
A 5-year-old boy jokingly shouted "son" at a neighbor man, was kicked in the back of the head and kicked in the temple!


What I want to report for you today is a bizarre incident that happened in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province.

Originally, it was just an ordinary day. Xiao Ming, a 5-year-old child, laughed and played with his friends in the community as usual. No one expected that an unintentional joke would cause him to be severely beaten and almost seriously injured.

A 5-year-old boy jokingly shouted "son" at a neighbor man, was kicked in the back of the head and kicked in the temple!

At around 7:40 p.m. that day, when Xiao Ming was playing in the community playground, he saw a man in his 30s passing by and shouted "son" to him. Unexpectedly, this man was so enraged that he went up and grabbed Xiao Ming and kicked him fiercely. first kicked Xiao Ming to the ground, and when Xiao Ming wanted to stand up, he kicked Xiao Ming in the back of the head again.

A 5-year-old boy jokingly shouted "son" at a neighbor man, was kicked in the back of the head and kicked in the temple!

Afterwards, Xiao Ming's head and eye socket were left with obvious scars, and the skin of his right eye socket was severely bruised. According to the records of the hospital's medical certificate, Xiao Ming suffered multiple traumatic injuries to his head, face and eyes.

A 5-year-old boy jokingly shouted "son" at a neighbor man, was kicked in the back of the head and kicked in the temple!

The violence shocked the entire community, and Xiao Ming's mother, Ms. Zhang, was furious. She said that her son just made a small joke unintentionally at that time, and there was no malice at all. But the man was too rough for a 5-year-old. What's even more terrifying is that he had a 3-year-old daughter present at the time, and he actually did this kind of hurtful behavior in front of the child.

A 5-year-old boy jokingly shouted "son" at a neighbor man, was kicked in the back of the head and kicked in the temple!

Not only that, but Xiao Ming's psychological trauma after the incident was also very serious. Ms. Zhang said that the next day the child kept talking about headaches and would wake up from nightmares at night, which seemed to be very frightened. As a mother, she felt very sad and scared.

A 5-year-old boy jokingly shouted "son" at a neighbor man, was kicked in the back of the head and kicked in the temple!

What's even more bizarre is that, according to Ms. Zhang, the man is usually kind to Xiao Ming, and sometimes even teases the children for fun. But this time, he suddenly broke out with such a ferocious side.

At present, Ms. Zhang has reported the case to the local police station. The staff of the police station said that they are investigating the case and that the man will be dealt with in accordance with the law once the facts are clarified.

A 5-year-old boy jokingly shouted "son" at a neighbor man, was kicked in the back of the head and kicked in the temple!

The man's actions have undoubtedly violated the law. According to the analysis of legal experts, if Xiao Ming's injuries are identified as minor, the man is likely to be convicted of intentional injury; If the injury is minor, it will also be punished with at least administrative detention. In addition, Ms. Zhang can also ask the man to compensate Xiao Ming for financial losses such as medical expenses.

A 5-year-old boy jokingly shouted "son" at a neighbor man, was kicked in the back of the head and kicked in the temple!

However, what is even more distressing is that such heinous acts of violence can occur in a neighborhood. It is disturbing that a child's unintentional words can cause an adult to retaliate with such hatred.

A friendly community environment is supposed to be the safest place for children. But now, this tranquility has been shattered for no reason. Perhaps, each of us should reflect on this incident and how to get along in a more tolerant and civilized way, so that the home can regain its original warmth.

A 5-year-old boy jokingly shouted "son" at a neighbor man, was kicked in the back of the head and kicked in the temple!

In short, let's look forward to the announcement of the results of the investigation, and wish Xiao Ming a speedy recovery and an early resolution of the incident. At the same time, we should also remind everyone that whether it is for children or others, we should uphold the most basic respect, do not hurt others, and resolve conflicts in a rational and inclusive way. Only in this way can our society go further and further.

(Disclaimer: The content of this article, videos, pictures, and articles are all from the Internet and are for reference only!) If there is any doubt about the incident, delete or change it immediately after contacting!! )