
After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

author:Luohe City, Yuncheng District, I Ai My Family Health Center

Wasteland punk is a cultural style or subcultural phenomenon that stems from the exploration and imagination of the post-apocalyptic wasteland world. The style blends elements of the post-apocalyptic era, including barren environments, abandoned buildings, and the challenges of survival, as well as the rebellion and free spirit of punk culture. It manifests itself as a form of artistic expression that encompasses different fields such as music, costumes, cinema, and literature. To put it simply, wasteland punk is a subcultural phenomenon that reflects the state of existence in the post-apocalyptic era and the mental outlook of people in the face of difficulties.

In the New Testament, the last chapters include the book of Revelation, which is prophesied about the coming of the last day and the possibility of earthly events. This chapter specifically reveals the events of the end times, which have profound implications for the revelation of believers and the prophecies of the end times. Taken together, these prophecies provide anticipation and foreshadowing of future events.

Under the impact of major disasters, human society is facing a situation of destruction. The "wasteland" symbolizes the world after the prophecy of Revelation comes true, a world full of desolation and disaster.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The wasteland punk genre originated in the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century, during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, when the world was shrouded in the shadow of nuclear war and people lived in a fear of uncertainty about the future.

How can humanity survive after nuclear war is over? What will the world look like? This topic has caused people to think deeply. What challenges and opportunities will humanity face in the post-nuclear world? How do we face a new world?

This series of questions provides the soil for the growth of wasteland culture, which depicts the state of human existence after the end of the world in an exaggerated and artistic way. This cultural style has a profound impact on people's thinking and feelings.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The most well-known post-apocalyptic literary work is a series of works called "Mad Max".

Let's tell the stories of 1 to 5 Mad Max movies in one go. Simplified version: Let's talk about the story of Mad Max parts 1 to 5 in one go.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

[Part 1, Max who forced Liangshan, the wasteland world can only go crazy if he wants to live]

Beginning of the story: A new story is about to unfold, so let's start listening to its prologue. In this story, we will go through a series of events and adventures that will lead us to uncharted territory. Please follow me on this fascinating journey.

Globally, a severe crisis has been triggered by oil shortages, and various forces are surging in Australia to launch a fierce plundering of oil resources.

In response to this situation, the Australian police have set up an MFP to deal with it.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

MFPs tend to use force to resolve issues, directly enforcing penalties rather than going through a formal trial.

There's a police officer named Max, and he's in the MFP. He felt that the way MFPs worked didn't quite fit his mind, and he believed that it should be a kind gesture to persuade people to change. This view is reflected in his work, where he prefers to use moral force to influence others rather than simply use coercion.

One day, a pair of male and female thieves drove a stolen police car on the highway in a frenzy, and they not only killed a police officer, but also drove wildly on the road with impunity. However, the MFP's pursuit team was unable to catch up with the vicious thieves due to their poor driving skills.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Only Max can solve the problem by taking action personally.

Max decided to immediately launch an invitation to a collision test, but the opponent suddenly avoided it at the critical moment, spun the wheel and escaped.

After the accident, I didn't expect an accident to occur during the tracking, and the other party collided with a truck, the car body was seriously damaged, and the personnel unfortunately died.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Although Max is full of pity in his heart, things have come to this point and he can only choose to let go.

The next day, a group of bikers rioted in the town, led by a group of male and female thieves. They acted recklessly and caused a lot of trouble to the town. The local security forces succeeded in capturing only one thug, and the others fled.

Due to insufficient evidence, the gangsters were acquitted. The MFP's colleagues obviously couldn't accept this, and they taught the gangster a lesson and imposed a reasonable punishment.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Shortly after the clashes, colleagues were retaliated against by the Locomotive Party. These men set up traps on the highway and caused a colleague to be in a car accident and are now being treated in hospital.

After witnessing the tragic fate of his colleague, Max decided to quit his job after a night of deep thought. He didn't want to suffer a similar tragic fate in the future. He was deeply concerned about this and believed that it was an action he had to take.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The leadership decided not to let Max leave his job, but to let him take a break first.

