
Kun Sha took revenge and served as the Great Toast

author:Only for a lifetime

It's been almost two years since I came to Boss Hu. Through inquiry, Kun Sha learned some of the situation in his hometown, and the armed forces of Stripong were even stronger than a few years ago, with five or six hundred people, monopolizing all the local opium trade. If you want to take out Peel Meng, you must first have your own armed forces. After a long period of preparation, Kun Sha felt that the time was ripe, and he wanted to pull a group of people to fight the world by himself.

The remnants of the Kuomintang sent people to contact them to buy guns, ammunition and daily goods, and Boss Hu and Kun Sha ran around for more than ten days, and finally purchased all the orders that the remnants wanted.

This time, the goods sold to the remnants of the army are still mainly guns and ammunition. Hu Sanye handed it to Kun Sha one by one according to the list, and said, "I will leave this batch of goods to you, you must be careful on the road." I'm sure you're a great gang leader. ”

Kun Sha bowed deeply to Boss Hu, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, Boss Hu didn't have time to think about it, Kun Sha had already set off.

The caravan traveled to Burma, and after a long journey of four or five days, they arrived at Jingdong in the evening.

Jingdong is the largest town in the mountainous areas of Shan State in eastern Myanmar and the largest opium distribution center in the Golden Triangle in the past 100 years. Scattered opium from all over the country would gather here, and then be transported from here to Thailand and Laos.

Kunsha has set up a branch here. At night, most of the gunmen went to the brothel smoke house in the city to have fun, and Kun Sha gathered more than a dozen cronies and close friends, and said his premeditated plan: to break away from Boss Hu and follow him to Laimo Mountain to fight the world.

Most of these gunmen are outlaws with milk and mothers, but they have been mixed up in the rivers and lakes for a long time, and they are also very righteous. Kun Sha is not thin on them on weekdays, and can live and die with them, and after two years of horse gang career, Kun Sha's courage and strategy have already convinced them. Boss Hu is old, maybe one day the tree will fall and scatter, and the horse gang is still led by Kun Sha. Gunners, you look at me, I look at you, and after a moment of silence, the second gunner, Mo Fu, suddenly said loudly: "Why are the brothers dumb, it's right to follow the Kunsha brothers." ”

As a result, everyone expressed their willingness to go to Laimo Mountain with Kunsha to fight the world.

In the early morning of the next day, Kun Sha called a meeting of all the gunmen, explained what he meant, and repeatedly explained that he did not want to follow him, but he could still return to Boss Hu, and they would be friends with each other in the future.

There were more than a dozen people who did not want to go with Kunsha. Kun Sha took out all his savings in recent years, bought 3 tons of opium in the town, handed it to the gunners who returned, and said to them: "Boss Hu's business is done with me Kun Sha." I took the bullets away, and this opium was my payment to Boss Hu. ”

After finishing his work, Kun Sha led more than forty gunmen and drove the mules and horses loaded with guns and bullets towards Mount Lemo.

With more than 40 gunmen, Kun Sha walked over the mountains and mountains for seven or eight days before returning to the Lemo Mountains. He knew that he had few people and few guns, and he couldn't fight hard with Peeling Meng, so in order not to alarm Peeling Meng, he didn't go directly to get Bright Dazhai, but put the people and horses in a big cave south of Bright Dazhai.

Kun Sha took revenge and served as the Great Toast

It was the cool autumn season of 1953. Kun Sha only took two guards and returned to Langliang Dazhai, which was already a dilapidated and depressed scene.

When I returned home, I saw that the Tusi compound had collapsed, and the wooden building was full of ventilation. Khun Sha's maternal grandfather passed away two years ago. The two captains of the Self-Defense Forces, Ma Cheng and Bai Lang, have passed the age of sixtieth and are guarding the dilapidated wooden building.

I learned from the mouths of the two faithful old guards that the family gave Peel Meng 150 acres of opium land and ten good guns, and after Peel Meng scolded and accepted it, he allowed his grandfather Zhang Chunwu to return to live in the village.

Subsequently, Peeling Meng occupied 300 acres of opium land in Dazhai. The cottage has long been disheartened, and most of the self-defense team members have long since left, leaving only Mo Xiong and a dozen other people and a dozen guns.

