
Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

author:Things speak in new words
Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer
In order to better tell the content of the article, the plot of the characters is fictional, please read it sensibly.

Ms. Lin, as a senior executive of a private company, has been deeply influenced by the social concept of "thinness is beauty" in recent years, and has been trying various ways to lose weight.

In order to achieve the goal of weight loss, she has adopted many methods, including dieting.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

One day, when she was working overtime until the wee hours of the morning, and her colleagues had gone home, she suddenly became dizzy and weak.

She struggled to her feet and tried to walk to the couch to rest, but she fainted after taking a few steps.

The family found that she had not been home for a long time and could not be reached by phone, so they hurried to the company, found her lying in the office, and hurriedly sent her to the hospital.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

In the hospital, after the doctor asked her in detail about her lifestyle habits and weight loss methods, he pointed out solemnly: "Miss Lin, weight loss should be scientific." Long-term dieting has affected blood sugar, and it is only because of low blood sugar that you faint. ”

Ms. Lin's mother also said, "The doctor is right, weight loss should be achieved through a reasonable diet and moderate exercise, not extreme dieting. Studies have shown that people with thick thighs and large buttocks may live longer."

So is there a scientific basis for this claim?

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

1. Do people with thick thighs and big buttocks live longer?

In today's health-first world, we're often surrounded by the notion that slim is healthy, but one study has revealed a whole new perspective. In fact, having a pear-shaped body with thick thighs and a big butt may be closely associated with a longer lifespan.

Specifically, if a 30-year-old woman has a perfect pear-shaped body, her life expectancy may be nine and a half years longer than that of women with obesity. This is enough to show how much of an impact waist fat has on health.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

For men, the situation is similar. Those 30-year-old men with "beer bellies" may live almost 17 years shorter than men with flat bellies!

Beer belly is actually a manifestation of fat accumulation in the waist and abdomen, which not only affects the appearance, but more importantly, it will wrap the internal organs and interfere with the normal metabolic function. You may ask, why does a pear-shaped body have such an advantage?

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

2. What are the advantages of people with thick thighs and big buttocks?

The reason why the body type with thick thighs and large buttocks has the advantage of longevity is that people with this body type have great benefits in reducing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.

Let's start by talking about where fat is stored, and studies have shown that belly fat, especially those that accumulate around internal organs, can have a negative impact on our health.

These fats not only increase the burden on the body, but also interfere with the normal functions of our body, such as affecting the work of insulin, increasing the risk of diabetes, and even leading to the occurrence of high blood pressure and heart disease, which is why doctors often emphasize the need to reduce belly fat.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

In contrast, fat is stored in the thighs and buttocks in a relatively safe way. The fat in these areas is mainly subcutaneous fat, which is located under the skin and has nothing to do with internal organs.

Although weight gain, this fat does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome as much as belly fat. In fact, fat in the thighs and buttocks may also have a protective effect.

The fat cells in these areas are able to secrete some substances that are beneficial to health, such as adiponectin, which helps improve our insulin sensitivity, stabilize blood sugar levels, and even reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

It doesn't matter if you have a body shape with thick thighs and a big butt, it's important for everyone to know this health knowledge.

By maintaining a healthy fat profile, we can reduce our risk of chronic diseases and enjoy a longer and healthier life.

Remember, health isn't just about weight and appearance, it's a reflection of our inner health, but how can we all shape that healthy body?

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

3. How to shape a "longevity body"?

In fact, "longevity" is not entirely determined by genetics, but can be cultivated and maintained through well-planned eating habits, moderate physical exercise, and some daily habits in life.

In our quest for the ideal body shape, we should focus on building a balanced and varied diet. This requires us to ensure that our daily diet includes adequate whole grains, which provide a steady source of energy for the body.

Whole grains are rich in fiber, which helps maintain digestive health and promotes a balance of good microflora in the gut.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

Our diet should be rich in a variety of vegetables and fruits, which are important sources of vitamins and minerals, and rich in antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

The fiber content in these foods can help people feel fuller and eat less.