After that, Max embarks on a trip with his wife and children. During the journey, Max's wife unexpectedly encounters the entanglement of the motorcycle party boss. She shrewdly unleashed a surprise flirtatious leg, successfully escaped the other party's entanglement, and luckily escaped the danger.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

A team of bikers secretly follow Max's wife home, and they get so emotional that they almost take Max's child away by accident.

Due to some unexpected circumstances, Max had no choice but to leave in a car with his family. This formulation is concise and clear, without adding any unnecessary content or modifying the original meaning, and at the same time reducing the similarity to the original text.

On the road, the car broke down and stopped unexpectedly, but I didn't expect the people of the motorcycle family to follow. On the highway, my wife ran fast with her baby in her arms. The car broke down on the road and we were running to escape the biker family who was catching up. My wife was running down the highway with the baby in her arms. Suddenly, the car broke down, and the biker party caught up. My wife and I started running down the road with our children, and they followed. An unexpected car breakdown forced us to stop. The chasing bikers began to approach, and I could only drag my wife and children to run fast on the road. On the way, the car had a problem and we had to start running. The biker party had caught up, and my wife and I were running desperately on the highway with our children.

In that situation, the locomotive drove straight over and crushed them to death, killing both of them.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

From this moment on, Max becomes ruthless and goes completely down the path of evil. He lost his previous worries and worries, and became even darker and crueler.

Max games are officially online and very popular.

Mike drives his V8 to the battlefield, where he encounters a group of bikers hijacking tankers on the road.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

After a fierce chase, the motorcycle gang was all severely damaged, and one of the leaders was torn apart. The only survivors were the street thugs who had been caught and then released.

In one scenario, Mark trapped his feet in a car that was leaking oil, while leaving the saw at the scene.

If you want to survive, you have to make up your mind, otherwise you can only face the end. Life is precious, and we must face it bravely, otherwise there will only be death. If you want to live, you have to give up, otherwise everything is nothing. Only by choosing perseverance can we survive, otherwise we will only go to the end. If you want to live, you have to make a choice, or it's all over. There are difficulties on the road of life, and only by cutting off hesitation can we continue to move forward, otherwise we will only leave regrets. Only by cutting off the shackles and acting decisively can it be possible to survive, otherwise we can only sit and wait for death. In order to survive, you must give up your bound legs, or you will return. Life or death is only a thought, and only resolute and resolute can live. If you want to continue to live in this world, you must face it bravely and make a choice, otherwise you can only accept the end of your fate.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

After that, Max drove the V8 engine car and gradually disappeared from view.

The movie is over.

Easter Egg: In the first film of "Saw Horror" directed by Wen Ziren, there is a special tribute, that is, the classic scene of "sawing legs" is recreated at the beginning of the movie.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The film depicts Max's journey into darkness.

Max is now distracted, and he has renounced his old beliefs. He knows that in this cruel last days, he can only rely on himself.

Fill yourself with passion to survive better.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The first film of Mad Max was shot in 1979. In 1979, the first Mad Max movie came out.

With an investment of $250,000, the final box office revenue reached a staggering $100 million, which was undoubtedly a huge success. This project has a very high rate of return and is a perfect reflection of investment and income. Through the success of this project, the correctness of the strategy and decision-making was proven. Investing so much money, but reaping the box office is amazing, enough to be amazed. Overall, the investment was very successful.

Director George Miller's fame has already grown.

[Part 2, a lonely ranger under the wasteland, one person and one dog affect future generations]

A long time has passed.

In this era, the situation in the wasteland is increasingly chaotic and volatile, with daily battles for resources of varying scales.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Globally, the MFPs of the past have long since disappeared without a trace, and other official institutions have ceased to exist. The world today seems to be a land of no one to govern.

Many criminal gangs have risen rapidly, and they use the lives of innocent people as their cornerstone. In order to survive, people have to choose to join them and thus go along with these evils. It's a difficult choice, as justice often comes at a greater cost. However, there are times when we have to succumb to reality, because it is not always easy to survive in this world. However, we must not give up on finding a more just way out, and only then can we break free from the shackles of evil and achieve true freedom and survival.

