
Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million


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Speaking of which, Xu Dongdong and Yin Ziwei should be familiar to everyone, right? Back then, they were also in the limelight on the screen.

But this time, "Monster of the Han River", which premiered online on June 28, was really a big surprise.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

The result of this film, an attempt to capture the essence of Hollywood horror films? But he has become an emulator, and he can't become an anti-dog.

The plot of "Monster of the Han River" feels far-fetched to say.

A group of migrant workers, who worked hard to earn some money, and then went on a trip, as a result? I was checked out with a coupon.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

This plot setting is even more bloody than a third-rate novel.

Then, in order to solve the accommodation problem, the group went to work in a hotel.

Haha, guess what? This hotel is actually a secret stronghold of villains.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

This villain is also a strange person, and he actually wants to promote the Han River monster as a delicacy.

There is no one in this brain hole.

This villain not only has a big brain, but also has extremely murderous methods.

He snatched a giant monster fish and its calves from local fishermen and prepared to carry out his crazy plan.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

However, the development of this plot is so ridiculous that people feel embarrassed to watch it.

Yin Ziwei's previous remake of "Python Disaster" was disappointing enough, but Xu Dongdong's performance this time? It's hard to put into words.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

Look at this "Han River Monster", the logic is full of loopholes, and the special effects are too rough.

However, this does not prevent it from becoming a "wonderful" movie.

In the second half, the villain actually brought the living Han River monster directly to the table for the rich to taste.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

This extremely primitive way of eating not only has a strong visual impact, but also turns the whole banquet into a nonsensical carnival.

This scene really makes people feel embarrassed when they see it.

The actors in the film? It also has its own slots.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

The heroine, in particular, seems to pay more attention to showing the appearance than going deep into the plot.

This approach leads to confusion and abruptness in the development of the plot.

Especially after they stumble upon the Han River monster in the hotel, the plot suddenly turns into a chaotic chase and fight scenes, which is also confusing.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

The logic of the whole movie is really full of loopholes, the plot twists are incredible, and the rough handling of special effects seriously affects the audience's viewing experience.

The film's first-day box office was only 4.87 million yuan, far below the industry's expectations, which not only shows that Xu Dongdong's status in the hearts of the audience has declined sharply, but also reflects that there is a problem with his career choice.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

In the past four years, Xu Dongdong has received 32 low-quality online movies, and this high-yield and low-quality strategy has also made her reputation much worse than before.

Although her appearance and that of the other actresses in "Monster of the Han River" took center stage, it was clear that this strategy could no longer sustain her stardom.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

This film and Xu Dongdong's career choice also reveal a trend in the online movie market: even if you were a box office star, you may ignore the importance of artistic quality in pursuit of short-term profits, and eventually lead to a downhill career, which is really embarrassing.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

The cooperation between Xu Dongdong and Yin Ziwei this time is really "on the table".

The box office and word-of-mouth of "Monster of the Han River" both hit the streets, and it is estimated that they are also in a hurry now, and they don't know how to end it, right? It can only be said that the aura of the former star is not omnipotent, and if you are not careful in choosing films, you will still fall behind.

Rotten, Xu Dongdong's remake of "Monster of the Han River", the special effects were rough and bad, and the box office was only 4.87 million

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