
Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

author:Things speak in new words
Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

With the continuous improvement of science and technology on the mainland, Made in China has spread all over the world, and has also brought tangible benefits to people all over the world.

However, in order to restrict the development of the mainland, the developed countries in the West have also created many shocking scams.

Among them, one of the most typical scams is specifically aimed at traditional Chinese medicine. What other scams do you know about?

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

1. The decline of traditional Chinese medicine is a conspiracy of Western capital

When it comes to traditional Chinese medicine, I believe many people are familiar with it. It is not only a treasure of traditional Chinese culture, but also has helped countless patients relieve their pain. In history, there have also been many famous doctors who have helped the world, and they have restored the health of many patients with their superb medical skills.

However, in modern times, in order to erase the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, Western countries have forcibly introduced Western medicine into China, and they have also adopted many unknown methods.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Americans founded the Union Hospital in Beijing.

It was also from that time that Western medicine slowly took root in China.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

Although it has helped many patients get rid of their pain, it has also had a strong impact on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. In the American mind, Western medicine can cure all diseases.

However, what they don't know is that in the process of Western medicine, it also causes great harm to the human body.

Because Western medicine has a fast effect, it is easy for the human body to develop drug resistance, so it will do more harm than good to the human body.

Unlike Western medicine, Chinese medicine takes a step-by-step approach to slowly relieve the pain of the human body, which can often achieve the effect of treating both the symptoms and the root cause.

However, under the propaganda of Western countries, some ordinary people have also developed deep doubts about traditional Chinese medicine.

When they are seriously ill, they prefer to use Western medicine to relieve their pain.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

Over time, the theory of the uselessness of Chinese medicine has become more and more confusing, and countless patients have become more superstitious about Western medicine.

However, they also forget that Chinese medicine has played a pivotal role in the history of civilization for 5,000 years.

After all, in ancient times on the mainland, the divine doctors represented by Zhang Zhongjing, Li Shizhen and Hua Tuo, with their superb medical skills, relieved the pain of countless patients and restored their healthy bodies.

It is precisely because of their existence that the theory of traditional Chinese medicine in the mainland will become more and more perfect.

It is precisely because of their existence that the health of the people can be guaranteed.

It can also be seen that Chinese medicine is not useless, on the contrary, compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine still has many advantages that Western medicine cannot match.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

However, in the mainland, traditional Chinese medicine has been severely suppressed, and the development momentum of Western medicine is becoming more and more rapid, which also makes countless patients do not know how to choose.

However, while Western countries are suppressing traditional Chinese medicine, they are also vigorously developing traditional Chinese medicine in China.

Nowadays, traditional Chinese medicine is blooming everywhere in the United Kingdom and the United States, and when many foreigners have a headache and brain fever, they do not choose Western medicine, but choose traditional Chinese medicine, which also makes many Chinese people become sober.

Western countries' intentions to suppress traditional Chinese medicine are too sinister.

Fortunately, as people's knowledge becomes wider and wider, many people also have a dialectical understanding of Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

In the future, more Chinese will choose Chinese medicine, which is also a very good thing.

Of course, the development of Western medicine has also had great advantages so far, and the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine will continue to be the mainstream in the future.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

2. Stigmatized edible oil

Of course, in addition to traditional Chinese medicine, there are many other conspiracies of Western capital to strangle Made in China.

For example, blended oil, which is spread all over the country, is a typical example. In the eighties and nineties of the last century, few people ate blended oil.

Usually, the most common people eat vegetable oil and animal oil.

Take vegetable oil as an example, it is mainly refined from peanuts or soybeans, and has the characteristics of pure natural and pollution-free. In the choice of animal oil, the common people prefer to eat lard.

Since the beginning of the 21 st century, Western countries have also spent huge sums of money on propaganda in order to export blended oil to the mainland.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

However, because the taste of the blended oil is not good, the common people are not willing to buy it, which is also a headache for the capitalists in Western countries.

In order to open up sales channels and sell more blended oil to China, Western countries have also launched a comprehensive investigation.

When they heard that the Chinese people liked to eat lard, they immediately showed great interest. Because in the Western concept, lard is not a healthy ingredient.

It not only increases the viscosity of human blood lipids, but also subtly increases the risk of chronic diseases in the human body.