When the young people who made Dazhai heard that Kun Sha had returned, they came to Kun Sha's house one after another, and angrily confided in him about Peel Meng's domineering, shouting that Kun Sha would vent his anger to make Bright Dazhai and kill Peel Meng. Kunsha's third uncle Zhang Bingyu, fourth uncle Zhang Bingtang, and eighth uncle Zhang Bingjun were also crowded in the old living room.

The third uncle, Zhang Bingyu, said to Kun Sha: "Only you have the ability to defeat Peel Meng, and our Zhang family is counting on you to reorganize the team, kill Peel Meng, and regain the position of the Great Tusi." ”

For a while, there was a commotion in the house, and everyone agreed, waving their fists to fight with Peel Meng to break the net.

Kun Sha saw that the revenge of the villagers was very high, and his heart was steady, and he felt that he had a great responsibility, and killing Peel Meng was not only to avenge his family, but also to brighten the prosperity and survival of Dazhai as a whole. But in the face of the armament of hundreds of people, dozens of people will definitely be sent to death if they fight hard, and they must rely on outwits to win. He suddenly thought that if Peel Meng knew that he was back, he would definitely send someone to spy on the news, so he had a proposition in his heart.

Kun Sha smiled and quieted everyone down, and said: "There are five or six hundred people in Peelmon, we want no people, we want guns and no guns, and we can't fight people." Please think about it, my family used to have thousands of people, and in the end, my uncle was killed. I came back this time because I wanted to live a peaceful life and listen honestly to the words of the big toast. ”

Kun Sha's words were like a basin of cold water, splashed on everyone. Seeing that Kunsha had no intention of fighting with Peeling Meng, everyone's hearts were also cold, and they went back. It's just that the third uncle Zhang Bingyu was so angry that he screamed and scolded Kun Sha for being a soft bone and the scum of the Zhang family. Kun Sha smiled but was not angry, and after the third uncle was tired of scolding and fell asleep, he walked into Ma Cheng and Bai Lang's room.

The two guards were unhappy with Kun Sha's performance just now, and when they saw Kun Sha coming in, they smiled reluctantly and had nothing to say.

Kun Sha said: "The two old-timers have worked in my family all their lives, and the Zhang family has fallen to such a point and has not left, I am really grateful to you." ”

"Before the old Tusi passed away, he told the two of us that once the eldest young master came back, he would definitely make a comeback, and he asked the two of us to help the eldest young master achieve great things. Now that we don't seem to have anything to do with us, we should go back to our hometown. ”

Kun Sha took the hands of the two of them and whispered, "The purpose of my return is to re-establish my armament and get rid of the old thief. I deliberately said what I just said, so that the words could reach the ears of Peel Meng, relax my vigilance, and we are secretly ready to fight with Peel Meng. ”

According to Kun Sha's arrangement, Ma Cheng took the money handed over by Kun Sha and drove mules and horses to the town to buy grain. Bai Lang selects reliable young people from the village and forms a team of more than 100 people, Bai Lang only tells them that Kun Sha has to make a deal and asks them to run a horse gang.

Three days later, in the evening, the procession, led by two guards from Kunsha, accompanied by mules and horses carrying grain, quietly left Dazhai to make Liang.

When they arrived at the cave where Kunsha hid the soldiers, Ma Cheng and Bai Lang told them about Kunsha's plan, asking them to stay on the mountain and practice marksmanship with the gunners, and no one was allowed to go down the mountain without Kunsha's order.

When Peel Meng heard that Kun Sha was back, he was very panicked, thinking that Kun Sha must fight with him when he came back this time. Later, the person who went to inquire about the news came back and reported that Kun Sha only brought two people with him this time, especially after listening to Kun Sha's speech to the people of Dazhai, a stone fell to the ground in his heart.

Peel Meng said to the chief butler Mo Ren: "Kun Sha is just a soft egg, and he has a vain reputation for heroism. ”

Mo Ren said flatteringly: "How much ability does a little rooster that has just grown wings have?" ”

The two of them burst out laughing.

Although Peel Meng didn't take Kun Sha seriously, the night still doubled the number of night guards in Tusi Mansion.