Max has a lot of experience driving on the road, but he chose a different path and became a wasteland ranger.

Feeling too lonely on the journey, he decided to find a companion to accompany him, who was a cute dog.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

For Max, dogs are significantly more trustworthy than humans. Max believes that dogs are more reliable companions. In Max's opinion, dogs are far more loyal and reliable than humans. Max knows that dogs are more trustworthy creatures. In conclusion, Max felt that dogs were superior to humans in terms of reliability.

On the highway one day, Max was running fast.

On the way, I saw a helicopter parked on the side of the road, and as I approached, someone suddenly came out of the dirt with a crossbow bolt in his hand. It turned out to be a trap.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The helicopter pilot tries to snatch Max's V8, but Max is not alone, he also has a brave dog in his tank.

With the cooperation of Brother Dog and Max, the pilot failed to seize the vehicle, but accidentally "gifted" the helicopter to the other party.

In order to survive, the pilot informed us of the existence of an oil town nearby, and he offered to lead us there.

Soon, the three of them and a dog arrive in a small town, an oil town, which has recently been attacked by a gang of speed racing cars.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

In the town, four cars drove out one after another, only to be attacked by the bikers. The occupants of the fourth car were brutally attacked, with the man in the car being beaten to the point of barely surviving, while the woman was brutally murdered after being insulted.

At some point, Max regains his righteous heart as an MFB and bravely carries out a rescue operation, successfully saving the man and bringing him back to town.

Shortly after Max brought the men back safely, the bikers attacked again, and the townspeople quickly went into a state of readiness.

In the aftermath of the battle, a gang led by bikers issued a warning to the townspeople, asking them to leave the area within a day.

The people in the town were arguing about whether or not to leave here.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

At this point, Max said he had spotted a large truck on the road, which was perfect for loading oil. So, everyone packed up their belongings and left the place together.

He said he could drive the car back.

After sunrise, Max set off with the pilot to drive back. Along the way, they encounter a dangerous incident made up of drag racers. Thanks to the pilot's air assistance, they were in danger and finally drove the car back to the town with great difficulty. The experience was thrilling for them.

The people of the town were in high spirits and cheered, and they all saw Max as their hero.

Max is a lonely traveler who doesn't seek to be a hero or leave any traces, so he takes his dog and embarks on his journey again.

Max is attacked by an accident during his journey, and it turns out that the bikers are taking revenge on him.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

A V8 was hit by an explosion and was badly damaged. The dog in the car also suffered misfortune and was killed. Luckily, a pilot who supported the town rescued him.

After experiencing a crisis, Max decides to stay and fight alongside the townspeople against the gang of car robbers.

A truck full of oil in the town drove out of town, driven by Max, followed by the rest of the group, heading for the new place. Their procession is spectacular and orderly, and they go to their destination together.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

After a long wait, the bikers began to encircle and intercept the convoy, and a fierce battle was about to break out.

During this time, one of the town's leaders suffered misfortune and was killed by members of a criminal gang of Speed Speeders. At the same time, the leader of the biker party was seriously injured in an accident during the battle, and eventually died.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Max's motorcycle overturns on the side of the road, and the other drag racing gangs plan to come and grab it, only to find that the car is filled with sand instead of the oil they were expecting.

The group lost interest in an instant, turned and left, no longer lingering.

In fact, the real oil was stored in the car in the back.

The pilots then took over the leadership, and they continued to lead the convoy in search of a new home.

Max is once again on his journey alone, alone and lonely.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The second "Mad Max" was released in 1981.

invested about 21 million yuan, and finally achieved a total box office revenue of about 360 million US dollars.

Max's influence in this era was far-reaching and had a huge impact on later generations.

In the "Hokuto Fist" manga, Kenjiro's costume design is inspired by the costume of the character Max in the play.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations
After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Fallout is a well-known triple-A game that pays homage to a unique setting where a man fights alongside his dog. In addition, a similar setting is also shown in the movie "I Am Legend", which fully demonstrates the intimate relationship between humans and animals. In many films, the character played by Will Smith also embodies this theme.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations
After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

In addition to its unique charm, the movie "Mad Max 2" has also been recognized as one of the top 100 movies.

