
The 63-year-old aunt choked to death after eating glutinous rice dumplings on the bus, and the family claimed 1.1 million yuan from the driver, and the court ruled so

author:Flash instant noodles

A seemingly simple dispute caused by a traffic accident reflects the complex emotions of family and society. The occurrence of the case has led to a rethinking of the safety measures of public transport facilities and the response mechanism for emergencies.

The 63-year-old aunt choked to death after eating glutinous rice dumplings on the bus, and the family claimed 1.1 million yuan from the driver, and the court ruled so

Case review: A 63-year-old aunt choked to death while riding a bus. The family believed that the driver was responsible and claimed 1.1 million yuan from the driver.

The 63-year-old aunt choked to death after eating glutinous rice dumplings on the bus, and the family claimed 1.1 million yuan from the driver, and the court ruled so

The aunt's surname is Li, an ordinary retired old man. That day, as usual, she took the bus to the market to buy groceries. However, the unexpected happened in the process. The aunt ate glutinous rice cakes in the car, but choked and suffocated to death. The family believes that the driver is responsible and demands compensation of 1.1 million yuan from the driver.

The 63-year-old aunt choked to death after eating glutinous rice dumplings on the bus, and the family claimed 1.1 million yuan from the driver, and the court ruled so

The driver, on the other hand, argued that he was not at fault, but only performed his duties, and should not have been liable for such a high amount of compensation. The two sides argued and eventually resorted to law.

The 63-year-old aunt choked to death after eating glutinous rice dumplings on the bus, and the family claimed 1.1 million yuan from the driver, and the court ruled so

The court heard the case and first conducted a detailed investigation and evidence collection at the scene of the accident. The court held that the driver had not misbehaved during the driving process and that the cause of the aunt's choking was the blockage of the trachea by food. Although buses are public transport, not all passengers receive any form of service and the driver is not at fault.

The 63-year-old aunt choked to death after eating glutinous rice dumplings on the bus, and the family claimed 1.1 million yuan from the driver, and the court ruled so

However, considering the grief of the family after the loss of their loved ones and the practical difficulties such as paying for the funeral expenses, the court finally ordered the driver to compensate for certain economic losses. Although the family received some compensation, there was still a big gap between the family's expectations.

The 63-year-old aunt choked to death after eating glutinous rice dumplings on the bus, and the family claimed 1.1 million yuan from the driver, and the court ruled so

Case implications: This case involves the safety of public transportation, the response mechanism of emergencies, and the balance between family ethics and social responsibility. First of all, public transportation, as an important way for people to travel, should ensure the safety of passengers. Secondly, for emergencies, a sound emergency mechanism should be established, including responsibility for the life safety of passengers, timely assistance, reasonable compensation, etc. Finally, families and society should pay attention to the protection of the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, especially special groups such as the elderly, and need to give more care and support in the face of emergencies.

The 63-year-old aunt choked to death after eating glutinous rice dumplings on the bus, and the family claimed 1.1 million yuan from the driver, and the court ruled so

To sum up, this case has triggered our thinking on the safety of public transportation facilities, emergency response mechanisms, and family ethics and social responsibility. In this fast-moving society, we need to pay attention to every individual's life details to ensure a more harmonious, just and orderly society.