
Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

author:Madoka chats about interesting things
Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply
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Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

In the Chinese entertainment industry, there is such a unique actor: Ning Wentong. His name may not be as resonant as some of the most popular stars, but his story is far more compelling than meets the eye.

On the surface, Ning Wentong is an experienced supporting actor, who has participated in nearly 100 works, and has won the audience's love with his solid acting skills. However, outside of the spotlight, he has another lesser-known identity - an international counterterrorism expert.

When the performance on the screen ended, Ning Wentong quietly turned around and devoted himself to the research and development of drone technology and the cause of counter-terrorism. The 54-year-old veteran actor, with his dual identity, writes a legendary story that spans acting and technology, showing amazing talent and loyalty to the country.

His experience is like a wonderful spy war drama, but it all happens in real life.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

In 1969, a family full of artistic atmosphere in Beijing welcomed a new member, Ning Wentong. As a child of an artistic family, Ning Wentong's parents both work at the China Ping Theater, and the family is permeated with the charm of opera all year round.

Such an environment naturally cultivated Xiao Ning Wentong's sensitivity to performance. Interestingly, before he learned to speak, he was already able to imitate the movements of the characters in the drama, and often made his family laugh.

However, fate always likes to joke. The young Ning Wentong did not directly embark on the road of opera, but joined the junior swimming team of the National Sports Commission with his outstanding athletic talent.

This seems to be a choice far from art, but it has become an important foreshadowing for his future acting career.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

In 1979, by chance, 10-year-old Ning Wentong got the opportunity to participate in the children's drama "Sail". It was the excellent water skills he developed in the swimming team that allowed him to successfully play the role of a sailor in the play.

Standing in front of the camera, feeling the gaze of the camera, the young Ning Wentong ignited a love for acting in his heart. This chance became the starting point of his acting career.

Five years later, 15-year-old Ning Wentong stood in front of the camera again. In the TV series "Northern Red Beans", although his performance is still young, his talent and potential have begun to emerge and have been favored by the directors.

Since then, Ning Wentong's acting career has gradually become clear. Although his appearance is not outstanding, he has gained a firm foothold in the film and television industry step by step with his solid acting skills and deep understanding of the role.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

In the following years, Ning Wentong participated in many works and gradually became a familiar face to the audience. Among them, the most well-known is the role of the fat aunt and younger brother in the hit drama "Family with Children", and the old urchin Zhou Botong in the martial arts drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Although most of them are supporting roles, every role is vividly interpreted by him, which leaves a deep impression on the audience.

Looking back on Ning Wentong's acting career, it is not difficult for us to find that it was that chance by the pool that opened his wonderful performance life. From the edification of an artistic family, to the experience of athletes, to the bloom on the screen, Ning Wentong's experience tells us that the road of life is always full of accidents, and it is these accidents that shape us uniquely.

Ning Wentong's life story is far more than a wonderful performance on the screen. Outside of the camera, there is another side to him - a scientific explorer full of curiosity and creativity.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

This little-known experience showed Ning Wentong's versatile side, and also laid the groundwork for him to become an international counterterrorism expert in the future.

Looking back at Ning Wentong's childhood, we will find a little boy who is full of curiosity about machinery. He has an unusual passion for disassembling toys, often disassembling them in pieces before trying to reassemble them.

As I grew older, this interest increased, and I even began to challenge household appliances. In this process, Ning Wentong not only accumulated rich practical experience, but also cultivated a strong desire for knowledge and problem-solving ability.

Life turns often come from accidents. By chance, Ning Wentong met a group of like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts. The roar of the motorcycle seemed to awaken a sleeping passion in him, and he not only formed his own motorcycle team, but also became a professional motorcyclist.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

This experience allowed Ning Wentong to experience speed and passion, and also gave him a deeper understanding of machinery.

However, life is always full of ups and downs. The painful experience of losing a teammate in an accident made Ning Wentong fall into deep self-blame and thinking. This setback took him away from his beloved motorcycle for a while, but it sparked him to have even greater ambitions.

He began to turn his attention to the broader field of technology.

With a love for technology, Ning Wentong began to teach himself programming and design development. Amazingly, this former actor and motorcyclist has grown from a layman to a professional member of the Beijing Antenna Electricity Association in just three years.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

This experience not only demonstrated Ning's ability to learn, but also his courage and perseverance in the face of new challenges.

With an in-depth understanding of technology, Ning Wentong's interest gradually focused on drone technology. Acutely aware of the huge potential of this technology, he decided to start his own drone company.

In this brand-new field, Ning Wentong was like a fish in water and soon achieved remarkable results.

However, what is surprising is that when commercial success is within reach, Ning Wentong made a shocking decision - he donated all his technological achievements to the country for free.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

This move not only reflects his patriotic feelings, but also reveals his deep sense of responsibility that transcends personal interests.

Ning Wentong's journey of science and technology began with the dismantling of toys in his childhood, experienced the passion of motorcycles, and finally found his own stage in drone technology. This experience not only enriched his life, but also laid the foundation for his future contributions in the field of international counter-terrorism.