Kun Sha lived in Langliang Dazhai, looking idle all day long, either drinking or riding around on horseback, never mentioning the word revenge in front of people.

Soon, Kunsha Tuo Moren made a request to the big toast of Peel Meng, to succeed the little toast of Bright Dazhai, and Peel Meng did not refuse, but waved his hand impatiently: "Let that kid send 1000 silver tickets." After saying that, he hugged Mrs. Thirteen and flirted, laughing and rolling into a ball.

The next day, Mo Ren sent 1,000 silver tickets, and Peel Meng didn't expect Kun Sha to be so obedient, thinking that the kid must have made a fortune outside, so he deliberately delayed the time and said to Mo Ren: "Go and tell Kun Sha, I will consider this matter." ”

Kunsha is not in a hurry, nor is he urging, and is leisurely as usual.

Kun Sha went up the mountain to hunt and returned in the evening. By the pond in front of a village, a beautiful girl can be seen pounding laundry by the water's edge and singing melodious love songs. Kunsha, who was riding on the horse, learned to call a few times from the mountain birds, and when he turned to one side, he could always see a pair of big moving eyes on the red fluttering face looking at him.

One day, Kun Sha let the horse drink by the river, and he blushed and talked to the girl. Within a few days, they were familiar with each other. Kunsha's belly-full story and witty talk made the girl laugh more than once.

Later, Kun Sha came to the bamboo house by the river with the girl and presented a generous marriage gift to the girl's parents.

In this way, Kun Sha rode a horse and carried the girl to the mountains behind Dazhai. The two hugged each other and frolicked in the splendid mountain flowers, and in the place where the flowers were hidden, Kun Sha felt the soft and smooth flesh of the opposite sex for the first time, which made people feel intoxicated. The two are in full bloom, and the hunger and thirst of youth make them indulge in a dreamy love.

Kunsha decides to marry a girl.

When Peel Meng learned that Kun Sha was going to get married, he sent Mo Ren to bring a message: In the cottages under the control of the Great Tusi of Peel Meng, no matter who marries a daughter-in-law or daughter, it must be counted with Peel Meng's consent, and on the first day of marriage, the woman must be sent to Peel Meng's house to sleep with Peel Meng for one night, otherwise it will be considered a crime. But for the sake of Kunsha, who was once the young master of the Tusi family, sleeping can be exempted, but the protection fee of 5,000 silver tickets must be paid within three days.

When he said this, Mo Ren buried his head, panicking in his heart, worried that Kun Sha would get angry with him. Unexpectedly, Kun Sha laughed after hearing this, and said to Mo Ren happily: "Go back and tell Da Tusi, we Kun Sha is not special, thank you for your care." The day before the wedding, the girl must be sent to the Great Toast Mansion. ”

Peeling Meng listened to Mo Ren's words and scolded: "This kid is really a soft egg, this is okay, your Kunsha woman will also let me taste it first." ”

In the past few days, Kunsha suddenly stopped going out, often sitting on a bamboo chair looking at the undulating mountains in the distance and was silent.

The third uncle Zhang Bingyu was already so angry that he couldn't come to the door, and even Ma Cheng and Bai Lang, who were directing the training of newcomers in the cave, knew that Kun Sha had agreed to Peel Meng's shameless request, and they also felt that Kun Sha was too cowardly, and no one knew that Kun Sha was planning a bitter battle.

There are more than 200 recruits secretly recruited on the mountain, and after a period of training, they are now completely ready to fight, and with the gunners brought by Kunsha, there are about 300 people in total, which is nearly twice as small as the men and horses of Peel Meng. But with this throwing power, after all, he can fight with Peel Meng.

Kun Sha took revenge and served as the Great Toast

Kun Sha summoned Ma Cheng, Bai Lang and the third uncle Zhang Bingyu to discuss secretly.

Kun Sha introduced the situation on the mountain to Zhang Bingyu. Zhang Bingyu was amazed at this time, this kid had already prepared soldiers and horses, and he came to clean up and peel up.