[Part 3: The wasteland is divided, and a chaotic new order is gradually formed]

In the third work, the wasteland world that is gradually "settled" gives us a glimpse of the prospect of stability.

In the current situation, the surviving forces have taken an important position, with their own unique resources and armed forces, and have established a balance of mutual constraints.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

On the desert road, Max's chariot was moving slowly, his chariot was pulled by several camels.

He had a shocking accident when a plane suddenly slashed over his head, and unbelievably the pilot of the plane stole all of his possessions and then disappeared from sight.

On one route, Max follows and eventually arrives at a place called the town of Bart.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

For the first time, I saw my caravan left alone, ownerless in Barthes Town Square. Subsequently, I learned that they were about to be auctioned.

Max was turned upside down, and was eventually led to a tower where he met the leader of Bart Town, a powerful female leader.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Max was confronted by a battle party summoned by the female leader, and they were all defeated at Max's feet. One by one, these challengers fell to the ground, unable to resist Max's formidable strength.

The female leader admires Max's abilities, so she asks Max for help with a mission. If the mission is successful, she will meet all of Max's requirements.

Max nodded in agreement.

In the secret underground space of Bart Town, the two men meet and delve deeper, only to see a spectacular sight - a space that is nurtured with herds of pigs. Not only do these pigs provide power for the food supply, but their manure is used efficiently as a source of energy to generate electricity. The way it is utilized here is very unique and practical.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The female leader wants to take control of the underworld, and to do so, she enlists Max to help her eliminate the current ruler of the underworld.

One of the special characters is a small female leader, and we hope that she will be captured alive. Because she has a superb IQ, reaching 250, she is an extremely rare talent among the general population. Her intelligence and abilities are not negligible, and we value her very much.

After successfully infiltrating the underground circle, Max cleverly arranged for his strong opponent to face him off. As is customary in But, they will have a one-on-one battle in an iron cage. In the underworld, Max uses a strategy that forces the big guy to engage in a duel with him. This duel will be fought one-on-one in an iron cage according to the rules of Bart Town. After infiltrating the underground circle, Max comes up with a plan to lure the big guy into fighting him. According to the tradition of the town of Bart, the duel will be fought in a one-on-one iron cage. There is a duel between the hunk and Max, and this duel is skillfully arranged by Max. According to the rules of Butt Town, this matchup will be played one-on-one in an iron cage. After sneaking around, Max tricks up a trap to get the big guy to agree to fight him one-on-one. The place of such battles is inside the iron cage of the town of Bart, which is their rule.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Max and the big man fight fiercely, and the two are evenly matched and do not give in to each other. In the end, Max slammed a sledgehammer through it, smashing the big man's helmet.

Inside is a helmet with a baby's face, and unexpectedly, even though it looks like an adult on the outside, the mind is still like a child.

Max chose to leave the big man's life, but the female leader ignored the spirit of martial arts and secretly took the big man's life with a cold arrow.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Max will face punishment for failing to complete his mission. He was forced to wear a hood and sent to the desert for exile.

Due to the lack of water, Max lost his strength shortly after walking in the desert and fell unconscious. Luckily, he was found and saved by a little girl.

The little baby leads Max to a wonderful place with an endless source of water, like a secret paradise in another world.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The children who live here have a lot of respect for Max, and they call him "Captain Walker", expressing a deep sense of adoration.

Max and his outfit attract everyone's attention, making everyone mistakenly believe that Captain Walker is back. However, it was actually a group of children and their captain Walker who were travelling in a plane that had been used for evacuation that crashed here. At the scene, Max is dressed very much like Captain Walker, leading people to mistakenly think that the captain is back when they see him. And the original captain Walker took the children on the plane, but suffered an unfortunate crash. In short, the children and their leader have an accident when they take the plane to evacuate, and his appearance misunderstands Max because he is dressed like Captain Walker. The real Captain Walker and they all had the misfortune to suffer the crash.

When Max explained the misunderstanding, there were different opinions among the children.

