
Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

author:More after the third spring

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In this year's summer file, the film market is changing, and the high-profile "Customs Front" is scheduled to be released on June 28, and it has been pinned on by industry insiders and domestic audiences before it debuts, and everyone is looking forward to it becoming the first hit of this summer file, breaking the downturn in one fell swoop.

Before the release of the film, there were all kinds of voices of anticipation. People are excited to imagine what kind of surprise and shock this film will bring. After all, everyone is eager to have a wonderful movie to immerse themselves in this hot summer, and at the same time inject strong vitality into the entire summer file.

Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

However, reality has poured cold water on everyone. On its first day of release, "Customs Front" grossed only 24 million, a figure far below expectations. The proportion of scheduled films reached 25.7%, and the theater chain can be said to have given this film the highest schedule treatment, but the box office accounted for only 22%, and the box office ratio of the film schedule on the premiere day was seriously inverted. This phenomenon is a clear indication of the disparity in the attendance of the films, which is a huge disappointment.

In the past, Hong Kong films occupied an important position in the hearts of the audience with their unique style and wonderful plot. But in recent years, Hong Kong films seem to be in a predicament, and some works continue to fry cold rice, sell feelings, and even make a lot of bad movies with poor quality, which makes a large number of audiences gradually lose. In "Customs Front", the box office appeal of the two superstars, Jacky Cheung and Aaron Kwok, is not as good as that of mainland post-90s actors Peng Yuchang and Zhou Ye, which is really surprising. You must know that these two kings used to be the guarantee of the box office, and their names can attract countless audiences into the theater. But this time, they seem to be powerless to return to the sky, and they can't recover the decline of Hong Kong films.

Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

It is worth mentioning that this time there is no longer a reason for the lack of films. The theater chain has given "Customs Front" enough opportunities and support, but it still failed to capture the hearts of the audience.

At the same time, the box office performance of Hollywood blockbusters on the mainland has also generally declined. For example, "A Quiet Place: Invasion Day" is expected to end up at the box office of about 100 million yuan. This reflects that Hollywood films are facing new challenges in the mainland market, and the audience's tastes are changing, no longer blindly chasing Hollywood special effects and big productions, but paying more attention to the plot and connotation of the film.

Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

And yesterday, the first-day box office of "Customs Front" was 24.4 million, and the single-day box office champion was "There is a Commissary in the Clouds", which has been released for many days, with the former accounting for 25.6% and the latter 23.2%. "Customs Front" has such a high schedule, but it does not have a corresponding high box office, which undoubtedly shows that it is not attractive enough to the audience, and few people watch it.

Now, "Customs Front" has been released for almost two days, and the cumulative total box office has just exceeded 30 million yuan. According to this trend, the domestic media predict that its final total box office will only be around 200 million yuan, and you must know that its production cost has exceeded 200 million. Such a result will inevitably bring huge losses to the filmmaker.

Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

The success of a movie depends more than just on the luxurious cast of actors and the huge publicity in the early stage. Admittedly, a strong cast can attract the initial attention of the audience, and well-planned upfront publicity can create buzz and buzz, but these are only superficial factors. What is more critical and decisive is the quality of the film itself, and whether it can really touch the hearts of the audience and resonate deeply with the audience.

A high-quality film should have a compelling plot, deep themes, superb production skills, and deep insights into human nature and social phenomena. Only in this way can the audience be immersed in the process of watching the movie, feel the charm of film art, and thus trigger emotional resonance and thinking.

Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

The failure of "Customs Front" undoubtedly sounded a heavy and alarming alarm for the entire film industry. It reminds all practitioners that they can't just rely on star effects and publicity stunts to attract audiences and ignore the essence of cinema.

In today's highly competitive market environment, the aesthetic level and needs of the audience are constantly improving, and the choices are becoming more and more diverse. If film creators are complacent, do not actively seek innovation and breakthroughs, and just blindly repeat the patterns and routines of the past, they will inevitably be eliminated by the market.

Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

Only by constantly innovating and daring to try new themes, new expressions and new narrative methods can we bring freshness and surprise to the audience. At the same time, every detail of the work is carefully polished, from the creation of the script to the shooting process, to the post-editing and production, we must strive for perfection and strive to achieve perfection.

Only in this way can we truly win the favor of the audience and the recognition of the market. The audience is not a fool, they can tell which ones are really created with heart and which ones are perfunctory and money-making works. Only those films that can touch the heart, provoke thought, and bring a unique experience can leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience, so as to spread the word of mouth and form a good reputation and box office results.

Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

It is hoped that future filmmakers will be able to deeply and comprehensively learn the lessons of similar films such as "Customs Front", and not be deceived and confused by short-term interests. We must always unswervingly adhere to the original intention and sacred mission of film creation, and regard it as the supreme pursuit to present high-quality works to the audience.

Creators should have a sense of awe for art, with sincere emotions and deep thinking, to bring more truly wonderful, profound and precious works to the audience. It is necessary to dig deep into the true meaning of life, show the brilliance and complexity of human nature, and reflect the changes and progress of society, so as to meet the growing and changing spiritual and cultural needs of the audience.

Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

Let us all be full of enthusiasm and expectation, and hope that the film market can once again burst out with vigor and vitality. More talented creators can devote themselves to it, show their unique creativity and talent, and constantly innovate to surprise and move the audience.

Let's hope that countless classics will emerge, which will not only cause a sensation and resonance in the present, but also stand the test of time and become artistic treasures for future generations.

Blindfolded! "Customs Front" had a box office of more than 24 million on the first day, losing to "There is a Commissary in the Clouds".

Let us work hand in hand and work together to promote the continuous progress of China's film industry, bravely scale new heights, pioneer and innovate, and break through ourselves. Let Chinese films shine more brightly on the world stage, move towards an incomparably brilliant tomorrow, and contribute a unique and powerful Chinese force to the development of global film culture.

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