Zhang Bingyu was a little anxious and said, "Boy, if you have anything to say, say it quickly." ”

Kun Sha glanced up at everyone and said, "I'm going to lend the girl to the Tusi Mansion to eliminate Peeling Meng, and now start the division of labor." There were 573 men in the army, but some of them were sent to the cottages to collect taxes and buy opium. In fact, the Tusi Mansion had less than 400 troops, and less than 50 people actually lived in the Tusi Mansion, and the rest were stationed on the hillside of the Tusi Mansion. The evening after tomorrow, we set out to act. The soldiers are divided into three routes, one is led by me, and I will personally send the girl to the Tusi Mansion; One route is led by the third uncle, lying in ambush on the back of the mountain behind the Tusi Mansion, once the Peeling Meng soldiers on the hillside reinforce the Tusi Mansion, you will attack in the back; One route was led by Bai Lang, killed the patrolling sentinels, set fire to the side carriages of the Tusi Mansion, and everyone acted in unison with fire. ”

Ma Cheng, Bai Lang and Zhang Bingyu went up the mountain to gather people and horses to make preparations before the war. Kunsha rode to the bamboo house of the girl's house and told him about sending the girl to the house of Peel Meng the day after tomorrow to spend the night.

The girl's parents were a pair of honest mountain people, squatting aside and just sighing, helpless, but the girl cried, scolded and beat Kun Sha, and scolded Kun Sha for being a man in vain. A person who is so handsome and dashing on weekdays and has high martial arts skills actually gave his wife to others to waste.

Kun Sha didn't explain too much, and before leaving, he left a guard and told him to guard the bamboo house day and night, take good care of the girl, and not make any mistakes.

In October, the autumn in the Golden Triangle is crisp and sunny. Peeling Meng got up early in the morning, and today he was extremely excited in his heart, Kun Sha finally subdued him completely. In the evening, Kun Sha will personally send his woman to the Tusi Mansion.

But Peel Meng still called the guards and ordered him to add fifty guards to the Tusi Mansion today, one is just in case, if Kun Sha is not honest and dares to spread wilderness in the mansion, he will kill Kun Sha; The second is to show off his strength in front of Kunsha and put on the majesty of the big toast.

When the sun was about to set, Kun Sha came, two men carried a bamboo sedan chair, on which sat a beautifully dressed girl, Kun Sha led seven or eight people to follow behind, looking dejected.

Kun Sha clasped his fists and saluted Peel Meng, Peel Meng laughed, his eyes stared at the girl behind him, he waved his hand in return, and said in his mouth: "What a beautiful woman." ”

Peeling Meng was happy, patted Kun Sha's shoulder and turned to everyone and said, "Now, I announce that I approve Kun Sha's succession to make the toast of Dazhai. ”

Kun Sha bowed again, and asked for two jars of good wine to be served. Peeling Meng was originally a drunkard, and when he saw that there was good wine, he ordered the kitchen to cook, and he wanted to drink with Kunsha.

Peelmon sat in chief, and the girl and Kunsha sat on either side. Drunk, he peeled off his eyes, pinched left and right on the girl's face. The girl's eyes were already swollen from crying, and her expression was blank.

Kunsha remained silent. Looking out the door, it was already dark, and the two dozen or so gunmen at the other tables were also drunk and staggered. Kunsha calmly glanced at his entourage, suggesting that everyone was ready to act.

Ma Cheng was a group of more than 50 people, ambushed in the bamboo forest by the river opposite Tusi Mansion after dark, and could faintly hear the chaotic noise in the hall of the house. With a wave of his hand, two young men went straight to the gate with knives, and in a flash of swords, the two sentries who were sleeping with guns in their arms fell in a pool of blood without saying a word. At this time, seven or eight more men climbed over the wall into the compound, went straight to the carriage, loosened all the ropes of the horses, and set the carriage on fire.

The fire spread rapidly, and the Tusi Mansion was full of neighing people. Kun Sha threw the wine glass in his hand, pulled out his saber, and with a flash of cold light, he cut off Peel Meng's head. The other Peeling Men on the table shook and were about to dig out the guys, and the Kunsha entourage, who had been prepared, fired a burst of short guns.

Kun Sha shouted to the chaotic people: "Lie on the ground, whoever dares to move will be killed." ”

The Peeling Men in the house immediately lay on the ground like dead dogs and were shot by Kunsha.