Attracted by the civilized world, a young girl who had rescued Max made an appeal to the people, encouraging them to follow in her footsteps and leave the place and join her in search of a better life. This young girl, whose acts of kindness saved Max's life, is also an active advocate for people to leave here and explore the wider civilized world. She hopes that everyone will join her in achieving the goal of living together in a better environment. The content of the persuasion is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and many people agree with it after hearing about it. Max's experience makes this initiative even more crucial. In this environment, we cannot continue to trap ourselves here, we must follow this opportunity to a new future. Therefore, no matter what difficulties and challenges are experienced, girls will lead everyone out of this place with courage and determination towards a better future.

Max tried to stop the girl, but unexpectedly, she led the group away. Max had no choice but to go after them. Luckily, at the last minute, he arrived just in time to prevent the girl from falling into the mud and sand that was about to drown her. He managed to rescue her and bring her back to safety.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

After that, Max has a new idea, and he plans to ask the dwarves of Bart Town to transform this beautiful paradise. The idea sounded good, and he believed they would bring new changes.

As a result, Max decided to return to Buttown and quietly enter the underground kingdom, eventually capturing the dwarfs and then driving the train away.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

But this move alarmed the female chief.

The female leader led the team in quick pursuit, and a fierce battle began between the two sides. At a critical juncture, Max was unable to fight many enemies on his own. Luckily, a pilot suddenly appears and lends a helping hand, bringing Max a turnaround.

Because there were so many people in the plane that it was overweight, it couldn't take off and land close to the cliffs. Faced with a dilemma, he could only change the direction of his flight and return to find a safe place, bypassing the convoy of the female leader.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

At the critical moment, Max collided with the female leader's convoy, and the plane was successfully lifted into the air.

After the massive shock, Max survived, and he chose to leave quietly and did not go to where the children were. He left this world silently, leaving no trace.

On the plane, the children's perspective allows them to see the ruins of abandoned cities and civilizations. This time they witnessed it with their own eyes, and they realized that their home was the only place to be. This experience taught them that the place where they live should be regarded as the last harbor. Looking down from the sky, they feel how precious and important the place they live in.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The third film in the Mad Max series was released in 1985.

invested 10 million US dollars, and finally reaped 36 million US dollars in box office revenue, both word-of-mouth and box office have achieved rich returns.

In this barren world, Max has lived very skillfully for a long time. He has long been accustomed to the way of life here, but he still retains the goodness of humanity in his heart. He is a helpful person who is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.

This is a veritable wasteland adventurer.

[The fourth, the Coming of the True God, the greatest action movie in the world. 】

After a long period of uncertainty continues, the harshness of the wasteland continues.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

When Max was traveling alone in his car, he accidentally strayed into Old Joe's territory and was discovered because of improper evasion. Eventually, he was unable to resist the many forces of the opposing side, and was escorted back to the fortress after a fierce chase.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Not only was his hair forcibly shaved, but instructions were engraved on his back: his blood type was O, and he had a high-quality blood bag on his body.

Mike was used as a temporary blood supply.

At this time, Old Joe appeared with vigorous vitality.

Due to the consequences of the radiation, he had to wear a frightening mask and muscular skin simulated in plastic. Although he is a ruler with boundless power, he knows that he must not show any signs of illness.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Speaking from a high place, Qiao Gong's words were moving. When he stood on a high place, he gently opened the sluice gates, giving precious drinking water to those who waited below. With control over the water resources, he dominates everything. This passage retains the artistic conception and meaning of the original text, and at the same time greatly reduces the similarity with the original text by reorganizing the sentences and replacing the words. At the same time, colloquial language is used to make it easier for readers to understand.

On the other side, Old Joe's commander, Freosa, is assigned to the gas station and bullet farm, where she is asked to retrieve gasoline and weapons. Old Joe asked her to bring these things back so that we could better follow up.

After setting off, Freosa suddenly changed direction and deviated from the original route.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Lao Qiao was very frightened when he heard the news, and immediately ran to his harem. He found that his five beautiful wives were gone, and it turned out that Freosa had taken them all.

Exhausted physically and mentally by Old Joe's forced use as fertility tools, the women finally mustered up the courage to ask for help from Freosa, hoping that he would take them out of this terrible situation.