Having learned about these circumstances, they began to hype up the dangers of lard, and they one-sidedly exaggerated the harm of lard.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

After all, with the higher and higher level of social development, people's attention to health is also increasing.

In daily life, everyone should not only eat well, but also eat healthily.

In order to avoid the harm of lard to the human body, many people gave up lard and began to consume blended oil.

In order to emphasize the benefits of blended oil on the body, Western countries do not hesitate to invest huge sums of money and beautify blended oil, which also gives the common people an illusion.

Many of them feel that blended oils are good for their bodies.

However, this is not the case.

In the process of blending oil, a lot of preservatives will also be added.

If consumed for a long time, it is not only not good for health, but also has the potential to cause chronic cancer in the human body.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

In order to chase more profits, Western countries will also use cheap genetically modified soybeans as raw materials in the process of refining blended oil.

Because genetically modified soybeans pose a potential threat to the human body, so far, genetically modified soybeans can only be used as animal feed in western developed countries, but not as human food.

However, at this stage on the mainland, not many people know about this common sense.

Here, the general public is also reminded that when buying edible oil in the supermarket, it is best to choose peanut oil and corn germ oil.

Because these two edible oils are rich in nutrients, they can make everyone eat healthy and delicious, and it is best to eat vegetable oil and animal oil together.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

3. Seasoning is also a powerful weapon of Western capital

In many homes, seasonings are an essential ingredient in the kitchen.

It not only allows everyone to cook more delicious food, but also improves the freshness of food and makes it more delicious. Especially when making meat ingredients, everyone can't do without all kinds of seasonings.

For example, in the process of stewing pork ribs, many people will use Sichuan peppercorns and ingredients.

After the water is boiling, pour the seasoning into the pot to make the ribs stew more flavorful and colorful.

However, among the many seasonings, few people seem to notice the presence of MSG.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

In the eighties and nineties of the last century, monosodium glutamate was almost popular all over the country and became the first choice in the kitchens of ordinary people.

Whether it's cold cucumber salad or chicken stewed mushrooms, everyone likes to add monosodium glutamate to enhance freshness.

However, in recent years, everyone has used more chicken bouillon.

The reason for such a big change is mainly because of foreign capital.

When the imported product of chicken essence first entered China, the common people did not buy it, and they preferred to use monosodium glutamate.

In order to crack down on monosodium glutamate and increase the market share of chicken essence, Western capital has made a crooked idea again.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

As a result, it is conceivable that under the exaggeration of local experts, MSG suddenly became a carcinogen, which also made some ordinary people who did not know the inside story avoid it.

Nowadays, many families use chicken essence to cook dishes, and while they enjoy the deliciousness, they also feel more and more that the taste is monotonous, and it seems that there is no taste before.

However, this is not the most serious, the most serious is that in the process of producing chicken essence, a lot of preservatives are also added.

If consumed for a long time, it will also cause different degrees of harm to the human body, so everyone should eat less chicken essence in daily life in order to protect personal health.

Aunt Liu, who is now in her sixties, has such feelings.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?

When she was young, she always put MSG in stir-frying, and she would strictly control the amount, and she never let go of chicken essence.

Later, from a neighbor's mouth, Aunt Liu heard that MSG has the disadvantage of causing cancer, so she also gave up MSG and switched to using chicken essence.

Now, more than ten years have passed, and Aunt Liu still thinks that MSG is better than chicken essence, so Aunt Liu gave up chicken essence again and switched to stir-frying with MSG.

Because monosodium glutamate is made from wheat, the ingredients are simpler than chicken bouillon, which is more beneficial to the human body.

Like Aunt Liu, many middle-aged and elderly women have recognized the benefits of MSG, so they have also replaced chicken essence with MSG.

In everyday life, they no longer believe in the propaganda of Western capital.

Western capital strangled the scam made in China, and traditional Chinese medicine bore the brunt, how many else do you know?


Today, with the continuous progress of the mainland's scientific and technological level, more and more domestic products are presented in front of everyone.

They not only enrich everyone's life, but also let countless Chinese people feel the charm of Made in China.

However, under the joint strangulation of Western capital, many Chinese manufacturing has been strangled in the cradle.

In addition to the well-known traditional Chinese medicine at home and abroad, the edible oil and monosodium glutamate on the table of the common people are no exception, which also makes the mainland people suffer.

In the future, we must keep our eyes open and avoid being misguided by Western capital in order to ensure our health.


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