
"Anshi Rebellion": Anshi Rebellion, how chaotic is it?

author:Nothing to do flipped through the book

According to folk surveys, if you suddenly have the superpower of time travel, which dynasty do you want to go back to? The Tang Dynasty had the highest number of votes. The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty is desirable, and the Anshi Rebellion that shocked the government and the opposition and rewrote history is an important chapter written by countless historians and writers.

I was fortunate to read the famous Tang history scholar Professor Shi Yuntao's "Anshi Rebellion", which unveiled the mystery of this major historical event in the Tang Dynasty for us, and gave me a deeper understanding of the changes in the Tang Dynasty with rich historical materials and in-depth analysis.

"Anshi Rebellion": Anshi Rebellion, how chaotic is it?
"Anshi Rebellion": Anshi Rebellion, how chaotic is it?

1. The origin and background of the Anshi Rebellion

The Anshi Rebellion was a war launched by Tang Dynasty generals An Lushan and Shi Siming after betraying the Tang Dynasty from the end of Xuanzong to the early years of Emperor Daizong (December 16, 755 to February 17, 763). The war lasted seven years and two months, resulting in a large loss of population and a sharp decline in the national strength of the Tang Dynasty.

In the book, Professor Shi Yuntao sorted out the origin and background of the Anshi Rebellion in detail, and pointed out that the outbreak of this war was not accidental, but the inevitable result of the long-term accumulation and intensification of various contradictions within the Tang Dynasty society. Through the analysis of the political, economic, military, cultural and other aspects of the Tang Dynasty, he revealed the deep-seated reasons for the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, which gave me a clearer understanding of the rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty.

2. The process and impact of the Anshi Rebellion

The course of the Anshi Rebellion was tortuous and complicated, and in this war, countless heroic soldiers and innocent people paid the price with their lives. However, this war also gave birth to a group of outstanding politicians, military strategists and writers, who used their wisdom to contribute their own strength to the revival of the Tang Dynasty.

Professor Shi Yuntao analyzed the impact of the Anshi Rebellion on the Tang Dynasty society from multiple perspectives, and pointed out that the war not only led to a sharp decline in the national strength of the Tang Dynasty, but also had a profound impact on the politics, economy, and culture of the Tang Dynasty.

"Anshi Rebellion": Anshi Rebellion, how chaotic is it?
"Anshi Rebellion": Anshi Rebellion, how chaotic is it?
"Anshi Rebellion": Anshi Rebellion, how chaotic is it?

3. Reading history through poetry

In this Anshi Rebellion, countless literati used their poems and articles to record the cruelty of the war and the suffering of the people, and also expressed their desire for peace and tranquility. Professor Shi Yuntao mentions the poems of Du Fu, Li Bai and others in many places in the book, skillfully combining poetry with the Anshi Rebellion, so that we can feel the vicissitudes and heaviness of history while reading poetry.

Fourth, rich historical materials

Professor Shi Yuntao cites a large number of historical documents and archaeological materials in the book, which restores a real and vivid Tang Dynasty for us.

In this work, Professor Shi Yuntao reveals the truth and background of the Anshi Rebellion, and also analyzes the rise and fall of Tang Dynasty society from multiple perspectives. Through his interpretation of multiple dimensions such as population, Hebei, foreign aid, border defense, eunuchs, and feudal towns, he gives us a deeper understanding of the social structure and political system of the Tang Dynasty.

"Anshi Rebellion": Anshi Rebellion, how chaotic is it?
"Anshi Rebellion": Anshi Rebellion, how chaotic is it?
"Anshi Rebellion": Anshi Rebellion, how chaotic is it?

Overall, the book "Anshi Rebellion" provides us with a valuable material about the history of the Tang Dynasty, and gives me a deeper understanding of the changes in the Tang Dynasty. Professor Shi Yuntao's "Anshi Rebellion" is one of the important references for us to learn history and understand history, and it is worth reading for every reader who loves history.