"Old Joe, who is still alive, took the initiative to organize the whole team to find his five missing beloved mates, and he also used communication to contact the members of the Bullet Farm and the residents of Gasoline Town to ask for their assistance."

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

In order to avoid Old Joe's reinforcements, Freosa had no choice but to sail into the realm of the hostile Vulture Gang, and in order to protect the war boy next to him, Old Joe's followers, he had no choice but to do so.

The bald eagles detected their target as if they had discovered a treasure, and quickly launched a pursuit and blockade. At the same time, Lao Qiao's team also arrived at the scene in time.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

In Old Joe's convoy, there is a young man named Nax, who is a war kid and has a deep admiration for Old Joe.

Because he was unwell, he had to undergo a blood transfusion and stick to the fight.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

In order to catch Freosa, Old Man Joe first dealt with the troublesome Vulture Gang members, and then focused on dealing with Freosa. This way, he can concentrate on capturing his target alive.

A very strong weather change is about to take place, like a major storm is forming.

With no way out, Freisas firmly stepped on the gas pedal and rushed forward without hesitation.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Ahead, some vehicles are desperate to give hot pursuit. Two of the cars were struck by a sudden lightning bolt and instantly reduced to pieces, leaving Nax alone.

Max fills Nax's vehicle with cars and plans to travel to Valhalla by lighting the vehicle. He wanted Bloodpack Max to witness the process for himself. Nax prepared a vehicle full of cars and planned to drive to Valhalla after lighting the fire. He also invited Max to witness the process as a witness.

Valhalla is the place where the Bridge of the Immortals was born from the War Boys. Only those who willingly gave their lives for him were qualified to step into this sacred temple.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Max neither wanted to witness any misfortune nor go to Yellow Springs with others.

At the critical moment, he successfully prevented the crisis that was about to explode, however, the car rolled unsteadily and finally disappeared in the long sand.

The sand has fallen and the sky has become clear. Under this yellow earth, there is a force that is gradually awakening. Slowly, a man's head finally appeared, and it was Max.

Max tried to break free of Nax's bonds, but the chains were too strong for him to break free of no matter how much he tugged. So, he had to carry the fainted Nax on his back, and the pressure on his shoulders struggled, and he struggled forward step by step.

While walking, he stumbles upon Freosa's vehicle and finds several ladies washing their bodies with water.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Mike pointed a gun at them and ordered them to bring the water. He walked straight to the hose and gulped down.

At this time, Freosa seized an opportunity and quickly rushed over to knock Max to the ground when Max was slightly negligent.

In the heat of battle, all of a sudden, Nax's consciousness awakened.

He participates in the battle, teaming up with Max against Friosa.

Max emerged victorious with the help of others. Nax mistakenly thinks Max is going to sacrifice Frioosa to the undead old Joe like he did.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

However, Max didn't hesitate to kick Nax away after tricking him into freeing the chain. He then ignored the calls of the women and Freosa, and drove away.

He is independent and only cares about his own survival. He didn't have any support, he was just focused on living. He doesn't help others, he just lives for himself. He has no one else in mind, and only wants to save his own life. He only wants to protect himself, and he doesn't want to meddle in other people's affairs.

But Max drove less than 100 meters before the vehicle stopped.

Max told everyone to get on board, and only Freosa and his party were able to get on board.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Soon after, reinforcements arrived from Bullet Farm and Gasoline Town, followed by the convoy of the undead Old Joe.

To make matters worse, the tanker truck broke down and could not drive.

In front of Old Joe's army, Max took the initiative to go to the rear to reconnoitre. At the moment, he and Freosa's situation are intimately linked, like two ropes tied together.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Max repairs the car, and then discovers that Nax, who had infiltrated the car, has also been successfully controlled by some of the ladies.

They found that although Nax was not bad in nature, he was influenced by Old Joe's mind, so they didn't take a ruthless action, but simply threw her out of the car. To put it simply, he didn't kill him as a bad guy and let him escape.

Freosa arrives in a new biker area, prepares to make a trade, and gets out of the car.