His story teaches us that every stage of life, every attempt, can be a stepping stone to future success. Ning Wentong interprets the perfect combination of technology and art with actions, showing the charm of a true all-rounder.

Ning Wentong's drone career is one of the most striking chapters in his life. This experience not only showcased his outstanding talents in the field of science and technology, but also demonstrated his sincere heart for his country.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

On October 7, 2019, a message attracted widespread attention on social platforms. Ning Wentong publicly announced that he would provide low-altitude safety defense vehicles for the National Day ceremony.

This move surprised many people to find that this familiar actor has such profound attainments in the field of drone technology. In fact, this is just a microcosm of Ning Wentong's silent cultivation over the years.

In the process of founding a drone company, Ning Wentong poured all his savings and efforts. He has led the team to innovate and develop a number of advanced drone technologies.

However, when these technologies began to show great commercial value, Ning Wentong made a surprising decision to donate all the results to the state for free.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

This move demonstrated his noble patriotic feelings and profound understanding of national interests.

Ning Wentong's contribution is not limited to China. At the invitation of the Chinese government, he traveled to the West African country of Mali to provide support to the local peacekeeping force. He not only donated advanced drone prevention and control equipment to the peacekeeping forces, but also personally went to the site to provide comprehensive technical support and training.

On the international stage, Ning Wentong has interpreted the responsibilities and responsibilities of Chinese scientific and technological workers with practical actions.

The former actor has now become a world-renowned expert on counterterrorism. With superb technology and efficient work ability, Ning Wentong has won high praise from relevant departments in many countries.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

However, in the face of these honors, Ning Wentong has always maintained a low-key attitude. He never deliberately flaunted or publicized these achievements, either in his private life or in public.

Ning Wentong's drone career is a touching story from personal entrepreneurship to selfless dedication. It not only shows his talent in the field of science and technology, but also shows his sense of responsibility to the country and society.

From National Day security to international peacekeeping, Ning Wentong has contributed to national and world peace with his professional knowledge. His story shows us that true success lies not only in personal achievement, but also in creating value for society.

In Ning Wentong's body, we see the perfect combination of science and technology and patriotic feelings. He used practical actions to explain what is the "pillar of the country", and also set an example for us to be a scientific and technological worker in the new era.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

Ning Wentong's life is like a carefully woven double-sided splendor, with a well-known acting career on one side and little-known scientific and technological achievements on the other. These two seemingly unrelated realms coexist harmoniously in his life, displaying an amazing art of balance.

In the entertainment industry, Ning Wentong is a senior supporting actor who has participated in nearly 100 works. From the early "Red Beans of the Northern Country" to the well-known "Family with Children", to the old urchin Zhou Botong in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", every character he created left a deep impression on the audience.

Even in 2024, the 54-year-old Ning Wentong will still play "Qi Weige" in the TV series "The Years of the Great River", showing his continuous love and improvement of performing arts.

However, outside the camera, Ning Wentong has another identity - a world-renowned anti-terrorism expert. With his outstanding achievements in the field of drone technology, he has not only made important contributions to national security, but also brought technology to the international stage, supporting peacekeeping operations in Mali and other places.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

This kind of cross-border achievement is unique in the entertainment industry.

Ning Wentong devotes himself to every field with the same focus and passion. In his acting career, he strives for excellence and constantly challenges different types of roles; On the road of scientific research, he bravely climbed new heights and pushed drone technology to new heights.

This dual identity not only brings challenges, but also makes for a unique life experience.

Ning Wentong's story broke people's stereotypes of actors. He proved that a person's talent and contribution should not be simply defined. In the interweaving of acting and technology, Ning Wentong has found his own balance and composed a unique music of life.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

His experience enlightens us that the brilliance of life is not to limit oneself to one field, but to have the courage to explore, constantly break through, and shine on different stages.

On August 4, 2018, a message from Ning Wentong on social media attracted widespread attention. The 54-year-old actor and tech expert admits he remains single.

This unexpected confession made many fans both surprised and a little regretful.

However, for Ning Wentong, "singleness" seems to have become a boost for him to devote himself to his career. At the age of more than half a hundred, he still maintains strong creativity and enthusiasm for work, and continues to break through himself in the two fields of acting and technology.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

On screen, he continues to present wonderful roles to the audience; In the field of science and technology, he has been deeply involved in drone technology and contributed to the country's anti-terrorism cause.

Ning Wentong's story is a hymn to life that is still going on. Whether in the entertainment industry or the technology industry, he interprets what it means to be focused and persistent in his own way.

Maybe in the near future, we will see this "old drama bone" shine again in a certain field, or find the other half of his life.

But no matter what, Ning Wentong's dual identity will continue to inspire us to explore the infinite possibilities of life. His experience tells us that age is not a limit, loneliness is not a regret, and the real value of life lies in continuous pursuit, continuous innovation, and continuous dedication.

Ning Wentong: On the surface, he is an actor, but in fact he is an "international counter-terrorism expert"! He's hiding so deeply

Ning Wentong's unfinished story is the best interpretation of the infinite possibilities of life.

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