
In 87, I was admitted to college and went to my stepfather's house to ask my mother for money, and my stepfather's behavior will never be forgotten for the rest of my life

author:Poetic Star PqNxeOg

On the road of life, there are always moments that will leave a deep imprint in the memory. For me, the scene of that hot summer in 1987 is still vivid in my mind. That year, I succeeded in the college entrance examination and was admitted to the provincial medical university, but I was in trouble because of the tuition problem. In desperation, I embarked on a journey to find my mother, and my stepfather's actions made me feel the warmth of humanity and gave me a new understanding of life.

In 87, I was admitted to college and went to my stepfather's house to ask my mother for money, and my stepfather's behavior will never be forgotten for the rest of my life

I was born in a small remote mountain village. When I was four years old, my father died unexpectedly, leaving me, my sister and my mother to depend on each other. Three years later, my mother remarried and took my sister with her, but I was only seven years old and left me with my uncle's family. Since then, I have been living under the fence.

At my uncle's house, I didn't dare to slack off. In order to be recognized, I took the initiative to take on household chores and study hard. Although my uncle's family was not wealthy, they still tried their best to provide for my education. I am well aware of the preciousness of this kindness, and I am even more diligent and hope that one day I will be able to repay their kindness for raising them.

After years of hard study, in 1987, I was finally admitted to the medical university in the provincial capital. This should have been good news to celebrate, but the family was in a dilemma because of the cost of tuition. My uncle's family is not wealthy, and my cousin is about to get married, so my family can't afford my tuition.

In 87, I was admitted to college and went to my stepfather's house to ask my mother for money, and my stepfather's behavior will never be forgotten for the rest of my life

Just when I was worried about the tuition fees, I remembered my mother, whom I hadn't seen in 11 years. Although I was a little apprehensive, I still mustered up the courage to find my mother for the sake of my studies. With my uncle's help, I found my mother's new home.

When I stood in front of my mother's house, my heart was filled with mixed emotions. Eleven years of separation have made me both strange and looking forward to this home. My mother was surprised and delighted to see me, and tears kept pouring out of her eyes. We hugged each other and cried, as if we wanted to pour all these years of thoughts into this embrace.

However, when I asked for a tuition fee, my mother looked embarrassed. She said she needed to discuss with her stepfather and let me stay first. That night, I tossed and turned, expecting and apprehensive, not knowing what response I would receive the next day.

In 87, I was admitted to college and went to my stepfather's house to ask my mother for money, and my stepfather's behavior will never be forgotten for the rest of my life

The next morning, I finally met my stepfather. He is a middle-aged man who looks honest and honest. What I didn't expect was that he took out 800 yuan and handed it to me without saying a word. That's a lot of money at the time, and it's enough to solve my immediate needs.

My stepfather's words are still unforgettable: "Lirong, you are also your mother's daughter, my son's sister, born to the same mother, and we are obliged to help you pay for your tuition." You have this money, if it's not enough, I'll find a way. "

I was deeply moved by my stepfather's deep understanding of righteousness, and I couldn't help but kneel down and thank you. But he said that the money was my mother's compensation for me over the years, and I didn't have to pay it back. At this moment, I felt the selfless love between my family.

In 87, I was admitted to college and went to my stepfather's house to ask my mother for money, and my stepfather's behavior will never be forgotten for the rest of my life

With the tuition fee from my stepfather and the extra fabric from my mother, I returned to my uncle's house. When my uncle heard that I had borrowed my tuition, he was relieved to say that I had grown up and learned to share their worries. He also gave me an extra 20 yuan to make two new clothes and go to college decently.

This experience made me realize that even though I lost my biological father, I was still surrounded by love. The nurturing grace of my uncle's family, the generosity of my stepfather, and the care of my mother are all precious gifts in my life.

When I went to university, I studied harder and wanted to live up to everyone's expectations. After graduating, I stayed in the provincial capital to work, and I would send money home every month to support my cousins' studies. I know that I am today because of the love of many people, and it is my responsibility to pass on this love.

In 87, I was admitted to college and went to my stepfather's house to ask my mother for money, and my stepfather's behavior will never be forgotten for the rest of my life

Looking back, I often think back to that summer. My stepfather's actions not only solved my urgent needs, but also made me see the good side of human nature. He didn't ignore me because I was my ex-wife's daughter, but accepted me with a big heart and gave me the opportunity to continue my studies.

I have always remembered this kindness. Every time I go home, I will visit my mother and stepfather, just like my uncle said, the grace of a drop of water should be reciprocated by a spring. My stepfather's kindness not only changed the trajectory of my life, but also made me understand that the true meaning of family is not blood, but understanding and love for each other.

In life, we often encounter difficulties and setbacks. But it is these experiences that allow us to grow and teach us to be grateful. My story may be ordinary, but it has taught me one of the most precious lessons in life: kindness and love can transcend the boundaries of blood, warm hearts, and change lives.

In 87, I was admitted to college and went to my stepfather's house to ask my mother for money, and my stepfather's behavior will never be forgotten for the rest of my life

Now, every year when the college entrance examination season comes, I will think of the experience of that summer. I also always encourage the young people around me to keep hope no matter what difficulties they encounter, because there is always someone to lend a helping hand when you need it most. Life is difficult, but as long as we help each other, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Looking back, I am deeply grateful to everyone who has appeared in my life. It is their love and support that has allowed me to grow from a lonely little girl to a person who can give back to society today. My story may provide some inspiration and strength to those who are struggling with difficult times. No matter how difficult life is, as long as you have hope and remain kind, there will always be a bright day.