
Jiang Ping's incident made a big fuss, the finalists did 1 of the 6 questions, and the contestants sent a joint letter to question it!

author:Interesting bean curd


"I heard that it is the top 12 in the country, and many people are angry with her."

Jiang Ping, a secondary school student from Hunan, was surprised by her 12th place in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, which surprised people and raised some questions.

In Alibaba's global mathematics competition, because China has a very significant strength and advantage in the field of mathematics, so the number of participants is large, in the face of such a fierce competition environment to achieve excellent rankings is not easy, but Jiang Ping relied on her own ability to stand out in the suppression and competition of many people and achieved the world's 12th excellent results.

However, the competition is only a qualifier, and the final is even more difficult, and it is precisely because of this that some people suspect that Jiang Ping's qualifying results may have some improper means to participate in it, what is it?

How did Jiang Ping achieve such excellent results?

Jiang Ping's achievements.

In the 6th Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition set off a boom across the country, Alibaba's mathematics competition can be said to be a world-class competition, divided into two parts: the preliminary and the final, in the mainland qualifiers a total of more than 100,000 people into the competition, this is a holy war in the mathematical community.

After fierce competition, the results of the qualifiers were soon released, and everyone was curious about how many people they could stand out, and Jiang Ping's results were even more impressive, she stood out from tens of thousands of participants in the qualifiers, and successfully advanced to the finals with the 12th place in the country.

Mathematics has always been a global research hotspot, and various countries have put mathematics education in a very important position, and they have been going all out in research.

Jiang Ping's incident made a big fuss, the finalists did 1 of the 6 questions, and the contestants sent a joint letter to question it!

Therefore, the competition also presented a very difficult side, everyone was happy that Jiang Ping could qualify for the national finals, but after the official start of the Alibaba Mathematics Competition, some people were speculating about Jiang Ping's pre-selection results.

Someone joked: "12, the qualifiers are champions, do you know?"

"Is it fake, there must be an insider!"

Such worries and speculations quickly attracted the attention of public opinion, and people were speculating about how Jiang Ping's pre-selection results were obtained, and when someone saw a notice at the Qiuzhen Academy of Tsinghua University, it caused discussion and speculation about the incident.

Jiang Ping's incident made a big fuss, the finalists did 1 of the 6 questions, and the contestants sent a joint letter to question it!

The content of the notice is to prohibit all students of Tsinghua University Tsinghua University Qiuzhen College from participating in mathematics competitions that are not approved by Tsinghua University and Tsinghua University Qiuzhen College, and the most critical part of this notice is "unapproved", which makes people can't help but wonder if it is because of the impact of the Jiang Ping incident, because Alibaba's mathematics competition has not been officially recognized by Tsinghua University, and the release of this official regulation at this time, is it because of Jiang Ping's matter?

What happened.

"I heard that the top 12 girls in the country are from our Hunan, and we should encourage her, after all, it is not easy to have this achievement."

This is the encouragement given by the governor of Hunan to Jiang Ping, but as the picture in the email spreads, a screenshot of the test paper of the global final made many people start to doubt, the test paper looks simple, but it contains a lot of very obscure rules, which makes people feel more like an equation puzzle, but many people have struggled with this test paper for a long time and have not made it.

For a long time, the other 9 questions were more than the number of questions in a national competition.

Finally, after more than 70 minutes of struggle, only the amount of these six questions has changed, two or three players have completed the questions, two or three have completed half of the questions, and the other players have already begun to count down to the time and have not completed a single question.

The difficulty of the test paper is obvious, but the remaining time is more urgent, because you can accumulate a lot of marks for each completed question, but at this time there is a problem, some people make it, but some people are very difficult.

As a result, the tournament has entered a boom.

The bewildered players quickly turned their troubles into action, and they united to launch a joint request to Alibaba officials, requesting that Jiang Ping's qualifier test papers be made public, and Alibaba officially replied to the 39 contestants in the case of seriously violating Jiang Ping's privacy, why did they not consider violating Jiang Ping's privacy, and they also said that everyone speculated about Jiang Ping's results because of their own incompetence and when could the junior students who didn't know Jiang Ping have such a loud voice, And it would cause a lot of harm to Jiang Ping if Jiang Ping's results would be made public.

However, previously, Alibaba officially announced the list of the top 5,000, but Jiang Ping's name did not appear in it.

Public opinion is hotly discussed.

In the mathematics community, the mathematics competition has always been a very serious academic competition, and the announcement of the results should be very open and transparent, but after the results of the qualifiers were made public, there were doubts, and at the same time, many people praised Alibaba's official handling and expressed their recognition of the need to protect Jiang Ping's personal privacy.

However, in the debate between the two parties, some people doubted Jiang Ping's achievements, and some people spoke for Jiang Ping.

Some people think: "If Jiang Ping really relies on strength to achieve results, it is understandable why some people are very powerful, but it must be unique, because another suspicious problem is that in so many years of mathematics competitions, this kind of thing has not happened once."

Jiang Ping's incident made a big fuss, the finalists did 1 of the 6 questions, and the contestants sent a joint letter to question it!

If it hadn't happened before, and now it is, there must be a problem. ”

Some people think: "Yes, isn't the competition about discovering more math talents, and it's not right to show off yourself for money!"

Jiang Ping's incident made a big fuss, the finalists did 1 of the 6 questions, and the contestants sent a joint letter to question it!

The two points of view confronted each other on the Internet, some people liked Jiang Ping, some people felt that there was a dirty deal to be exposed, the two points of view collided with each other, and they were never resolved, and they were ready to move in two days.

Jiang Ping's incident made a big fuss, the finalists did 1 of the 6 questions, and the contestants sent a joint letter to question it!

Some people questioned: "How did you, a junior high school student who did not graduate, participate in the Alibaba math competition, aren't you showing off your wealth?"

Jiang Ping also replied to her attitude on the Internet: "I just opened Weibo, and I opened a more serious Weibo, and I will talk about my own affairs with everyone over there in the future, so I will make a small account here."

Jiang Ping's incident made a big fuss, the finalists did 1 of the 6 questions, and the contestants sent a joint letter to question it!


The incident is not over, as the incident continues to ferment, more problems will cause us to think, society is constantly changing, and cognition is constantly changing, but we must not change the educational evaluation system too boring and intolerable in any case, because this will have a very big impact on students.

The evaluation system must be fair, otherwise it will make it impossible to collect enough anomalies after a flood of problems, which is a kind of harm to society.