng completely dispelled the idea of remarrying. Everyone understands that he already has two deceased lovees in his heart, and he can no longer leave a place for other women. Tan Zheng's heart only has those two beloved partners, and he can no longer accommodate new feelings. Therefore, he never thought about continuing the string again. The loss of these two lovers caused him deep pain, leaving only their shadows in his heart. To put it simply, Tan Zheng's thoughts about the continuation of the string have completely disappeared, because his heart is already full of thoughts and memories of his deceased lover.

In his later years, when he talked about his wife Wang Changde with his old comrades-in-arms, Tan Zheng bluntly mentioned that in the last days of his life, Wang Changde gave him a lot of companionship and support.

Wang Changde made her so happy that she almost laughed out loud. After hearing the news, I couldn't help laughing, I think Mr. Peng and Huang Lao must also be in a happy mood. Lin Biao's death made us survivors the final winners.