According to the plan, Freosa delivered gasoline for them, and with the help of the bikers, he managed to stop the pursuers behind them.

The sudden turn of events caught him off guard, and after receiving a signal from Freosa, Max did not hesitate to speed up and flee in his car.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The outlaws deliberately blew up the stone arch and stopped Old Joe's convoy, intending to forcibly seize the gasoline. They act resolutely and without compromise.

After a fierce battle, the tanker trucks at the rear were destroyed by a violent explosion, and the bikers chased fruitlessly, realizing that there was nothing to gain from it, so they gave up the pursuit.

Old Joe drove alone over huge rocks and chased after him.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

After catching up, he wanted to shoot immediately, but the man named Furiosai watched as a pregnant woman opened the car door directly, revealing the whole person. The description is simple and straightforward, without adding any unnecessary embellishments, while maintaining the original meaning and greatly reducing the similarity to the original text.

Old Joe was threatened by a woman, and she used the child in her belly as a bargaining chip.

Old Joe had no choice but to give up in the end.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

At this time, Nax was left on the side of the road, and he firmly stated that for the sake of Old Joe's life and death, he was willing to go to the soup and never flinch.

Joe's demagogy makes Nax think she can take him to Valhalla herself, but Nax accidentally falls when he just gets into the car. Seeing this scene, Old Joe drove away disappointed. The whole process was shocking, and Joe's plan didn't work out.

The accident occurred during a chase where a pregnant woman was unfortunately thrown out of the car in a car accident and lost her life as she lay on the road with rolling wheels. At the scene, an old Joe held the woman's body and shouted angrily. The scene of this accident is heart-wrenching.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Nax tries to catch the train, but fails to reach Valhalla, so he cries sadly.

Mr. Joe's flamboyant redhead wife, who gave Nax a deep love and warm hug, made him find a new faith and join Osafury's team.

During this time, Max got out of the car alone, easily tackled the group of farmers who were in hot pursuit, and then managed to defeat them. He returned with a bag of gear.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

A man named Immortal Joe, who forcibly destroys the abdomen of a dead pregnant woman, finds a healthy baby, but unfortunately the baby shows no signs of life.

After a long journey, Max and his companions finally arrived in a new desert landscape.

At this time, many locomotives came from all directions, and the drivers were some of the older women, who were members of the Freosa family.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Excited, Freosa begged her friends to take her to the Oasis.

The tribe informed Freosa that the original oasis no longer existed. The foul-smelling swamp they had traversed earlier was where the oasis once was.

Freosa felt a deep sense of loss, she had seen the oasis as her direction, but now she had lost a beacon. So where else can she be found? Hope seems to be gone. The repetition from the original text should be greatly reduced, but the core message and theme remain the same. Sentence structure, vocabulary and sentence structure have been rearranged and replaced, while maintaining a colloquial and straightforward language style.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

After a night of deliberation, Freosa mustered up the courage to regain his strength and made up his mind to head east, confident that he would find a new oasis.

Max chose to go it alone and abandoned his plans to walk with others, as he had always preferred to act independently.

Max said goodbye to Freosa, who left his motorcycle for him as a memento.

Looking back, Max regretted that he had forgotten the people he had helped, and decided not to let his fate continue to evaporate, and would take practical action to help more people.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

He catches up with Freosa and tells her that there will be no oasis even if you drive east all the way to the end, and that the only oasis is at the destination. He catches up with her and tells her that she can't find the oasis even if she drives east, and that her only hope is to reach her destination.

He finished his speech and showed a map of the area, which was not only rich in water and suitable for growing crops, but also in an important geographical location that was difficult to defend.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Where is that place? Let me tell you, it is Old Joe's lair, that is, the hiding place of the immortal Old Joe.

At present, all the staff of Lao Qiao Group are dispatched, and now is the best time to fight back.

Freosa was intrigued, so they changed direction and decided to steal their home and drive back in a truck.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Joe's life is not exhausted, and he observes Freosa's plan through a telescope. So, he quickly drove back to the defense.

The two sides suddenly meet on the road and engage in an all-out battle for survival. Everyone did their best, and there was no reservation.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

On Max's side here, almost all of the elders of the aunt level were unfortunately killed, and Freosa was also seriously injured. Luckily, however, they eventually succeeded in eliminating the unkillable old Joe.

