
74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

author:Climb high and look far away

Recently, 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing appeared at the "China Chongqing Science and Technology Film Week". However, on such a red carpet, Liu Xiaoqing chose a casual printed suit to attend. The overall temperament is more sexy and warm under the background of the clothes.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

Through the exposed video, we can see that Liu Xiaoqing did not choose a dress to match today's work schedule on the red carpet as in the past. Instead, I chose a tracksuit dress. The rose-red skirt sets off Liu Xiaoqing's complexion even more ruddy.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

However, the most shocking thing is Liu Xiaoqing's legs. It can be said that it is not inferior to girls in their 20s. Even though he is in his 70s, he can't see any traces of time on his legs. It can be seen that Liu Xiaoqing has really put a lot of effort into maintenance.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

And Liu Xiaoqing's maintenance is not only the maintenance of the skin is just right, we can also see that since his appearance, Liu Xiaoqing's back has been very straight. It stands to reason that many people may have some hunched over habits at the age of 50 or 60. But now 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing not only has a straight back, but also walks like a fly.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

According to netizens, the reason why Liu Xiaoqing still looks so girly now is because her diet is very healthy. Therefore, this also reminds us that in addition to fitness in our daily life, we must also strictly control our diet.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

Although it is said that Liu Xiaoqing is probably slightly swollen on his face because of a lot of medical cosmetology. But it still can't stop Liu Xiaoqing at the age of 74, and she is still sexy and gentle as the goddess of a generation.

Therefore, it is still understandable that 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing can still play a girl in front of the big screen. After all, its own conditions are there.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

When it comes to maintenance, our childhood goddess, Zhao Yazhi, is naturally indispensable. Zhao Yazhi filmed the legend of the New White Lady, and many fans began to notice this 365-degree goddess without (4) angles. However, with the passage of time, Zhao Yazhi does not seem to have changed at all over the years.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

I don't know if everyone can recognize this is 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi. Many friends who don't know may think that this is the female star Reuters who has just debuted in her 20s.

Zhao Yazhi wore dark blue jeans with goose yellow short sleeves and white shoes, which not only made herself show a bit of youthful vitality, but also compared the woman next to her. And 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi not only feels like a young girl, but her skin is also very fair.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

After getting in the car, Zhao Yazhi also greeted the surrounding reporters and fans very cordially. And we can also see that Zhao Yazhi under the lens, although she wears big sunglasses, she is careful about the maintenance of her hands and face. Although a little trace of age can be seen through the cheeks, it is already very good for the 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi's state.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

And for Zhao Yazhi, she was also very polite, and greeted everyone present before driving away. Whether it is in the maintenance of beauty or the maintenance of upbringing. Zhao Yazhi is undoubtedly very good.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

As for her years of maintenance experience, Zhao Yazhi also revealed the maintenance method of "three inside and three outside" in the show.

The first thing to consider is to follow a healthy diet that keeps food fresh and not over-satiety. It is also necessary to get enough sleep every day to boost metabolism. Finally, it's about having a good mindset.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

The outer three ways of maintenance are to keep the muscles moving properly. Moreover, it is necessary to have reasonable and effective skin care, and secondly, to maintain the mentality of chasing the trend in dressing, and not to be abandoned by the torrent of the times.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

Whether it is Liu Xiaoqing or Zhao Yazhi, they have left many classic works in the entertainment industry this year. And the most well-known works left by the two actors are naturally "Wu Zetian" and "The Legend of the New White Lady".

The interpretation in the play not only shows the different beauties of the two, but also circles a loyal fan. So even though the two actors are now in their 70s, they still have many loyal fans.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different
74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

Although, as they get older, their beauty is no longer comparable to that of when they were in their 20s. But if you maintain such beauty and good health in your 70s. It's also very rare.

And the two are still active on the screen because of their love for acting. Even Zhao Yazhi is not only limited to interpreting this path, but also trying to sing this different path.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

In the face of the 74-year-old life, Liu Xiaoqing chosen, "I want to try to play Daji by myself." ”

may be because of his infinite love for his career, so that Liu Xiaoqing, who is in his 70s, still does all-round maintenance. I hope that in the end, Liu Xiaoqing can also fulfill his dream and make a new breakthrough in his acting career.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing vs. 71-year-old Zhao Yazhi! is also white shoes with exposed legs, and the skin and temperament are very different

Life is nothing more than loving yourself and exploring the unknown. The two actors not only know how to take care of their bodies, but also know how to keep themselves beautiful in the tedious life. Isn't this a way to please yourself?

The above pictures are unverified and are for reference only

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