
He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

author:Straight leaves for 3h

Time seems to have a magical power, which can slowly erase the traces of the past, and then gradually fade the bitter emotions in the heart. However, some things, especially human emotions, even if time wants to erase them, there are always traces that are difficult to completely disappear.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

Zhang Hao, who was a star on campus when he was in college, has unlimited scenery. At that time, he was full of vitality and full of infinite longing for the future. He excelled in his studies and was active in the club, all of which showed his talent and energy. However, behind all this glamour, there is an unknown past.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

It was a spring afternoon, and the sun was shining through the gaps in the leaves on the quiet path next to the library. Zhang Hao accidentally bumped into a girl who was sitting under a cherry blossom tree, the sunlight leaving a dappled light and shadow on her hair. The girl's name is Lin Jing, a student of the Department of Literature, who usually speaks little and has a strong bookish atmosphere.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

After that day, Zhang Hao found that his eyes often unconsciously looked for Lin Jing's figure. She always sits quietly in the corner of the library or strolls down the campus paths alone. Although they didn't have much to do with each other, Zhang Hao still felt an inexplicable emotion slowly growing in his heart.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

As the days slowly passed, Zhang Hao began to try to get close to Lin Jing, but each time he failed for various reasons. Until by chance, he sat next to Lin Jing at an academic lecture. After the lecture, he plucked up the courage to invite Lin Jing to a café outside the campus. Lin Jing smiled faintly and nodded lightly in agreement. That day, they talked a lot, from literature to life, and never came to their dreams.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

However, the good times did not last long, and Lin Jing suddenly informed Zhang Hao that she was about to go abroad for further study and would leave soon. Although Zhang Hao's heart was full of reluctance, he didn't want to stop Lin Jing from pursuing his dream. They agreed to wait for Lin Jing to return from his studies and then continue the frontier.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle. In the blink of an eye, a few years have passed, and Zhang Hao has grown from that young college student to a member of society. He is often busy and rushing, thinking of Lin Jing, thinking of that warm spring afternoon, and thinking of the girl whose eyes are full of him.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

The long-awaited reunion never came as expected. Zhang Hao occasionally checked Lin Jing's dynamics through social networks, and she seemed to have made a home abroad. Everyone's life is moving forward, only memory, staying in that beautiful moment.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

Until one day, Zhang Hao accidentally turned over a book in a bookstore with Lin Jing's name on the cover. It turned out that Lin Jing had become a writer, and there was a short essay in the book describing a boy's smile and a brief encounter on a spring afternoon. Reading this, Zhang Hao's heart tightened suddenly, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

On the last page of the book, Lin Jing writes: "We are all busy and struggling in our respective lives, and we may never be able to sit down and share each other's dreams leisurely as we did that afternoon." I hope that this memory, like this book, will be preserved by me forever. ”

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

At this time, Zhang Hao really realized that he seemed to have really missed the girl who was full of him. The years are long, the sea of people is vast, and what you miss is really missed. He closed the book, and a faint sadness rose in his heart, but he also felt a rare relief.

He really seemed to miss the girl who had all his eyes

In the long river of life, everyone will have some unforgettable moments, those times that may not come back, leaving us with nothing but infinite reverie and imagination. Zhang Hao has learned to cherish and let go, everything has disappeared, only memory, endless.