
"Zhu Bajie" is 74 years old, his wife is more beautiful than Chang'e, and now his son has a successful career

author:Eager to learn kitten YC

The 86 version of "Journey to the West" is a classic that is deeply imprinted in the hearts of audiences, and although its production level and special effects seem outdated today, this is what contrasts it with modern dramas. What makes this series unforgettable is not only its humble production, but also its sincere emotions and emotional resonance among the audience.

As the core character of the story, Sun Wukong's heroic image is deeply loved by the audience. In contrast, there are other characters, each with distinct personality traits and deep character flaws. Among them, the image of Zhu Bajie is particularly prominent, and he has become the laugh and highlight of the character in the play with his funny and funny image. Ma Dehua, as the actor of Zhu Bajie, interprets this role vividly through superb acting skills, so that the audience can not only laugh and cry, but also feel his truth and cuteness.

"Zhu Bajie" is 74 years old, his wife is more beautiful than Chang'e, and now his son has a successful career

Ma Dehua grew up in a wealthy family, and although life was not tortuous, his rebellious personality and love of life propelled him to embark on the path of acting. His acting skills have been widely recognized in the industry, especially in "Journey to the West", where he not only played Zhu Bajie, but also played a number of other roles, showcasing his diverse acting talents.

In addition to his success in his career, Ma Dehua also has his own happiness in his personal life. His love story with Hou Yumin has become a topic of conversation. Although Hou Yumin is not a person in the entertainment industry, he has been with Ma Dehua for a lifetime because of his fairy-like temperament and appearance. Their married life has now gone through 47 years of spring and autumn, and they are still sweet and loving, and have become a model couple in the eyes of the media and the public.

They have a mature and stable son, who is now a successful entrepreneur with a net worth of more than 100 million. All this not only makes Ma Dehua's life full of glory and achievements, but also makes him a winner in life in the eyes of the public.

"Zhu Bajie" is 74 years old, his wife is more beautiful than Chang'e, and now his son has a successful career

The charm of "Journey to the West" lies not only in the excitement of its storyline and the profundity of its characters, but also in its emotional touch and resonance with the audience. Ma Dehua's performance in the play adds a unique charm to this classic, so that the audience can still feel the sincerity and touching from it many years later.

Therefore, "Journey to the West" is not only a film and television work, but also a cultural memory that has been passed down to this day. Ma Dehua, with his superb acting skills and happy life with Hou Yumin, has added new color and depth to this memory, and has become an eternal classic in the hearts of a generation.

"Zhu Bajie" is 74 years old, his wife is more beautiful than Chang'e, and now his son has a successful career