
That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

author:Film and television stargazing melon material
That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

In the ever-changing entertainment industry, every appearance of every star may cause countless topics. Recently, the well-known actress Angelababy (Yang Ying) unexpectedly appeared in the live broadcast room of Kuaishou Internet celebrity Simba, which not only broke the previous rumors about her being banned, but also won the widespread attention of netizens with her easy-going image.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

▶ Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room, and netizens continued to discuss it

At this time last year, Yang Ying was still the focus of the entertainment industry, but this year she chose an unexpected platform - the live broadcast room of Kuaishou Internet celebrity Simba. This move immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Some people questioned whether she had to choose such an exposure method because of the decline in resources, and some people praised her for being close to the people and easy-going, and there was no star frame.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

In the live broadcast room, Yang Ying and Simba's interaction was very natural, showing a sweet smile from time to time, and the interaction with netizens also seemed to be easy. Simba did not hesitate to praise Yang Ying as the most beautiful and easy-going female artist he had ever seen.

These praises are not groundless, from Yang Ying's dress to speech and demeanor, they all show her professionalism and people-friendly charm as a star.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

▶ The ability to bring goods is amazing, and Yang Ying's commercial value has not decreased

Although some netizens questioned the reason why Yang Ying chose the live broadcast room, her ability to bring goods should not be underestimated. In just one hour, the sales of the brand she endorsed exceeded 17 million, and the number of online viewers exceeded 1 million. This achievement not only proves Yang Ying's commercial value, but also shows her professionalism as a spokesperson.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

At the same time, Yang Ying's performance in the live broadcast room has also won high recognition from the brand. They all said that it was very wise to choose Yang Ying as the spokesperson, because she not only has good looks and affinity, but also has excellent business acumen and the ability to bring goods. Such an evaluation is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of Yang Ying.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

▶ The rumors of Yang Ying's ban have sparked heated discussions, what is the truth?

Before Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room, rumors about her being banned had been rampant. Some netizens broke the news that for some reason, Yang Ying's resources in the entertainment industry have declined sharply, and she is even facing the situation of being blocked. However, Yang Ying's live broadcast broke these rumors.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

Regarding the rumors of the ban, Yang Ying did not respond positively. But her performance in the live broadcast room made people see her indomitable spirit and persistent pursuit of her career.

No matter what kind of dilemmas and challenges she faces, she can face and solve them with an optimistic attitude and a professional attitude. Such qualities not only earned her respect and support in the entertainment industry, but also allowed her to gain more attention and recognition in the live broadcast industry.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

▶ Netizens have different opinions, and controversy and support coexist

After the news of Yang Ying's appearance in Simba's live broadcast room came out, netizens expressed their views and opinions. Some people expressed support for Yang Ying's decision, believing that her choice of the live broadcast room was a brave and innovative attempt; There are also those who question whether her choice was too hasty, arguing that she should cherish her image and reputation more.

Among them, there are some netizens who questioned and criticized Simba. Some people think that he is just an Internet celebrity who started with hype and marketing, and is not worthy of a star like Yang Ying to cooperate.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

Some people also think that although Simba is a little controversial, he also has a good ability and influence to bring Yang Ying, which can bring Yang Ying new opportunities.

However, more netizens chose to support and understand Yang Ying's decision. They believe that as a star and spokesperson, Yang Ying needs to constantly try new fields and platforms to maintain her influence and commercial value.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

At the same time, they also recognized Yang Ying's performance in the live broadcast room, believing that she not only showed her people-friendly charm and professionalism, but also successfully drove the brand's sales and attention.

The incident of Yang Ying appearing in Simba's live broadcast room not only aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens, but also showed her multi-faceted charm in the entertainment industry and live broadcast industry.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour

Whether as a celebrity or a spokesperson, she can face various challenges and opportunities with a professional attitude and excellent ability. In the days to come, we look forward to seeing more of these talented and charismatic stars to bring us more wonderful works and performances.

That's awesome! Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, breaking the ban rumors, and bringing 17 million goods in one hour