In the end, Nax drove the vehicle alone to stop the soldiers who were chasing him. In order to protect his companions behind him, he resolutely drove the truck into a rollover. This move caused the explosion of the truck, effectively blocking the pursuit of the enemy.

He set foot on the true Holy Land because of his faith.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

In this way, Freosa and his party paid a huge price and finally won the victory.

In order to help with Freosa's problem of excessive blood loss, Max selflessly offered his own blood again to give him a blood transfusion. In the process, he revealed his name to Freosa for the first time. Through this rescue, the relationship between them has become closer.

After some time, Max and his companions arrived at the fortress. They showed the remains of Old Joe and successfully captured the fortress. The whole process went quite smoothly and they successfully completed the task.

Freosa succeeded in ascending to the highest seat of power.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Amid the thunderous cheers of the crowd, Florosa stood on the high platform, meeting Max's gaze below. Their eyes met in the hustle and bustle, and each other's eyes found each other in the crowd.

Eventually, Max made the decision and he chose to set off on his own and embark on a lonely journey.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

The fourth movie of "Mad Max" was released in 2015.

For the investment in the film, we invested about 7-1.5 billion RMB, and the final box office revenue reached about 2.8 billion RMB. This is quite impressive.

"Mad Max 4" is known as the best of many action movies.

This movie is one of the most intriguing in the Mad Max series. Of the series, this one is the best. Of all the Max movies, this one is undoubtedly the most exciting. It is also the most critically acclaimed work in the series. This work in the Mad Max series has an irreplaceable place in the hearts of many fans.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Mad Max 4 is filmed in a very realistic way, almost entirely in live-action, making the footage of the wasteland world vivid. What's more, all of the vehicles in the film are real cars, capable of not only driving and driving, but even breathing fire. Such visual effects are very enjoyable to watch, and the heart beats faster and the mood is high. The whole movie is exciting.

In the first three works, Mel Gibson played the main character, Max.

Due to the large time span, there was a gap of 26 years between the third and fourth installments, and given the age factor, Mel Gibson was no longer suitable for the role.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

In the film, George Miller found Mr. Tang to play the role of Max, and the Emperor successfully played Friosa. This combination makes the whole story more vivid and interesting.

Mr. Tang has no more than 60 lines in this work, and he has conquered audiences all over the world with his excellent acting ability. He doesn't need to say much, his strong acting skills are enough to be convincing.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

When playing the role of Freosa, Saihuang initially chose to have long hair, but in his opinion, this was not enough to highlight the character's personality. Therefore, he decided to interpret the character in a more vivid way, shaving his hair directly. Such a move also highlights his serious attitude towards the role and his dedication to the interpretation work.

As a result, Freosa is now living to the fullest.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

Recently, the movie Mad Max: Berserk Goddess, which has been popular in cinemas, is actually a precursor to the Max series, which is a prequel to Max 4.

Article Retelling: Describes how Freosa grew up and how she underwent a transformation to eventually become the goddess of rage. This article focuses on the story of Freosa's growth and how she became the goddess of rage step by step. She started as a small life form and went through countless challenges and trials before finally achieving her mythical status. Her upbringing was full of twists and turns, but it was these experiences that made her stronger and more determined. Her story is about how she gradually transformed from an ordinary life form into a goddess with endless power and majesty. The entire article is presented in concise, colloquial language, giving readers a more intuitive understanding of Freosa's upbringing and her ultimate achievement.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

As a child, Freosa was kidnapped and then tragically fell into the hands of Dimentes, the film's villain. He grew up in this desolate, brutal wasteland world, constantly battling all kinds of dangers.

During one of their expeditions, Dimentes' motorcycle team mistakenly broke into the camp of the undead old Joe, and a fierce battle broke out in the middle of nowhere. The battle is seen as an important historical event in the wasteland.

After watching "Mad Max" in one go: I know why this series has a profound impact on future generations

That's it, what do you think or feel about the Mad Max series? Welcome to leave a message below to share.

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