By following this diet, we will not only be able to work towards our ideal body shape, but also improve our physical health and quality of life in an all-round way.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

In the pursuit of longevity, the last thing that cannot be ignored is exercise. Cardio and strength training for the thigh and hip muscles, in particular, can significantly improve the overall structure and health of the body.

By sticking to these exercises, we not only build muscle mass and strength in our thighs and buttocks, but also promote fat burning, resulting in a healthier, more toned body.

Aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, running, swimming and cycling can improve cardiorespiratory fitness, speed up metabolism, and promote the burning and reduction of body fat.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

Strength training plays a key role in shaping the body, especially for the thigh and hip muscle groups.

Movements such as weightlifting, squats, and bridge exercises can significantly improve muscle mass and strength, promote an increase in metabolic rate, and thus enhance the body's overall stability and athletic performance.

These comprehensive exercises not only help to improve posture and build a more toned body, but also effectively prevent various functional disorders that may be caused by muscle atrophy.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

In addition to diet and exercise, it is equally important to avoid bad lifestyle habits. Cigarettes and alcohol, the harm to health has always been impossible to ignore, if you want to live a long life, it is best to stay away from them in life.

Good sleep is also the key to shaping a "longevity body", and lack of sleep can lead to metabolic disorders in the body, affecting health and body shape.

It is recommended that everyone do not go to bed too late every night, avoid staying up late, and give yourself a good sleeping environment.

The pursuit of longevity is not limited to building a healthy body, there are many other factors that are equally important, and we should fully understand and pay attention to these influencing factors.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

4. What other factors affect life expectancy?

When it comes to in-depth analysis of the multiple factors that affect longevity, we need to focus not only on body size, but also on genetics, environment, and psychological state. These elements are intertwined and together shape an individual's health and longevity.

As a basic element of life, heredity plays an irreplaceable role in determining lifespan. Studies have shown that certain genetic variants are closely linked to longevity, and they can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other fatal diseases, thereby prolonging an individual's life.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

Heredity also influences physiological traits such as metabolic rate and immunity, which also have a profound impact on longevity.

Environmental factors should also not be overlooked, including both the natural and social environment. The quality of the natural environment, such as the condition of the air, water and soil, has a direct impact on people's health.

Being in heavily polluted areas for long periods of time increases the risk of serious diseases such as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc. And where the natural environment is in good condition, people's risk of disease is reduced, which is good for health.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

The social environment also has a significant impact on an individual's lifespan. Those with higher socioeconomic status are obviously able to enjoy better health care services when they are sick, and the quality of life is better than that of the general population, and the superior material conditions bring a higher level of life, which provides them with favorable conditions for achieving health and longevity.

The impact of mental state on longevity should not be underestimated. There are studies that can prove that a positive mindset can help people stay away from cardiovascular disease, depression, etc.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer

The impact of a good mood is also multifaceted, and when you are happy, your body will have fewer problems, and it will also help to prolong your life.

Those who suffer from negative emotional distress for a long time are more likely to face health challenges that can adversely affect their longevity.

Maintaining a positive and optimistic mindset is essential for a long and healthy life. We can reduce stress, improve our mindset, and improve our quality of life by learning relaxation techniques, hobbies, and social support, so as to live longer.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer


Through an in-depth introduction to the relationship between body size and longevity, we not only recognize the potential longevity advantages of thick thighs and large buttocks, but also realize that the factors that affect longevity are far more than the surface body shape.

Genetics, environment, psychological state and other factors affect each person's health and longevity. Therefore, to achieve a long and healthy life, we need to consider all aspects of life, including a healthy diet, appropriate exercise, a good mindset and lifestyle adjustments.

Under the guidance of science and through reasonable lifestyle choices, we can escort our health and longevity, and enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Stature determines longevity? Studies have found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks are likely to live longer


1. Nature Genetics: Is your body pear-shaped or apple-shaped? It's also about genetics, life sciences. 2019.02.19

2. New study: postmenopausal women with a "pear-shaped" body are not susceptible to cardiovascular disease, Xinhuanet. 2019.07.03

3. Does body shape determine lifespan? The study found that people with thick thighs and large buttocks may live longer, 39Health.2024.01.19