
Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

author:Dream Explorer M
Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

Text\Dream Explorer M

Edit\Dream Explorer M

At today's Shanghai Magnolia TV Festival, the stars are shining, and many stars gather together, bringing us a visual feast. From the red carpet to the awards ceremony, every female star appeared in the best condition, which was dazzling. So, which actress is in the best shape on this starry night? Who is the most dazzling presence in the audience?

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

Teacher Yan Ni, 53 years old, today is really a clear stream on the red carpet! Look at her silver dress, dazzling, even brighter than lightning, instantly became the focus of the audience.

Her figure is really well maintained, with fair skin, thin waist and long legs, she is simply the spokesperson of youth! The shape of combing braids adds a touch of playful girlishness, which makes people feel brighter when they see it.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

Speaking of which, this kind of confidence and relaxation, Yan Ni really controls it just right. You see her and Tang Yan standing together waiting to receive the award, Tang Yan's tall figure looks like a tall pine tree, while Yan Ni seems to be waiting for the bus, looking leisurely, this contrast is simply unbearable. However, it is this spontaneous attitude that makes her more amiable and attractive.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

And when she is in the same frame as Zhou Xun, I really have to say that her light is simply dazzling! Some netizens couldn't help but say that Yan Ni completely overpowered Zhou Xun today, and such a domineering performance is really admirable.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

In the infield layout of this TV festival, we can see the "C-position debut" of some big names! Hu Ge and Tang Yan sat directly in the center of the first row, this is not a joke, it is obviously to show off a wave of aura! And Zhou Xun chose to sit in the back row of Tang Yan, probably because he wanted to be low-key and connotative, after all, this kind of big scene has its own way of playing.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

The most popular drama tonight is the battle between Tang Yan, Zhou Xun and Yan Ni, as well as the battle between Hu Ge and Fan Wei. It is said that some internal sources broke the news that Zhou Xun has a great chance to win the throne behind the scenes, and her strength and popularity are not covered! And the throne of Emperor Shi is almost in Hu Ge's bag, his acting skills and appearance are simply impeccable!

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

How do you say these awards are chosen? It's not about who has a lot of hype, nor is it about who is powerful, but really looking at the acting skills and influence. Zhou Xun's performance over the years has been quite stable, whether it is film and television dramas or public welfare activities, they are full of strength. The probability of her winning the award is as high as 99%, and the remaining 1% may be that the host made the wrong envelope.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

Hu Ge is a popular candidate for Emperor Shi, not only because of his appearance and "romantic" acting skills, but also because he can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people every time. From Mozi in "Langya Bang" to Mingtai in "The Pretender", his performance makes people watch and watch, think and think, he is really a male god among male gods!

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

To be honest, such a selection criterion can not only inspire people in the entertainment industry, but also convey a positive social value to the public. Don't just look at the glamorous appearance on the surface, but also look at the dedication and effort behind it.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

The competition between Tang Yan, Zhou Xun and Yan Ni is not only a competition of strength, but also an affirmation and encouragement for their careers. And the contest between Hu Ge and Fan Wei is a stage for the actors to show their strength and charm, which is really exciting and exciting!

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

The stars on the red carpet are like a feast in the fashion world, and everyone has their own performance and status. The focus tonight is none other than Yan Ni, she is 53 years old, but looking at her youthful vitality, it is simply open! Wearing a silver long skirt, the whole person exudes a sparkling aura, and the thin waist and long legs should not be underestimated, looking even more enchanting than some young girls!

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

Although Haiqing is six years younger than Yan Ni, there is something wrong with her state today. She chose a bright green bandeau dress, the green color is so bright that it makes people shine, but to be honest, her face is too "milky white steamed bun", right? It looks a bit like I've had too many beauty injections, and my face is so stiff that I don't even dare to laugh too hard.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

In contrast, Wang Ou seems to be in very good shape. The postpartum comeback is really both physical strength and appearance! Last year, I gave birth to a baby with He Jiuhua of Deyun Club, and now I am back on the red carpet all of a sudden, and there is no trace of having a child at all, I really admire!

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

Liu Yifei is also a big beauty, wearing a pink floral dress, although her figure is a little fatter, it does not affect her fairy spirit at all. She is on the same stage with Chen Xiao, the feeling of "Menghualu", nostalgia, it's really exciting!

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

But Chen Xiao's state is a different scene. Recently, the news of her divorce from Chen Yanxi was exposed, and her aura seems to be a little fierce, and her bald head is a little scary. Netizens are commenting on his fierce face, but the same stage with Liu Yifei still evokes the memories of many old fans, after all, they were simply radiant at that time!

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

On the red carpet, in addition to the stars who are fighting alone, there are several pairs of combinations that really light up when they see it! For example, Tong Dawei and Zhang Xiaofei, these two are simply full of temperament, and they are a natural match at first glance. Tong Dawei is very handsome, Zhang Xiaofei is beautiful and moving, standing together is simply electric eyes, so worthy of it!

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

And Tang Yan and Hu Ge are simply representatives of handsome men and beautiful women. Miss Tang Yan is dignified and elegant, and Brother Hu Ge is handsome, and the two stand on the red carpet together, just like a pair of aces in the movie!

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

Many fans are looking forward to them being able to win the Magnolia together tonight, and it is exciting to think about it, and the feeling of meeting at the top is like a wonderful performing arts feast.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

On such a starry night, every star is at their best, making it difficult to choose who is the best.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

But if you have to choose the most dazzling existence in the audience, then Teacher Yan Ni is undoubtedly the focus of tonight. She not only amazed the audience with her age-defying elegance and temperament, but also made people feel a different charm with her humor and naturalness.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

As for whether Tang Yan and Hu Ge can get the Magnolia Emperor and the Queen together, and see each other at the top, we will wait and see.

Magnolia red carpet! Haiqing's face was swollen into a "milky white steamed bun", Yan Nimei turned over, and Wang Ou made a comeback after giving birth.

No matter what the result is, tonight's Shanghai Magnolia TV Festival is undoubtedly a feast for the eyes and souls, allowing us to once again witness the prosperity of the domestic TV drama industry and the charm of the stars.

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