Kun Sha stood on the steps of the hall and yelled at the two sides of the fierce battle in the courtyard: "Don't fight, everyone! Stripon has been killed. ”

Kun Sha raised his hand and threw Peel Meng's head into the middle of the courtyard.

On the threshold of the gate of the second-level compound, the Peelmon guards set up a light machine gun and engaged in a fierce shootout with the Kunsha soldiers who had rushed into the first-level compound. The gunmen turned their heads to see their flesh-and-blood heads rolling down the courtyard, and they were dumbfounded. Ma Cheng took the opportunity to rush in.

The guards stopped resisting and muttered to the ground, and Kunsha said, "Don't expect people from the hillside to save you, they won't be able to protect themselves." ”

Before the words fell, the sound of gunfire came from the mountain. A fire broke out over the barracks, and shouts of murder broke out on the hillside.

All the Stripon guards surrendered.

Kun Sha announced loudly: "All the guards of Peel Meng are all disbanded, and those who are willing to follow me can stay, and I Kun Sha will be called a brother as usual." But the property and accounts of Meng Meng are all kept and counted by me, and Lao Tzu will send someone to receive them tomorrow. ”

At this moment, a group of disheveled women crowded into the courtyard, crying and crying for Uncle Kunsha to be kind and save them.

Kun Sha said to them: "Listen to the eldest wife of Peel Meng, all women who have not given birth to children will be put back in the original village for Lao Tzu." ”

Peeling Meng's eldest wife hurriedly knelt down: "Master Kunsha, I will do it, I will do it." I beg you to spare my children. ”

Peeling Meng's five sons and daughters hugged Peelmeng's eldest wife and cried together. Kunsha ignored it and turned and entered the hall. Behind him came the sound of machine gun fire.

Kun Sha ordered the battlefield to be cleaned up, removed all the property that could be taken, and then led the people to evacuate from the Tusi Mansion.

That night's fire burned for three days and three nights, and the courtyard house built by the Tusi Mansion for hundreds of years was reduced to ashes in the fire. Some of the hundreds of guards took refuge in Kunsha, and some gangs broke into the homes of the villagers to rob them and then scattered.

Three days later, Kunsha held a meeting of the Tusi heads of the villages in the Laimo Mountains in Langliang Dazhai, announcing the return of all the opium land that had been embezzled and robbed of the villages for more than ten years, and abolishing the stipulation that marriage should be approved by the Da Tusi.

As soon as Kun Sha's words fell, all the cottage toasts cheered in unison, praising Kun Sha's heroism and wisdom, and unanimously agreed that Kun Sha was young and promising, well-informed, both civil and military, and scolded the peeled head hanging from the big tree in front of the courtyard.

The cottage Tusi unanimously elected Kun Sha as the Great Tusi of the Lemo Mountain Area, and concurrently served as the commander-in-chief of the Laimo Mountain Self-Defense Force, and then everyone made an oath of righteousness, pressed the handprint, and swore allegiance to the Great Tusi of Kunsha in the future.

From then on, Kun Sha became the great toast of the Laimo Mountains and became the leader of the various cottage armed forces, in charge of all the opium production, purchase and sales in the mountainous areas.

More than 240 members of the Self-Defense Force were incorporated into Kunsha, plus his original men, a total of more than 500 people, forming the first local autonomous armed force in Kunsha.

Kun Sha divided his army into two parts, one part was the security team, which was responsible for the security of the entire mountainous area, responsible for handling cases and disputes, and maintaining local stability. One part is the Self-Defense Forces, which are responsible for buying and trafficking opium and cracking down on bandits who dare to intrude.

In less than two years, Kun Sha suppressed many bandits. At that time, the big bandit Lei Yun who had been rampant in the Golden Triangle, with hundreds of guns, had never missed a hand in various parts of the Golden Triangle, but he was ambushed by Kunsha in Dazhai.

Since then, Khun Sa has become the most popular local power faction in all districts of Shan State, and even the big Tusi in the city who secretly oppose the central government have nothing to do with him, allowing all the taxes in the Lemo Mountains to be handed over to Khun Sha.